Sunday, October 28, 2018

Game, Blouses

The NBA's now-annual City Edition uniform program gave us some dope togs last year. Utah's, in particular, was inspired. And Milwaukee's was pretty killer, too.

 But none may be as good as this year's Minnesota Timberwolves' City Edition gear.

Inspired by the Twin Cities' most famous musical resident (with apologies to Husker Du), the Wolves' kits feature a font that looks just like that on Prince's Purple Rain album cover.

I don't care what the rest of the uniform looks like. I only want to see these standing in the purple rain.

(We already had a Game Blouses label. We're the best.)


  1. In response to Mark’s question about the Sox and his Magic, yes. I know a Bostonian who was 80 when the Sox won in 2004 and he was elated beyond belief. He continued to get just as riled up for their subsequent titles. Soldiering through decades of losing makes victory that much sweeter.

    I must say though, for a long time there it was much easier to be a Yankee fan.

  2. Shouldn’t the plural of blouse be blice?

  3. Mark’s last comment from the last post... amen, brother. My little baby girl is now driving 30 minutes to her boyfriend’s house at night. I used to go out with his mom in the ‘80s. If these kids are doing anything 10% as mischievous as we did, yikes. This shit is surreal.

  4. mark's question is probably post-worthy. i am not as invested in the day to day drama of a baseball season these days, but i don't know if it's a function of the sox' recent success, or the fact that i'm a grown ass man with teenaged kids and a lot of shit going on in my life. i know for sure that i still care - the hammering of my heart watching craig kimbrel try to close last night's game and the subsequent involuntary leap off the couch and scream of joy is a testament.

    i'm pretty sure i wrote in 2004 that the pain was worth the pleasure. i think i still agree with that. but it's cool to have the pleasure again. and hopefully again tonight.

  5. i'm not gonna comment publicly (or here) about what my daughter is doing with her boyfriend, but it requires a lot of willful ignorance on my part. she's 17, so i've gotta let her be her. but that part isn't covered in the parenting manual.

  6. No mass murders yet today! We’re off to a great start.

  7. I badly wanted the Jazz city edition shorts from last year but Nike never put them on sale. They were, IMO, the second best shorts of that collection. The beat belonged to the Heat and I have those. I’ll be buying those Timberwolves shorts if they go on sale.

  8. Packers’s defense looks preposterously good.

  9. Mo Alie-Cox caught a TD pass today. VCU basketball!

  10. Wife and I are up to Episode 5 of Maniac and still no Sembello. I don’t get it.

  11. in 2004, my second daughter was 7 months old when the red sox won the world series. she sat beside me on the couch tonight for the last three innings. that was very cool.

  12. you guys need to read "boom town." book of the year. it's about oklahoma city . . . the thunder and everything else, historical, flaming lips, tornadoes, etc. so good, and so much fun to read.
