Sunday, July 09, 2017

The G Stands for Gangsta

FOGTB Dave Fairbank has a lot of time on his hands, apparently, what with the beachside living and all. He sent me the following DM via Twitter a few days ago:

"I'm late to this, but you must find John Oliver's show from last Sunday (big chunk is on Sinclair Broadcast Group), but the kicker is at the end. A fabricated movie about the life of Warren Harding - takes too long to explain, just trust me on this - that includes one of your faves."

The show in question is Episode 107 of Last Week Tonight, Oliver's increasingly must-watch HBO commentary. And the Sinclair stuff is indeed worth watching, if you can carve 19 minutes from your busy schedules of kid-wrangling, imbibing, commuting, and fallout shelter digging. (I've included it at the end of this post for your rage-viewing pleasure.)

But the Fairbank-described kicker is in the eight-minute piece below, which really defies easy explanation. Let me just say that I've never been turned on by a scene featuring a wax president before.

Here's the piece on Sinclair Broadcasting. It'll piss you right off.


  1. i'm trying to stay away from politics, but that doesn't include wax/flesh biopics about dead presidents. quite funny.

  2. And the d is for diamond.

  3. Happy 70th birthday OJ Simpson!

  4. Supposedly OJ may well get paroled this month.

  5. VCU team looking good with a few mins left.

  6. Donna, I have not been to Alkaline but will have to check it out. It's a few blocks from my place.

  7. RIP Nelsan Ellis, aka Lafayette from "True Blood."

  8. I taught zson to tie his shoes today, thus crossing off one of my goals for him to accomplish this summer. Also on the list is learning how to: ride a bike; swim two lengths of the pool; more effectively wipe his butt; and roll a joint. We shall see how far we get.

  9. hopefully in no particular order there?

  10. As the Samoan said to Dave and me in Amsterdam...

    If you don't know, mon, ask somebody

  11. Zman, you might want to separate the wipe his butt and the roll a joint tasks. Probably a lame doobie joke in their somewhere.

  12. things more fun to do when high: swim, bike, wipe your butt . . . so teach him to roll one first.

  13. Nadal has all he can handle here. Barn-burner.

  14. Finally finished season 2 of Better Call Saul last night. That's show is hitting its groove. And the final few scenes were dark, but quite good.

  15. if you're into morbidity, i'm presently looking out an 11th-floor hotel window onto the precise spot where scott weiland died. if you're not, i'm not.

  16. On the subject of morbidity, Aaron Judge just KILLED some baseballs tonight. I think his longest HR was 513 feet.

  17. that's why we pay tr the biggest salary of the whole staff

  18. Trump is bad for bourbon?! Sad!

  19. Musical Tuesday again in midtown Manhattan! Latin jazz band w/ a steel drum and horns doing the "hey hey hey, good-bye" song. It is...not strong.

  20. That song, TR, explained here and you MUST see the album cover.

  21. We will reenact it at this year's fishing trip.

  22. He published the email thread? I guess he had to with the threat of the NYT publishing them. It's an interesting defense strategy. And who is Rhona?

  23. Help me Rhona? I too am stunned that he published it on Twitter. I am not stunned that the comments in the corresponding Breitbart article are "Eh, who cares. All politicians do it."

    Drain the swamp!

  24. Whit, I call top of the pyramid!

  25. And I think that song has roughly the same origin story as yiddit skiddit yule, right?

  26. wow. that album cover and song story.

  27. Big U7 Summer travel team win for my squad tonight - a 13-12 victory when our #8 hitter laced a single with 2 on and 2 outs. The kid was mobbed by teammates and was ecstatic. He'll remember that for many years.

    And we beat one of the other travel teams in my town. Huge bragging rights for this guy. Now we get to go to Bridgewater and get our asses handed to us on Thursday.

  28. Great content

    here's my blog:
