Monday, May 28, 2018

Stuff You Slept On, Alternatively Titled "layzman's filler" -- shlara Edition

Shlara, also known as Gheorghe Muresan's favorite Gheorghie, sent what she deemed a "half-ass entry" in response to my request for layzman's filler, which means that one of you attempted what is at best an eighth-ass entry. But I guess that's what happens when you can only write one sentence a day. Foreshadowing! Anyway, here's a post about an album that Shlara thinks you should listen to.

I like this idea
I don't like doing a lot of work, though.
So you get a half-ass entry from me

Album: The Rip Tide by Beirut

Link #1: cheating with this Tiny Desk concert clip. It features 3 songs, 2 of which are from this album (East Harlem and Santa Fe)
Upside is you get so see the band's endearing nerdiness

Link #2: official video for Riptide (video is weird, song is good)

Why Gheorghies should listen:

It's got a modern 80s throwback feel to it. Angsty and also optimistic. If you like DeVotchKa, you'll like this Beirut album. It was on my regular rotation when I lived in NYC--nice way to tune out and stay zen while you're riding the subway. I think the band is technically labeled as "world folk music" and I'm pretty sure I heard one of their songs on XMU years ago and bought the album. The critics didn't like this album as much as their others, "too mainstream and cute." But that's just the way I like my fringe music: pop-y and cute. Top to bottom, all 9 tunes are good, but if I have to pick one, East Harlem is my fav song on the album.


  1. If anyone ever tries to convince you that Monkey Foam is a neater alternative to Play-Doh, tell that person to go to hell.

  2. Successful mini-summit in Leesburg. Rob and I have sent Abe off to the Memorial Day parade for his final appearance with a belly full of mimosas.

  3. i like that song but is anyone getting lava updates as well? i can't figure out where they are coming from . . .

  4. The center of the earth?

  5. monkey foam is a euphemism, no?

  6. the warriors are favored by 5.5 on the road, without iguodala. that seems...aggressive.

    1. My guys in the desert say take the awarriors and lay the points.

  7. just saw charles mann at wegmans. still a large man.

  8. Greetings from the College Delly. Abe went well, then I got the hell out.

    Cheers to Marls and Rob for brunch in the ‘burbs.

  9. So, what chances do the Caps have?

  10. Holy crap. These pregame theatrics are ridiculous.

  11. i think you misspelled 'amazing and awesome'

  12. Did Dean ever sell the Delly?

  13. indeed. it's been spruced up quite a bit. there's a bar on the back porch now, little nicer tables and booths. bathroom's still a hellhole, though.

  14. Caps simply can’t keep up

  15. Hey Draymond - you are being left wide open behind the arc for a reason. Every time you brick one, you are doing Houston a favor. Penetrate and pass, moron.

  16. If the Capitals can make more plays like they just did on their third goal, well then maybe!

  17. does draymond green read gtb between quarters?

    we adopted a new dog!

  18. Durant is a major disappointment right now. Neither he nor Steph playing like a HOF-er.

  19. Refs are so in the bag for GSW.

  20. I think you mistakenly typed an "r" in there.

  21. Neville Longbottom got married and did quite well for himself.

  22. My heart aches for Darlene and her baby. They didn’t ask for any of this.

  23. Chicken heads be cluckin' in Marls's bathroom.

  24. Meanwhile, Breitbart is aghast and their readership is calling for FOX to pick up Roseanne's show.

  25. Might be a one-woman show. There are lapses in judgment and slips of the tongue and then there’s what she put out there for millions to read.

    Question: I see reruns of her old show all the time on cable. If cable stations decide against airing them any more, that costs Roseanne dearly, correct? Or are those deals inked years in advance and she’s already been paid out?

  26. I'm sure there's a clause for bad behavior that gets the station off the hook. Bill Cosby will know for sure.

  27. Guys, forget the Rosanne debacle. The big news today is that Cliff’s nephew is a contestant on The Bachelorette.

  28. My entire family (my family, my sisters and their families and my parents) are in Tybee Island for the week. All staying in an 8 bedroom/5 bath/3 kitchen house. 3 stories.

    This should be one hell of social experiment.

  29. Chillin on couch after outpatient surgery today for a total hip replacement. Modern medical technology rawks. Oh and drugs.

  30. I can’t believe you typed “outpatient surgery” and “total hip replacement” in the same sentence.

    Hoping the percos are leaving you pain-free.

  31. If you're not following Joel Embid on twitter, you're missing some serious entertainment tonight

  32. I work with an ortho that just started doing same day outpatient hips and knees. It’s stupid that this is possible.

  33. Feel better, KT.

    Mark, good luck with The Real World: Tybee.

    Shlara, which nephew?

  34. Is that the one with Listerine and Katie?

  35. Mr. KQ - hang in there guy.
    Mark and Hughes family needs to practice caution while frolicking in the water -
    This would leave a mark, err uhh... on mark.
