Friday, October 26, 2018

What Car Should a Gheorghie Drive -- Marls Edition

I made a lot of decisions in college, the vast majority of which were bad. A handful were good, including my steadfast determination to rush Marls. Even back then he wasn't much to look at, he was generically northern and physically blocky. He didn't jump out at you like some other rushees did, but that was fine with me. I was always concerned with what was going on under the surface.

Parenthetically, I remember a discussion early on in my sophomore year where a rush candidate's name came up and one of his strongest attributes raised by his sponsor was "He's the fastest guy on the rugby team." This, of course, enraged one of our brothers who proclaimed "I'm the fasted guy on the rugby team!!" To which I thought to myself, "Is this really how the sausage is made here, at the tightest brotherhood on campus?" I was much more concerned with people's character, whether I wanted to drink a beer with them, whether I could rely on them, rather than their footspeed. Luckily, Pi Lam sausage contains multitudes--our sausages are yoodge.

Looking past Marls' staid appearance and bad hygiene, I saw that he had a ton of heart, a motor that wouldn't quit, and a snarky Yankee attitude. He was clearly the type of guy who you could rely on when you needed help. He comes up big, some might say bigly, and unexpectedly so. He outkicks his coverage. Nowadays he showers regularly and wears (relatively) clean clothes. His "set the clippers on one" haircut and lawyerly attire present a no-nonsense mien, but he's still the same fratty powerhouse underneath that unremarkable shell. Despite his Teutonic heritage he is, in a word, a mensch.

Marls should drive a 1993 Mercedes 500E, black with black leather, and with the windows tinted as much as the Virginia DMV will allow.

W-124 is the internal code name Mercedes-Benz used for their E-class cars produced between 1985 and 1996. These are considered to be some of the best-made cars of all time. They routinely last for 300,000 miles. They are preposterously reliable. They have a cult following not unlike our President*. In fact, I work with a guy who has at least four W-124s: a 300TE wagon (in this insane non-metallic pistachio green that makes me lose all decorum every time I see it in the garage), a 300CE cabriolet (also non-metallic green, but deeper, a coniferous color), a 300E sedan (non-metallic maroon) and a black over black 500E with tinted windows. They are all fucking glorious.

If you don't care about cars, the 500E doesn't look like much, just another old Benz. Turns out that the 500E is the result of an unholy alliance between MB and Porsche. For reasons I don't completely understand, Mercedes turned to the boys from Zuffenhausen to help them turn the W-124 platform into a hotrod. Mercedes wanted to put their 322 hp 5.0L V8 from their SL roadster into an E class, and Porsche had to modify the body and undercarriage so much that the car was too wide to be manufactured in MB's facility, so Porsche had to build it in their plant.

Porsche didn't fuck with robots back then, so they built the 500E by hand. So that boring old Benz you see on this page? That's the first Porsche four-door sedan, engineered and bolted together manually, one screw at a time by Porsche engineers. Can't say that about the Panamera. They didn't make a lot of these, about ten thousand, and most people don't even appreciate them when they see them in the flesh. But if you take the time to look under the hood of a 500E, you'll realize it's something special.

Make no mistake, the 500E will eat a Boxster's lunch in a straight line and in the twisties, and it's comfortable as hell so you can take your clients to dinner. It is in all likelihood the best all-around car from the analog age, and the cops won't hate on you for driving it. We probably won't see anything like it ever again--a family sedan from one of the premiere mass-market luxury manufacturers of all time, engineered and assembled by hand by the best German sports car firm ever. And it's a goddamn Benz made back when Benz really cared about being Benz, which means it's more solid than a bank vault and you know your kid will be safe in the back seat no matter what.

The 500E will take care of you and yours, and kick everyone else's ass if it has to. That's what Marls should drive.


  1. Thanks Z. Very kind and mostly undeserved words.

    I love this car. When I was in law school, I parked cars at a Brooklyn steakhouse, and their long island outpost, for extra money. There was a guy who came in almost every Sunday night on his way back from the Hamptons who had a 500E. He claimed the car would go 150 miles an hour. The valets never took the car on a Ferris Bueller like jaunt. In retrospect, that would appear to be a mistake on our part.

  2. This also remains the greatest reoccurring feature in G:TB history.

  3. I consumed a not insignificant amount of rye before writing this and upon reflection it gets a bit overly aggressive at the end there, but I think you get the point.

    I'm trying to keep the cars relatively attainable. The 500E can run a bit pricier than Whit's Impala or TR's C3, but affordable clean examples are out there, like this high-mileage example on BaT right now:

    You can take the train to Boston to pick it up, hang out with Squeaky, then hoon it down the east coast.

  4. Get that car Marls - Z has nailed it again!

  5. Not for nothin', Marls is pretty classy. At least his Zcar is.

  6. Terrific on many levels. Great stuff Z.

  7. I love these recurring posts, too. Really terrific stuff.
    And this is the car I want - the wagon version. When we were buying last year, I told my husband, and I think you guys, that I wanted a 30 year old Benz or Volvo station wagon...he nixed the idea. And we went with the new Subaru from our mutual friend in VA. And BTW, we love it. It's great! But if we could find the Benz wagon like you describe here...well, that would be too cool!
    And that post from y'all's reporter friend on W&M coach - excellent, too!
    And congrats, Rob, on your new job. Hope it's going well.

  8. greater than 'bite me, randy newman' and 'random teej image filler'? aggressive call, marls.

    it's most excellent. i just want to know what z's gonna do when we've gone through all the gheorghies. 'what car should (insert celebrity x) drive'? the sean mcdermott episode will be epic.

  9. Then we will come up with the next "best recurring feature ever."

    Get crackin'.

  10. Or "reoccurring," if that's your bag

  11. So according to Les Internets, a certain Gwendora Ghee, a New Yorker in her 50's, is the current owner of the land line (718) 498-1043. To be the Gheorghe Star of the Day, if you call her number, for whom should you actually ask?

    Also, it's too easy to find information about people online. Not that I have anything to hide, but still...

  12. The “What would Mr. Truck drive?” installment is going to be off the hook.

  13. There is no way that Gwendora doesn’t get 29 calls a day asking for Janice.

  14. We are getting a Mercedes? Woo hoo! Thanks, Z! I agree with this assessment!

  15. The next Mrs. Whitney is equally excited about my '69 Chevy Impala. Roomy in the back for some hot action and all.

  16. The extension of this is a series of mini versions that highlight cars for our most high-profile rushees that fizzled out. Graham W, Butros Butros Batra, Brandon the jail bird, any/all Neases, the Dounger, etc.

  17. Don’t you slag Dirty Neas in my presence, TR

  18. Fair point, Whit. Not meant as a rip on him. That was meant as more of a joke about some of the more, um, eclectic younger rushees.

  19. we didn't have any rush flakes back in the olden days. i guess we were better judges of character.

  20. I think he meant Young Old days.

  21. yeah, the days when we rushed chris old.

  22. hey gheorghies

    Everybody be careful out there this weekend. There’s some crazy shit going down in this world. Live well.


    P.S. Havent even started drinking!

  23. Z - What do you think that 500E should go for?

  24. My guess is between $15k-$20k but what do I know. Note that it has $46k in service records since 2011 so it hasn’t been cheap to own.

  25. Golden State was down 10 to the Knicks late in the 3rd. They won by 28.

  26. it was a 35-6 run over the final 7:46. that's...i don't even know what that is.

  27. The Knicks may be worse than the nicks.

  28. That’s the Knicks but it’s also the most prolific offensive basketball team any of us have ever seen. I’ve decided I’m just going to pay a bunch of money to sit close and see the Warriors in person in some really good seats this year. I love basketball too much to not see this up close.

  29. Why is Mary Hart doing the robot?

  30. Hi Gheorghies.
    Is that really Mary Hart?

  31. i'm the fastest guy on the rugby team!

  32. thus i challenge marls to a post-tortuga's race next year. 20 yards, not two miles.

  33. Dave - that reference was not about me. For an English teacher your reading comprehension is low.

    That said, I’ll be happy to race you 20 yards next summer. We can do it right after tennis.

  34. Before the trip to the Radish.

  35. One of my few non sports fan friends is getting married today. I’m trying not to be bitter about having to miss some (or most) of Florida-Georgia but man oh man it’s tough.

  36. as a matter of course, i change the channel or turn down the volume whenever trump's visage/voice comes within the range of eye/earshot. this afternoon, i forced myself to watch his impromptu tarmac press conference about the shootings in pittsburgh.

    i've been angry about a lot over the past two years. i don't think i've ever been as angry as i am right now. he literally said that the synagogue should've had better protection. that guns were the answer to stopping guns. i was screaming at the television.

    this isn't healthy for me. and it isn't healthy for america. we'll be rid of trump at some point. i truly don't know if we can recover from him, though.

  37. After he wins in 2020 DJT Jr. will win in 2024. Then Ivanka will take over in 2032.

  38. My kids have been nagging me about seeing a scary movie. I rented Poltergeist today. They were all cool for a while, saying it was creepy but not scary, and making fun of the special effects.

    And then the clown scene happened. They shut up after that. I fully expect both to retreat to our bed tonight, and to not nag us for a scary movie again for a while.

  39. I’m surprised you didn’t pick a movie with noodity.

  40. Poltergeist did it to me as a kid. So did The Shining.

  41. Many of you probably care very little about Kentucky football. But they have an amazing talented edge rusher named Josh Allen. He is a Khalil Mack/Von Miller type. 9 tackles, 2 sacks and a forced fumble today. He has kept his Wildcats in the game today w/ a ton of big plays.

  42. Holy crap. The end of that Kentucky-Missouri game was amazing. Kentucky was almost dead, down 14-3 w/ about six mins left. They then had a punt return for a TD, and ended up forcing Missouri into their 8th straight 3-and-out. When they got the ball back, they went 80 yds in about 90 seconds. They were helped by a PI call in the end zone with no time left. They got one more play from the 2-yd line with no time on the clock and scored.

  43. I thought Josh Allen went to Wyoming and left last year.

  44. Because I watch entirely too much SEC Football I am aware of the good Josh Allen. He killed Florida earlier this season.

    I also watched the end of Kentucky-Mizzou at Vitas’s house after Florida- Georgia ended. An absolute gut punch of a loss for Mizzou. Kentucky did next to nothing on offense all day. So much so that they pulled their starting QB and their star tailback got into a heated argument with the coaches in the third quarter which resulted in him being benched as well (both came back in the game).

    Then they scored two 4th quarter TDs and won the game on an untimed down. Wow. Kentucky-Georgia for the SEC East next Saturday. Biggest Kentucky football game since...?

  45. Mark did the heavy lifting for me on that topic. My oldest decided he was a KU fan last spring and has been all over their teams. Seemed uberfutile until their football team started rolling this year. We have watched almost all of their games. They may be a Top 10 team on Monday. Unbelievable.

    Their D is stout, but I can’t see their one-dimensional offense getting anything going against UGA.

  46. It’s UK, yankee. Anywho, you’re right about the UGA game. Tough for me to see their offense doing enough to get a win. I’ll be rooting for them though which is quite rare.

  47. alert tr: tribe soccer headed to overtime against #10 uncw

  48. The Fighting Brett Blizzards!

  49. Alert rr: tribe lost in OT, will sneak into CAA soccer tourney as one of the two bottom seeds.

  50. The curse was worth it for what has happened post curse, right? I’m speaking for the Red Sox fans...let's say...under 70. I mean this is ridiculous.

  51. Like, if the Magic win 2-4 titles during the winter of my life I’m probably good with this Amway sponsored shit show that I’ve watched since high school. Am I crazy?

  52. Twitter says that Billy Joel is playing/singing Monster Mash at MSG. Legend.

  53. I am the youngest Gheorghie but I believe I have the youngest child. This child raising shit is some real bullshit. Holy hell. 10 years ago TJ was carving up fake fruit so we could get high. Tonight I’m enforcing curfews. Son of a...
