Sunday, November 25, 2018

G:TB After Dark

Every now and again, the stars align and a couple of Gheorghies, or a gaggle, find themselves convening a virtual mini-summit in the comments. These are among the many little things that have kept our silly little internet salon vital for 15 years. These, inertia, and a collective sense of whimsy and unwillingness to dedicate ourselves to anything more important. (Can you imagine the books we could've written by this point if we'd made the same effort? Setting aside the fact that those books would be terrible.)

And so, in celebration of G:TB After Dark, please enjoy Maroon Five performing at Peach Pit After Dark.

If you'd like to go down this rabbit hole, here are seven more bands that played at Peach Pit After Dark, featuring The Flaming Lips and Color Me Badd. Not at the same time.

And if all this makes you hungry and thirsty for a cheesy homage, there's a Peach Pit After Dark-themed restaurant in Chicago. No word on whether Jennie Garth is there.


  1. nobody tell shlara, but texas tech just fired koach kliff

  2. Jags will not win another game this year.

  3. Way to go out on a limb! I have another prediction - Fournette will not make the Pro Bowl.

  4. I like the old Bronco uniforms better than their current ones.

  5. Wait, what? And the Tribe just named a new coach so there’s no chance we’re getting Coach Kliff...

  6. Also, LeBron’s 3-part doc “shut up and dribble” is good. Add it to your binge watching list

  7. Pour some out for Ricky Jay, the audience for William H. Macy’s famous “my wife is down there with an ass in her cock” line in Boogie Nights.

  8. Thanks TR. Hard to believe there are only 5 games left, and no patsies on the schedule other than themselves.
    I've got tix to this Sunday's game. Yippee. Will probably try and sell or donate them to someone.

  9. Nathaniel Hackett, Jags OC, unemployed.

  10. I organized a 3rd grade basketball team for my younger guy in a nearby town. It offers a more competitive league than rec. I ordered unis. Our town’s colors are blue and white. I went with all black and am going to have the kids wear black socks. I am very excited about this. Not sure any other parents are.

  11. It's sardonically amusing to me that The Faces' "Ooh La La" is now a soundtrack to an Amazon commercial evoking sentimentality with the 30 second story of fatherly/daughterly love... when the song's lyrics are utterly misogynistic and the things the protagonist and his grandfather are really sad that they didn't know about until it was too late are "women's ways" (and how they will trap you and use you).

    It's a great song, and it's the best Ron Wood vocal achievement, but still. Not ideal usage.

  12. Thinking about the Old 97's gig in Richmond a week from Thursday. Anyone interested? Tix are $20.

  13. I've been on a Faces/ Small Faces kick lately. Some truly balls out rock n' roll from those blokes.

    Also, Maroon 5 clip was mercifully short. They were playing some sort of Final Four event a couple of years ago, and it was way off pitch in the worst way.

  14. I dig the Faces a lot. Bad n’ Ruin is one of my favorite songs of all time.

  15. You can really hear why Ronnie Wood had to be Mick Taylor's replacement in the Stones. Nobody else could have brought the right ratio of raw, bluesy, boozy and English.

  16. Hard to believe he has been a Stone for six times longer than Brian Jones.

  17. Your favorite swarthy stock prognosticator may be on CNBC b/w 10-1030 today.

  18. love "ooh la la" at the end of rushmore. much better usage.

  19. Temperatures dropping into the low 40s here tonight. Coldest it’s been in 8 months.

  20. The Bourdain episode on the Lower East Side (Season 12, Episode 7) is fantastic.
