Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Voices Scary

Okay, time to slide that title phrase down the page just a bit.

Modern technology and trending has given us a cool series of listenable gems and enlightening disasters over the last decade: access to isolated vocal tracks sheds light on who has and has not the vocal talent for the ages.  You've undoubtedly heard a few of these along the way -- probably something outstanding from Marvin Gaye.

In some cases (not highlighted here at Gheorghe: The Blog), these stripped-down versions make you realize that studio wizardry is very real, and that legitimately so-sultry eyes and table-flat stomachs can punch tickets for record contracts and production that mask legitimately so-so voices. Or perhaps just later-career lethargy.  (Hello, performer whose name rhymes with "Whitney Beers.")

In much more interesting and gheorghey instances, however, we hear just how impressive a vocalist these singers are/were, or just get an interestingly alternate take on a song we've heard 1,000 times.  I'll get out of the way and let you listen to a few.

One of the most popular of these:

In memoriam:

Gotta love Dave...

For Rob:

For Teej:

One of the best:

Just for fun:

And finally, without a doubt, the very best isolated vocal track ever. You simply have to listen to this.  Yes, the video stands as the most homoerotic collaboration 'twixt rock gods. (And according to Bianca, or maybe it was Jerry Hall, it wasn't just an act.)  Yes, it's dorky, cheesy, 80's.  But once you give a listen to the audio, you'll know it to be pure greatness.


  1. The whole set up was worth it just to play that last video.

    Shaggy dog storytelling at it’s finest.

  2. I celebrate Shaggy's entire catalog.

  3. Hush. Keep it down now. Voices scary.

  4. I texted this to Mark last night, but have any of you noticed that Mallory Rubin has Merton Hanks' neck?

  5. Teej: Zman and I have gone back and forth quite a bit about how odd-looking she is. I used to hate-listen to her Binge Mode podcast. Her and Concepcion are two of my least favorite Ringer people.

    She has a face for radio.

  6. DLR and Kurt Cobain vocals are so good. So is Bonnie Tyler. Is it weird that I like Eddie Vedder's singing better without the rest of Pearl Jam?

  7. Mallory Rubin appears to have no ears, or at least she didn't until recently. I think she grew them in a lab and attached them with krazy glu.

  8. Krazy Glue has an e. Changing the c to k in Krazy is crazy enough.

  9. Rubin and Concepcion can be really nerdily annoying for sure. The Game of Thrones binge mode podcast was worth it though because they just knew so damn much about all the backstory.

    Rubin is quite awkward. She hates Joe Flacco though so I’m good with her.

  10. Rootsy, what do you think of Mick’s voice in that clip? Pretty special.

  11. Probably sir mick's finest hour,no?

  12. Thanks, Shlara.

    This is really funny, and much like the genesis of Toad the Wet Sprocket (but not Genesis), this will undoubtedly create a real band's new name:

  13. eddie vedder is both the most overrated and underrated vocalist in the modern era. discuss.

  14. I think it is very interesting how Mick’s voice is so overshadowed by Bowie. The power of Bowie’s singing in that clip is just so impressive.

  15. kurt cobain could scream in key.

    the last one is priceless. at first i thought there was something wrong with my speakers and had to turn it up.

  16. tribe travels to towson this evening, looking to avenge a 99-73 home drubbing just a couple of games ago. spoiler alert: there will be no vengeance.

  17. Screw you guys for ignoring my awesome 'Til Tuesday joke y/day.

  18. TR, what did you think the title of the post was referring to?

  19. Mick Jagger's voice, of course! Did I miss on that one? Hmmm. Carry on.

  20. I clicked on a Google News link to a story about the fortcoming XFL redux:


    Then I noticed that the article's author lived in the Monroe dormitory a couple of floors below Dave, Rob, Hightower, Doug, and me (and Donna) in 1988-9. Would not have picked him to be an LA Times sports columnist, but there you go.

  21. I thought everyone was being super cool about not calling out TR's blatant bogarting of Whitney's joke.

  22. This post is great! That guy lived in Monroe?! Hey--heading to Norfolk tonight, Whit, to see "Les Mis"...have you been to the Barrel Room...any good?
    Here's to hoping the Tribe does win --you're not usually so pessimistic, Rob.

  23. Barrel Room is solid, Donna. I have only been once or twice but enjoyed it.

  24. Tribe blows a 10 pt halftime lead. On to OT. Where we will lose.

  25. indeed. this one’s gonna leave a mark.

  26. Scoring more than 3 pts in OT might've helped. Or holding the opponent under 17. Lordy.
