Friday, November 23, 2018

This Week in Wrenball: Muppet Babies Take Manhattan

I'm generally aligned with the pessimists in my sporting fandom. Years of fruitless Red Sox and Tribe hoops rooting will do that to a fellow. With a 1-4 start to W&M's basketball season, one might expect me to fall into the 'same old sorry ass Tribe' camp. Not me. Not this year.

Oh, I have no illusions about Tony Shaver's squad. The out of conference schedule is going to bring some pain. Starting Saturday, W&M's remaining non-con run goes St. Joseph's, at Marshall, George Mason, at ODU, at Hampton, William Peace (I don't know what that is any more than you do, but I'm guessing it's a D-III cupcake), and at UVA. If the Tribe enters CAA play better than 3-9, that'll be a surprise.

But even if they don't, the foundation being built as the squad suffers gives me reason for optimism.

These guys are coming...
The current 1-4 mark has been built on equal parts injuries to key players and the inexperience of their replacements, with a soupçon of Nathan Knight foul trouble that allowed Illinois-Chicago to top the Tribe. Those injuries (to juniors Justin Pierce and Matt Milon, W&M's top rebounder and second- leading scorer, and best outside shooter, as well as senior Paul Rowley, a consistent deep stroke who brings useful post depth - the three have missed a combined eight games) and the concomitant need for young ballers to play significant minutes are a blessing in disguise.

Through five games, freshmen have played 46.3% of W&M's minutes, scored 31.1% of the team's points, grabbed 33.9% of the rebounds, and tallied 50% of the squad's assists and blocks. First-year guard L.J. Owens is W&M's fourth-leading scorer, averaging 10.6 points on 42.1% three-point shooting. Fellow frosh Thornton Scott is second in assists, while Chase Audige averages 6.8 ppg, 2 boards, and 1.2 assists in 24.4 minutes per game. All told, four freshman average more than 13 minutes, with 6'9" big Mekhel Harvey getting 8.8.

...but we need these three
When you play that many kids, you get predictable results, but W&M led Notre Dame in South Bend with fewer than nine minutes to play, took Big South defending champ Radford to the wire, and narrowly lost in overtime to Illinois-Chicago (in a game Knight played only 14 minutes due to foul trouble and Pierce sprained his ankle in the extra period).

Knight's junior season, UIC loss excepted, has started as expected. The 6'10 junior from Syracuse is averaging 19 points and 7 boards, shooting 59% from the floor and 84% from the line. He'll be the focus of every defense the Tribe plays. Which will be a good thing for Pierce, once he returns from injury. The junior wing is leading W&M in scoring and rebounding, averaging a double-double in the three games he's played (22.3 points and 11.3 rebounds). As good as Knight is, Pierce might wind up the best player on the team.

Eventually, after all those years of rooting in vain, the Red Sox broke through. This may not be the Tribe team that does the same, but don't let the early season fool you. These kids are (gonna be) alright.


  1. That’s the boy. Keep ‘em flying.
    —Col. George Taylor

  2. Gheorghe The Barf carries on strong today. Our youngest just barfed a bottle of yoo-hoo that she consumed last night. Some friends of ours, for some reason, brought over a 12-pak of the stuff.

  3. Great post btw...glad to see Tribe hoops updates are back and back strong.
    I failed to add that my daughter puked on her way to the toilet, all over the bathroom floor. It was then she yelled, "I threw up!". I walked in and there she was standing over the puke, looking at it. And then again, she hurled in the same spot....with the toiled a mere 4' away. Good times. Fortunately my wife was here to clean it up. She's a keeper.

  4. On Tuesday as I was battling the yaks, I so stupidly went to work, thinking I was through the woods. As it turned out, I was so mid-woods I couldn't *not* see the forest for the many, many trees between me and sweet freedom. I was at work an hour and then raced out. I drove the 20.5 miles from my office towards home at an AJ Foytian pace until I threw up in a Vesuvian display that would be impressive were it not so disgusting and painful.

    I live 20.6 miles from my office. My poor car.

    I will say that a plastic grocery bag, the scourge of the planet for us environmentally supportive folks, saved my car from further regurgitory devastation. Filled that sucker up full. And then some, unfortunately.

    I paid an ex-gf a tidy sum to clean my car while I was trapped in the BR-to-BA loop. Couldn't let that horribleness set. She also brought me some Gatorade.

    Another sweet gal brought me saltines and ginger ale. For her trouble I apparently gave her what I was sure was food poisoning but now seems more like a bug. Ruined her holiday travel plan, and her kids now have it. No good deed goes unpunished.

    Look out, gheorghies. This shit is for real. I'm still licking my wounds. Which may be how I caught the bug to begin with...

  5. How, pray tell, did that phone call in search of car detailing services from your former ladyfriend unfold? That’s some serious game, especially from a sick man.

  6. “Hey girl, it’s me. How you been? I’ve got a terrible stomach bug and I puked all over my car. You wanna come over and clean it up? In five minutes? Thanks boo. Yeah sure, if I can muster the strength. You gotta clean the car first though.”

    That’s a heavy pimp hand.

  7. I did pay her, Z. In my own inimitable way. (Venmo)

    But yeah. I'm just hoping she doesn't get sick. I would feel bad.

    Also, I drove it yesterday and it wasn't exactly barf-spotless.

  8. She gave it the old Winston Wolf treatment, did she? Smart girl.

    Money or not, it’s still impressive to have the Ball’s to even make that call. Much less make it work. Bravo, Whitney.

    This is the third straight year someone in my extended family has gotten the stomach bug just before Thanksgiving. My Dad two years ago, my nephew last year. My kid this year. The kid caught it from my nephew last year and then I got it from her. If I get it again I’m leaving the region for Thanksgiving next year.

  9. Also, I feel awful for McKenzie Milton.

  10. Just gonna throw out that Team TR has skipped town 3 of the last 4 Thaksgivings. We did it for the first time after our kids' last grandparent passed in early 2015. Has been a random set of destinations: Denver, Miami and Costa Rica. No shopping, cooking or dishes.

    For what it's worth, November is a fantastic time for CR. It's listed as the end of the rainy season, but the Pacific Coast has amazing weather. You can fly direct from the US to Liberia, which is an hour from the Pacific. Or you can fly to the capital if you want to see the rain forest or the southern coast.

    Our second time here. Great people, safe environment and amazing terrain.

  11. My God. Virginia found every possible way to lose that game.

  12. Costa Rica is tremendous. . It’s every surfer in Florida’s favorite spot because it’s a short flight, the waves are great in many different spots, it’s cheap and the locals are cool.

  13. On paper, we get the two best CFB games of the weekend tonight.

  14. Virginia, wow. I bet on UVA....could not have been more confident. They simply gave it to them to spite me.

    Between our girl being sick, oldest w a sprained ankle, some rain, and a hangover, this has been the laziest family day ever. I actually watched the entirety of the Phil Tiger match. Phil won in extra innings. Overall it was really pretty boring, but that didn’t stop me from watching 5 hours worth. #notwinning

  15. the puke cleaning ex....that is something. That call recorded by chance? That’d be gold.

  16. In my town, there is a place that does an amazing detailing job for ~$200. That would be my call. I’m guessing Whit paid less, but did not get a total clean.

  17. Today was actually quite productive for us despite a kid on the mend and me still not fully back from my bout of sickness. Other than the tree the house is fully decorated for xmas. Both adults got a workout in and we finished all the laundry we had to do as a result of our house briefly becoming an infirmary. Settled in for a late dinner, football and booze.

  18. diverse thanksgivinging by the gheorghies. i appreciate your dedication to family. and booze. definitely booze. just poured some blue mountain dark hollow imperial stout for my brother-in-law and myself. we both deserve it.

  19. The O/U in Oklahoma-West Virginia finished at 86.5. They’re gonna break 100.

  20. I undershot it. 94 points at the end of 3.

  21. Pour some out for Bob McNair. Or don’t, b/c he was a racist, sexist dickhead.

  22. dave is back! dave was gone?

  23. That’s quite the early Hi Gheorghies for a Friday night.

  24. some fun sportsing happening this evening

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Kyler Murray is an unbelievable athlete. I kinda wish we could see him give both sports a try at the professional level.

  27. huge news in the gtb family, kids. sentence of dave is no more. long live sentence of dave.

  28. Mark, headed to Momofuku today with the fam

  29. Blessed. Get an extra brisket bao for me.

  30. Bryce Harper is a huge Ohio State fan!?! Of course he is. From Vegas, lives in DC but is a Yankees, Cowboys, Duke basketball, Ohio State football fan...Douchebag.

  31. driving around my little town, minding my own business, listening to the ohio state/michigan game. ian fitzsimmons comes on to offer his informed take on harbaugh's decision to chase points and go for two. says, 'analytics is ruining our game', and that 'football math' tells him that the wolverines should've kicked the extra point in the first half. big, dumb, macho fuckery. every 'analytics' geek would've said the same thing, but because harbaugh made a bad decision, it must be the fault of the computer geebles. few things in sports make me more irritated than fake tough-guy anti-data because nerrrrrds takes.

    i don't wonder why i watch a lot more soccer these days.

  32. All I do these days is eat drink shit and bone. Occasionally I write rhymes.

  33. When Bama slaughters Georgia, does that mean OU or OSU sneaks in As the #4 seed? I don’t think either team is remotely worthy.

  34. bama's got work to do before they started worrying about georgia. sleepwalking through a rivalry game ain't a great look.

  35. tribe got all their upperclassmen back from injury, but it's not stopping them from getting mauled by st. joe's.

  36. I quite enjoyed my team’s rivalry game today.

  37. tribe came back from 20 down to beat st. joe's. that's what i'm talking about. didn't think we'd win that one. sonsabitches are gonna get my hopes up, aren't they?

  38. I’ve exchanged texts with multiple G:TBers today that I’ve only met through G:TB. This place really is a blessing.

  39. Some set of eyebrows on this QB for USC.

  40. I’m quite excited for the reboot of Narcos.

  41. The back-to-back Mark/Marls comments there are vintage GTB. Honest sentiment and camaraderie countered with observation about eyebrows. This is who we are.

  42. I misread the tweet I saw and thought the Tribe beat St Johns. Still, beating St Joes is damn good. I keep rooting for y’all and hoping for an ncaa tourney berth. One day.

  43. The Dwight Howard 30 for 30 is gonna be something.

  44. OT in College Station. Oregeron got a Gatorade bath and the game was over...until replay overturned it. A&M ties it up at the buzzer.

  45. One of the crazier regulation endings I’ve ever seen.

  46. If any of you are awake I direct you to the SEC Network.

  47. I watched the 3rd OT in taxi on way home. Impressive footballing.

  48. 4th OT and my wife is drawing Grinch sketches on our aquarium. How are we married?

  49. 5th overtime. These guys are not into me waking up before 10 am tomorrow.

  50. You can watch the 5th OT at home TR. I wanna go to bed.

  51. Mini summit with FsOGTB JCKOS and Spfecktch. The Uber in was insanely reckless. The Uber home was insanely timid. On average I had a fine Uber experience.

  52. Don't tell us Z...tell the app.

  53. So you did not throw up in OR of the Uber?

  54. Meanwhile, I’ve been trading texts with Mark about bourbon and octopus and Jordan XI slippers. A good night overall. And both zkids are out of the house so I might get a good night’s sleep.

  55. I did not barf but JCKOS’s wife almost did. The driver was one of those guys who likes to jabstep on the gas then back off, jabstep and back off over and over without getting over 45 MPH even on the highway. And he would not turn the fan on to get air circulating. And we were packed into a Prius.

  56. 7 OTs is pretty ridiculous. I value my shoe and food text thread with Z. We’re probably not super healthy for one another.
