Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Happy Boxing Day

In most countries comprising the former and current British Empire, today marks Boxing Day, which either celebrates people tossing out boxes from Christmas, upper-class citizens sharing their largesse with those less fortunate, or some other hazy tradition. More important than its origin is the way the holiday is celebrated: watching sports and drinking.

I'll be in a car headed from Virginia to South Carolina for the better part of the day, so I'll do neither, but I encourage you, good people of Gheorghe, not to let yesterday's goodwill and glad tidings be a one-off. Grab your friends, head to the pub, watch some footy over a couple of pints. You'll thank me later.



  1. Hoping you all are having a good holiday. My 8 y/o broke his tibia on the mountain y/day in a goofy spill. Ski patrol sled to clinic to ER. The wife and older one have now lost interest, and I have spent the morning dealing w/ rental, lift tix and ski school refunds, and with United Airlines. Luckily, folks out here are super cool about this.

    My 8 y/o is splinted and wrapped to mid-thigh. Can't pee w/o help. We are heading back two days early. I spent the last three years getting the kids ready for the Rockies, and this happened our first day. With fresh snow and only 10% of trails open on a holiday, every groomed run got totally chewed up by 11 AM. Groomed corduroy became soft moguls. Every run packed with folks. Just an awful turn of events all the way around. My kid's basketball and winter soccer seasons are now over. And our family's hobby may have bitten the dust.

  2. Man....really sorry to hear this TR. I hope he’s doing okay considering. Hopefully you and the fam can get something remotely fun in this week.

  3. That sucks TR. You may have to go back to skiing with friend of G:TB Slick 50 at the Jackalope Lodge.

  4. Big crowd at the Zaxby’s Heart of Dallas bowl. There must be at least 1000 people at the cotton bowl.

  5. Huge bummer, TR. Very sorry to hear it. Hope your boy is hanging in there.

  6. jesus, TR, that is awful. i've been preparing my kids for that trip as well and i know that's always a possibility on the slopes. that just sucks.

    on a lighter note, i just put up the sentence of the year on sentence of dave. it's beautiful.

    save travels home TR, and i wish your son the best, and that he's back in action as soon as possible.

  7. Ugh, TR—that sucks

    and following this story, I hate to brag—but I’ve spent the entire day in pjs in front of the TV. I’m winning the holiday vaca today.

  8. Bummer about your boy TR. I imagine he'll be doing some rad tricks on his crutches soon to make up for missing his sporting activities.
