Friday, January 26, 2018

Fashion is Dumb: Bird's Nest Edition

"Designer’s name is Guo Pei. Which is how I order my kids to take a leak."

The only time TR and I exchange emails is when he sends me fantastic photos like the one below for GTB's actually recurring "Fashion is Dumb" segment.

Don't even try to take this from us. We've got a good thing going.

Please enjoy the atrociousness.


  1. Model on the right has a little Leia from Jedi thing going on.

  2. i actually like the first outfit. organically sexy. i would wear it.

  3. I'd buy that for a dollar, Dave.

  4. What's on tap for the weekend, good people?

  5. So a younger dude from the neighborhood that we know is a huge Eagles fan, for some cockamamie reason. He's a nice guy, but come on.

    Anyway, he's still friends with a certain All-Pro safety he went to high school with here. He just found out his buddy hooked him with Super Bowl tickets, gratis.

    There are a handful of people from this area that went on to pro sports careers of varying longevity and accolades. Some of them give back to their old community and the folks in it quite a bit, some don't. This dude tops most of them even at his young age. Chancellor, ambassador, and then some.

  6. why the secrecy, 'whitney'? will ever know that chancellor the rapper gave your buddy tickets.

  7. Licking wounds today Whit. Licking wounds. Returned from Orlando where Rob and I were unable to conduct any sort of summit, unfortunately. He's big time, ya know. Watching Tigger play golf now. One of of my favorite hung over pastimes.

  8. i regret that i have only one liver to give for my country, danimal. and i regret that it was in use just miles from you and i couldn't shake free to use it with you.

  9. Daniel-san, there’s only one known cure for your condition. Sen. Blutarsky’s Theory, as its known in science.

  10. Guys...there is another

  11. i feel a distrubance in the gheorghe

  12. Like when you're climbin the ropes in gym class

  13. Nike hit a home run with their city edition uniforms. I even copped a pair of the Miami Vice Heat shorts. Not even a Heat fan but I had to grab those.

  14. In much worse news, fire everyone in the Michigan State athletic department.

  15. The really depressing thing is that it looks like Emmert was relatively powerless to push an investigation even if he had wanted to. The D1 board of directors (controlled by reps from the power 5) are really in control and had zero desire to invistigate MSU. Emmert is a puppet who serves at their pleasure.

    That does not relieve him of culpability or ignore that he could have resigned in protest but it does just underscore what a joke the NCAA is.

  16. i thought the same thing, marls. it's a joke, indeed.

  17. I think the important takeaway is that these types of scandals likely happened at Baylor, MSU and nowhere else.

  18. How you feel about Al Horford is a nice litmus test for how much someone understands basketball. He’s so much more than his stats indicate and the success of every team he plays on reflects that.

  19. Joakim Noah was similar when he was healthy. They remain the most underrated duo in college basketball of the last 20 years.

  20. your tribe hung on to pull out a gritty road win in wilmington. 7-3 in the league, with 5 of the final 8 at home. none of that matters come march, but a three-way tie for first doesn't suck.

  21. A road win against the Fighting Brett Blizzards is always a good win.

  22. Every young guard should study the way Kyrie Irving finishes.

  23. brett blizzard! that dude killed us.

  24. I've been told that I have an impressive finish.

  25. And that 2006 Florida team crushed my hopes and dreams for my beloved GMU Patriots.

  26. I played against Brett Blizzard in AAU ball. He also killed us.

  27. I was passionately rooting for George Mason. Until I wasn’t. The 06-07 Florida teams are at the very high end of my favorite teams as a sports fan.

  28. I believe I called Mark from a hotel room during that Florida/Mason game...

  29. Kyrie and Steph and dueling and it’s tremendous.

  30. That was during the he early days of me and TJ’s torrid internet love affair.

  31. Now that's a good post topic--poll GTBers for top 2-3 teams as a fan. Tah Tah Tootie, get on that for the next episode of zman and the Teedge.

  32. And Jesus does my sporting life suck. My top teams are the 1996 Yankees and ... that Mason team I guess. 1994 Rangers maybe but that was more about what it meant to the area and my friends who are into hockey (and their dads who wept openly) than what it meant to me.

  33. 41 on 16-24 is ridiculous. And we’re way to accustomed to Steph doing shit like that.

  34. 2004 red sox in a landslide. followed by the 1980 us hockey team.
