Sunday, December 24, 2017

Joy to the World

Joy seems to be in somewhat short supply of late, in the context of our long-running national experiment. More locally, perhaps, we've got better options. Here's to all of you and yours in the Gheorghie family as we celebrate the season. May Santa, Hannukah Harry, or whichever vaguely deific being you count upon visit you with glad tidings.


  1. Merry Happy Gheorghemas Xmas Hanukkah Kwanza, fam

  2. My extended family is in Tallahassee so it’s just my family and my in laws for Xmas. And my mother in law just decided she wasn’t going to church today. So that means I’m not going to church. It’s a fucking Christmas miracle. Who wants a beer?

  3. I texted Greg and wished him a tip top Tet. He replied and wished me a solemn and dignified Ramadan. This is why I love Greg.

  4. Merry Xmas Eve guys and gal(s).
    Early mass preceded by the onset of short rib smoking. Twice baked taters, brussel sprouts cooked in bacon fat...with bacon. Not bad but I will admit the ribs were overcooked a shade.
    TR - soju is how you make friends with the Korean folk, but I'm guessing/hoping you are off that plane by now.

  5. Oh, and just learned the old guy that we all know at our local Publix is the brother of Johnny Unitas. He's old as dirt, and saintly.

  6. They were overcooked but I followed the recipe! Lay off!

  7. Not to be confused with shochu, which is fantastic.

    My mother in law gave me a sweater shaver for Xmas. It's Kooder brand so when I first opened it I thought to myself "Wow, Shirley gave me kooder."

  8. Dan- get yourself a good meat thermometer. Highly useful for smoking.

  9. You could do a lot worse than a bottle of China Terrace Pinot noir.

  10. Fairly certain the wife has the key accessories needed wrapped for tomorrow, she asked if I wanted to open some. Said no.

    Bortles back to form.

  11. Meanwhile, handsome Jimmy continues to impress in San Francisco. Gonna be pretty amazing that they only had to give up a second round pick for him when he brings the 49ers back to prominence.

    I’m only half joking.

  12. Just smoked (then seared) a bone in ribeye on the egg. It looks good. We’ve got snow crab boiling and crab stuffed mushrooms going too.

    I’m about to start drinking and eating in full. Merry Christmas lads.

  13. Josh Rosin is a solid guy. As mature as I might be in another year or two.

    Also, had a couple of egg nogs with the Fireball. Limited it to two, half n half. Big toes up.

  14. Mark always goes deep. Getting there. Paella next week.

  15. zin-laws' Xmas traditions include watching the sound of music, which is my least favorite movie ever. And it's on right now. Luckily I gorged myself on bone-in ribeye and am in a nearly comatose state.

  16. compiling the annual year in gheorghe post. god help me, it's one of my favorite traditions.

  17. Smoked a couple racks of ribs and bunch of drumettes today. Smoking a 10lb Prime rib for Xmas dinner. But first I need to set up a table soccer game before going to bed.

    Looking for forward to all the cuss words and beers this evening.

    Merry Christmas, all!

  18. I’m on to my annual Xmas eve glass of Pappy. Getting ready to pull out the presents.

    Also doing a prime rib tomorrow to go with the lobster my father in law is making.

    And Cinemax gets it. Die Hard Marathon on Xmas eve.

  19. table soccer, squeak? subbuteo?

  20. Merry Christmas, Gheorghies. I love you filthy animals.

  21. merry christmas, gheorghies. what mark said.

  22. Merry Christmas. The Millennium Falcon wins Christmas every time despite the fact that it involves applying almost 40 stickers (with just a about zero stickum) in inconvenient locations throughout the toy.

  23. santa brought us an echo dot, so i'm all ears for good things to do with the technology.

  24. My wife got me a pair of limited edition Momofuku Nike Dunks. They are badass. So I she.

  25. those are sweet. my kids got me a pair of old skool vans, so whitney and i can match when we hang out, like schwarzeneggar and devito.

  26. The checkerboard slip one? I have those too. We can all hang out and match like dorks.

  27. catherine got the boys and me a pull-up bar! xmas pull-ups all around! mandelbaum! mandelbaum! it's go time!

  28. subbuteo, Ha. I still have that somewhere. First foosball table had a broken critical part. Wife order had ordered a second one because she didn't like the look of the first one. Ended building the first one.

    Fired up the snowblower, Prime Rib is almost done (6+ hours), cracking first beer of the day.

    Merry Christmas, Gheorghies!

  29. zson got two (two!) foosball tables this year, neitherfrom zwoman or me.

  30. these, actually, mark:

  31. Merry Gheorghemas to you all!! It feels so good to be able to say that again. #MGGA

  32. Those are nice, Rob. My stepdaughter bought me the black versions of those for my birthday. My family knows that shoes are the ways to my heart.

  33. Sister-in-law and her three kids just bailed on coming over. So if you are in the Boston area come on over, we only have 10lbs of prime rib that was smoked for 7 hours. Oh well, their loss. And I just opened a saison milk stout from Allagash.

    Family always seems to be a shit show at the holidays. Merry Gheorghmas!

  34. Merry Christmas, gheorghies. Love you all.

    Did Christmas with my kids a couple of days ago so they could go visit relatives on their mom's side. Woke up alone on Dec 25 for the first time ever. Surreal. Had lunch at the Chinese restaurant with some Jewish friends. Very strange but enjoyable. Heading to see some family members now and then turn it up later.

    This year's holiday is unorthodox and at times a little bit of a bummer, but I'm okay with it and life is very good. Here's wishing good cheer to all of you.

  35. About to head out to the in laws for Xmas dinner. Pretty sure I nailed the prime rib. My wife nailed Xmas for me. Wearing my new dunks with the Death Row Records socks that she bought me (she also bought me Doggystyle socks).

  36. Merry Christmas, folks. Need this brisket to be finished soon. Teej hangry.

  37. Pouring Macallan 18 before dinner. Life is good...and soon to be drunk.

  38. Still have some Heady which I am enjoying. Cheers to you all!

  39. capping off an eventful christmas with a todd the axeman ipa from surly brewing. on the road to myrtle beach in the morning, from whence i'll knock out a couple of gheorghemas posts and get some much-needed r&r.

    merry christmas, gheorghies. i love you guys. it's a special thing we've got here. weird, too. good weird.

  40. I echo Rob’s second paragraph. I love this weird little corner of the internet. I’m just about drunk and back home. Might as well go for it.
