Friday, July 07, 2017

Call The Police for postcount

In the comments a post or two ago I recommended a song, but no one probably saw it because I commented just as a new post was going up. So, in the spirit of postcount, I am turning my comment into a post.

LCD Soundsystem's new single, "Call The Police," is perfect dadrock. In it you can hear strains of The Killers, U2, The National, and of course James Murphy. You should add it to your summertime BBQ party jam play list to elevate your already premiere status as the musical cognoscente of your piece of the suburbs.

I also encourage you to comment more today--I have the day off and it's raining like crazy so I can't play tennis or fish so I need some other source of entertainment.


Candidly, you guys aren't doing much in the commenting department lately. Step it up.


  1. Good morning. Beautiful day here in North F-L-A.

    TO GTB I.T. I feel I do my part with commenting though I have been set back a bit as of late due to some sort of change in settings on my phone. Here's what happens:

    -I post the comment
    -in the field below where it says "Comment as:" I select "Google Account" (which I never had to do before
    -I hit Publish
    -it tells me it's "Publishing"
    -and then nothing publishes.

    This is probably where someone suggests a quick & simple fix that my 8 year old could have handled, so keep the chiding to yourself. Thank you.

  2. Folks, come on down to the Outer Banks of North Carolina if you like and we can comment the heck out of the sunny weather and refreshing ocean waves.

    Expected guests later on include Bruce "The Dream" Weaver, possibly giving the wind report to the local disc jockeys (ridge) from the deck and Brian "The Thumb" Hightower, regaling us with stories of rucking and mauling.

  3. You guys are really stepping it up in the comments. I blame Dave. He's on summer break.

  4. Okay, well, Z challenged and is now silent.

    The Tortuga's Lie scene, aka a slice of Americana / North Cackalacky...

    4 people on the panhandle of the bar that are of severe heft. A Delta Burke on her worst days lookalike, two guys that look like the fat twins on motorcycles from the Guinness Book of World Records, and a kid so facially meaty you're not even sure there's a skull in there.

    Stay tuned

  5. Obnoxious dude who was the second bar patron today just left. Phew. Double phew. I dodged him effectively because he's across the horseshoe and when he bellowed at me I smiled amiably and looked at my phone. For which I took some trite heat.

    He was talking the ears off these two Floridiots (no offense to Mark or Dan). He was assuring them that A1A came all the way up here. Eventually they convinced him that US-1 and A1A are different roads. Somewhere at AAA triptik HQ, someone breathed a sigh of relief.

    Dude's a local. We may see him again.

  6. William & Mary T-shirt sighting!

    Slightly beefy fellow -- maybe recent grad age -- wearing a green T with the most boring WILLIAM & MARY white lettering ever. And it's a little too tight, like virtually all of my Tribewear on me. Perfect.

    He's with a nice enough looking girl. Ebirt frickin Og.

    They're drinking waters. Solid money says not because they went haywire last night.

  7. Currently 12 open bar seats! Unthinkable! July 4th week? Wow.

    It is a gorgeous day and people are likely strong their last licks in on the beach before checking out tomorrow. Making me wonder what I'm doing in a bar...

  8. For the record I had the bite of the day and a dozen clams. That will do me til dinner. That and a few Guinni.

    Houseguests arriving in an hour or two. Need to get back to the house soon and hide my t-shirts.

  9. Seriously, Zman. Weak.


  10. S m o k i n hot Eastern European girl working at Tortuga's. Blonde and slinky and accented. Oh my.

  11. Girl with the William & Mary t-shirt guy is manually de-veining her shrimp with a dinner knife. Painstakingly carefully. Yup, gotta be an alum.

    No offense to Shlara, who by her very affiliation with GTB means she has little in common with the Lady Tribester masses.

  12. There are two "veins" in a shrimp. One is a real vein that carries blood. The other is the gastrointestinal tract that carries poop. Make sure you remove the right one ... if you give a shit.

  13. Whit is apparently not in the I.T. Department.

  14. Delta Burke sizing t-shirts! Oh no. For the first time ever it occurs to me the t-shirt area is way too close to where people are eating.

    No way that kid can buy a hat. That's a special order if there ever was one.

  15. I was using the slang de-veining knowing that it wasn't actually a vein, Z. I wanted to tiptoe around the poop subject. We all know that's TR's domain.

  16. Danimal, I used to help manage the IT department at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I resigned in 2007 after 13 years of faking knowing IT. I'm not your guy.

  17. And I'm glad to have the company but for a few minutes I thought I could break the GTB record of most consecutive comments. Set by O'Boyle, Teedgus, 2007.

  18. that was my ticket to Cooperstown. thanks a lot, dick

  19. 8 minutes ago the Tortuga's bar had 15 vacant stools. (Talk to TR about that.) Bar is now SRO.

    América's heartland has arrived. More tanks than in Patton's army and battles between badly behaved children and worse behaved parents are in each corner of the restaurant. There's a joke to be made about the Battle of the Bulge but I've had some beers and frankly I'm fat.

    Check, please. (Lloyd Christmas voice.)

  20. Teej, it's still intact. You're golden.

  21. I'm out of here. This has been your Tortuga's Look-in today, July 7, 2017. Enjoy.

    P.S. Bartender Sean is here and looking forward to the OBFT.

  22. I was in OBX for Memorial Day w/e (Corolla). Racist rednecks seem to really like it there. Lots and lots of pick-ups w/ Confederate flags zipping around.

  23. I like LCD a whole lot, but not that new tune. I was merely whelmed by their SNL performance.

  24. I'm impressed you're at OBX July 4th week, Whit. We went during this time last year - Corolla actually - and vowed NEVER again! Our trip this year was two weeks ago, and it was fantastic. Nags Head this time. Including Tortuga's Lie - house was super close. Have fun!!

  25. Can't remember if we've posted this, but it's awesome:

  26. Donna, I figured it might be bad but Tortuga's today was an anomaly. That said, I won't be venturing out much from the house!

  27. I took zson for a haircut. Told the barber to buzz his head but "don't make him look like Charie brown." So he looks like Caillou.

  28. prolly because the barber had no idea who charie brown is.


  30. In related news, happy birthday Inspectah Deck.

  31. The Rebel INS! Always one of my favorite rhyme styles from the Wu. Never really had the chops to be much more than a dope cameo though. Sad!

    I'm also not totally feeling the new LCD single. It's no Daft Punk is Playing at My House.

  32. I believe Your City's a Sucker, North American Scum and I'm Losing My Edge are all perfect 10 LCD tracks. Daft Punk tune up there as well.

  33. popo found a dead body outside the dillard complex today. that sounds bad.

  34. Mrs. Marls and I have now moved to the same town as Rob. Trying to recreate the Chatham Unit M enclave that TR, Zman, & FoGTBs Juan Carlos and Sammy the Bull have going.

    Tejus, plenty of room for you and your better half out here in the country.

  35. Dillard was a bizarre social exercise in minority self-segregation. Was the body a student?

  36. the gtb compound is moving closer to reality

  37. i had a great idea for a post last night, but lost it in the last beer i drank.

  38. Early reports are that the dead dude was unaffiliated with the college.

  39. Eastern State Psychiatric Hospital is right there.

    Michael Myers.

  40. Tricia question without peeking at the internet:

    In Halloween, Michael Myers wore a scary mask as he assaulted his victims. I always thought it was a random mask, but learned later it was actually a celebrity mask. Whose face is it that Michael Myers has atop his?

  41. The Teedge is correct. Shatner.

  42. NBA fans--you really need to make the trek to Vegas for Summer League some time. Not for the games, but for the scene surrounding the games. It's like college reunion weekend. In our hotel we have the Spurs, Nuggets and Pels. The lobby alone is highly entertaining.

  43. raining? it's beautiful out! i played tennis with ian. zman, bring your racquet to obft and prepare for an ass-beating.

    we're going to play some tennis too.

  44. Tennis fans, Federer is putting on a show.

  45. Been watching. He remains highly impressive.

  46. Hey Whit, have you been to Alkaline in Norfolk? Featured on season premiere of Drive-ins, Diners, Dives last night. Happened upon it ....did you know it's the 27th season of that show?! Anyhow, that place is a Ramen and Asian joint. Looked at the website after - looks cool and not expensive. Just curious since that's your neighborhood. The tennis was pretty good today!

  47. Clint Frazier has officially entered my Top 10 all-time Clint list. Above Malarchuk, not quite at Howard or Eastwood level. Yet.

  48. Reconnected with an old friend from my days in minor league baseball this afternoon. He was an intern who bet our GM that he could live in a tent on our outfield berm for the entire season for $2K. It was an awful decision and he paid dearly for it. He did get interviewed on Cold Pizza (First Take before it was First Take) and he got his money though. I don't really like people but couldn't be happier to have hung out with him again for the first time in a decade.

  49. Just checking in for the first time in a few days. Strong performance by Whit in the comments, Marls is now a country squire, AND TRs buddy got HOSED!! That aggression won't stand, man.

  50. Agreed, but Dempsey is no Hurdle.

    Or is he?

  51. oh, he is.

    vcu alums just hit a buzzer beater to win their first round game in the tournament. that's such a fucking genius idea.

  52. the dr dre/jimmy iovine documentary series looks insane. starts tomorrow at 9 on hbo.

  53. TR, where does Clint from Dazed and Confused fit on that list?

  54. I came here to do two things ...

    He's got to be top three

  55. Front yard neighborhood beer drinking turned into front yard neighborhood scotch drinking. Neither zkid is asleep as a result.


  56. Further, Clint Eastwood's RNC performance had to force him out of the top 5.

  57. z, its preparation for their teenage years. no worries.

    and nothing eastwood does as an octogenarian bumps him from the top spot.

  58. Am wrapping up the second of Chapelle's two Netflix specials. He deftly delves into topics few comedians can. Great shit.

  59. we watched the first last night with the kids. amazing talent, that dude.

  60. I hope that was the LA special. The Austin one Ian heavy on pussy talk, in every blunt way imaginable.

  61. Chappell came to our town a couple years ago. Wife and I were able to grab second row seats. Great show. The Netflix specials are terrific. He's a genius.

    As genius goes, The Tournament is in that realm. A great idea that been extremely well executed. It's highly entertaining. The teams care about the result and their is real money at stake.

    I can't wait for "The Defiant Ones". It's going to be great.

  62. I went to high school with a guy named Clint so he's #1 in my book. Chappelle is the tits.

  63. There was a guy named Clint in the grade above me in my average high school. He used to go tanning before big high school dances. His younger brother got expelled for selling weed, even though it was proved it was fake weed.

    Wall High School! The old stomping ground of me, Ashley Dupree, Tim Wright and the kid who got his Trump shirt photoshopped.
