Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Stuff You Slept On, Alternatively Titled "layzman's post" -- Whitney Edition

The hits keep pouring in. Here's what Whitney had to say:

Peter Gabriel
Peter Gabriel (Melt)

Peter Gabriel is a curious fellow. He was the star of the art-house theater show that Genesis was in the early 70’s. Then he saw a Bruce Springsteen show and broke from that act to go solo, as diarized in “Solsbury Hill.” His first four solo albums were all called Peter Gabriel, which he explained as being like issues of the same magazine. Weird, confusing, and a mess to catalog. Thanks, Pete.

His first two albums were interesting but spotty, like G:TB. Experimental sounds and oddities, but drifting into pop/rock more than his Genesis stuff. And then, somewhat out of nowhere, he released his third eponymously titled record in 1980. It’s come to be known as “Melt,” because of the graphic on the cover which features half of his face melting. The picture is interesting; the album is a keeper.

It starts with a creepy song about B&E, with former bandmate Phil Collins drumming out something pretty spooky. There are songs about blacking out, an assassin’s POV, Stephen Biko’s murder, and “a commentary on war and international diplomacy being like children's games.” Titles such as “No Self-Control,” “And Through the Wire,” “Not One of Us,” and “Lead a Normal Life.” His record company thought he was having a mental breakdown and dumped him. PG is an odd bird.

Fortunately, up-and-comer David Geffen’s new company scooped him up. The album is listenable start to finish with nary a dud. He makes the weirdness work, and this is the genesis, if you will, of the sound that gave him the hit “Shock the Monkey” two years later and a big batch of successes on So in 1986. (See John Cusack and the boom box.) Of course, then he released two (lesser) albums in 22 years. Mr. Gabriel is a strange one.

Give this one a listen start to finish, and play it loud and/or on earphones. The studio work is worth some attention. The lyrics are worth catching. The songs are worth multiple listens. I discovered the album while attending a summer program at Bennington College in 1987 and played it on repeat all summer long. (The ratio was 6:1 girls:guys, so a lot of girls got really tired of “Games Without Frontiers as a backdrop.) Anyway, I was seven years late to the party back then. It’s been 38 years now, and still it’s not too late.

Check it out.


  1. This is a really good album. Thanks for the reminder.

    I'm working through a bunch of old back-up hard drives that have mp3s of all of my old cds on them and trying to throw some assortment of them on a thumb drive for a car that no longer has a cd player in it. Yes, I was still burning mp3 files to a cd for my car. There was a lot strange music purchased by me over the years, shocker I know. Don't know how I'll manage the transition from album based listening to playlists, old habits die hard.

  2. this bryan colangelo thing, man. whooooo.

    true story, the single least ethical dude i've ever worked with shares that last name. must run in the extended family.

  3. Colangelo’s gonna hope this all fades, but the story is a dooy. It highlights him as a petty dick. But not as Richard Petty.

  4. Tybee Island is dope, in case you were wondering. Small, eclectic, lots of cool little spots. Big beaches and real laid back. I’m happy to have 4 more days here and I’ll delve back.

  5. Whit—his name is Grant
    Got cut on the first night, which is better for his future

  6. This intro is fucking insane. Imagine Dragons?

  7. Somewhere, Jimmy Dolan thinks a stage show before Ranger games is a good idea.

  8. The Golden Knights game ops staff deserves an emmy or a tony award for these openings.
    Each one is so over-the-top and so Vegas, it's magical.

  9. I kinda want to care about the NHL Finals. But I don't. At all. It barely competes for screen time during Yankee game commercials.

  10. The powers that be are really dragging out the NBA Finals. Game 1 is 5/31 and Game 7 is on 6/17. There are at least two off days between all but one Finals games. The exception is b/w Games 3-4, when Cleveland is home. LBJ may go 48 mins/game every game.

  11. I care about the NHL finals for the first time in eons!

  12. I have no interest in either of the two NHL finals teams other than really hating the Caps. That said, these games have been a lot of fun to watch.

  13. Same. I’m watching this game with a bunch of family as we’re all in the same house. Exciting 3rd period.

  14. Have enjoyed the little I've watched. Black Knights co-owned by William Foley, founder and Exec Chmn of a company here in town called Black Knight Financial Services. He's big on the Knight theme as a West Point alum. My next door neighbor is an exec there and has worked for Foley for years both there and at former parent Fidelity National. He's one impressive hombre, Foley that is.

  15. Besides Danimal, who has connections for tickets for the Caps/Knights? We should have a game 4 G:TB mini summit. That final save last night was ridiculous.
