Sunday, October 14, 2018


The Nicks were the one of the worst basketball teams in the history of organized sport. Long live the Nicks.

For the uninitiated, the Nicks were our fraternity's novelty intramural squad, comprised of players 5'9" and under, with the exception of Whitney, who is 6'5", but plays like he's 5'7". In my senior season, we made the mistake of actually having a couple of small dudes who could play a little bit, and we won a couple of regular season games, which landed us in a first-round intramural tournament matchup against The 250s, made up of offensive linemen on the W&M football squad. That didn't go so well for us.


I thought of the Nicks today when I came across a tweet by Kendall Cross, an Olympic wrestling champion. He was at the Georgian wrestling team's camp in advance of the world championships, where he captured this video:

We've already established the Nicks' bonafides as purveyors of awful basketball. But the single worst player in the history of the Nicks was Doug Mazzoni, a W&M wrestler, whirlish dervish, Tazmanian Devil of a fellow, on and off the court. He would fit right in with these gleeful Georgian (and Gheorghian) goofballs.


  1. I should show this to Nick.

  2. Mazzoni’s set shot relied on the fact that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

  3. I refuse to believe that Colin Kapernick or Tim Tebow are worse than Nathan Peterman.

  4. Peterman has 9 career INT on 9 career pass attempts. That’s 11.4% of his passes resulting in turnovers.

  5. You’d be better off w/ J. Peterman at this point.

  6. Randomly kid free on a Sunday night due to school being closed for Columbus Day tomorrow. I know it was last Monday but...Florida. Anywho, this all happened last minute so I didn’t take tomorrow off. Still feel like I need to have a few though. I kids...

  7. The Nicks were the best team of misfits.

    Caps online auction going on right now:

    Bunch of signed stuff from the Caps and some other hockey greats. Also Rooney signed DC United jersey for the football minded.

  8. worlds colliding this evening as the unwnt seeks to qualify for the 2019 womens world cup. our ladies are playing against jamaica. the reggae girls' starting goalkeeper is named sidney schneider. she plays goalkeeper for unc wilmington, which is mildly interesting. more interesting is the fact that she's a graduate of south brunswick high school, which means she probably crossed paths with east brunswick high school, home of beloved eccentric english teacher and gheorghie mr. pellicane.
