Thursday, March 16, 2017

Madness Open Thread

On the best sports day of the year, our traditional* filler post, complete with my earliest/best childhood NCAA Tournament memory. I even remember the Bryant Gumbel cut-in:

*It's not, but I'm ticked I didn't think about it earlier. Go Seahawks.


  1. I need this tourney as a distraction from a miserable 15-day forecast.

    Go away, snow.

  2. Do we have a G:TB travel budget for reporting? If so, does anybody want to go and report on the Telluride Shroomfest in August?

  3. Blessed to be heading to Savannah today with Buck and a couple of other hooligans including the Lynchster. If anyone is feeling froggy...
    Had to do the shitshow that is St. Patrick's Day in Savannah at least once. Have been making deposits by staying home solo w/the kids all week during their Spring Break. We shall raise one for all.

  4. First game. Notre Dame-Princeton feels like watching a pickup game at the local Y. Perhaps the least combined athleticism in the tourney.

  5. strong move from Indiana, firing Tom Crean as the first game tipped off

  6. Latavius Murray should go into PR when he retires.

  7. The aforementioned Seahawks were up 28-14 and looking strong. UVA then went on a 16-1 run to end the half.

  8. I was all over the Wilmington upset. There goes my perfect bracket. Extremely worried about Florida's game this afternoon.

    I'm done working for the week though.

  9. Tomorrow is shaping up to be an amazing shitshow in NYC. St Paddy's Day Parade on a Friday means extra doses of drunken clowns. You also have the tourney games, adding even more day-drinking to the mix, as well as almost a foot of unmelted snow on every sidewalk. Jaywalking is impossible and folks have to squeeze through little openings in giant yellow snow mounds to walk around, trying to hop over giant slush puddles.

    As for me, I'll be spreadsheeting all day. Yay me.

  10. Is fora the plural for forum? Sounds like it should be, right?

  11. Day one is looking about as chalky as you can get so far.

  12. Buttsag has a cabin somewhere near Telluride. So accommodations would be free. Or potentially free.

    Nothing sucks worse than recording training videos and then having to hear your own voice while editing them. Super painful. I need a beer, or two.

  13. while the snow is annoying, heavy and icy and delaying the start to spring soccer, it is looking good for our spring break in vermont. i figured snowboarding would be weak at best, and we'd be doing a lot of hiking, but now i'm hoping for a couple more ugly storms and some lovely spring skiing. sorry tr, but i'm doing another snow dance . . .

  14. I'm happy for you, Dave. Try and film the dance and post it here.

  15. Mount St. Mary's is legitimately good. Unselfish, flashy passing like Dunk City against Georgetown a few years ago, though mostly below the rim.

  16. You forget the team's world class names: Kermit Davis and Giddy Potts.

  17. that's middle tennesee, but your point remains

  18. Dave, when are you headed up to VT?

  19. internet fuckstick jason mcintire (the big lead) went after fogtb @vcupav last night. pav, who's as big a superfan for vcu as anyone in the country is for their school, had his daughter with him in the stands at last night's vcu/st. mary's game. the little one fell asleep in dad's arms during the game, but pav continued to bellow his support for the rams. someone caught a pic of it, and mcintire posted a dickheaded little snarkfest criticizing pav's parenting. feel free to tell him he's a fuckface.

  20. Just blocked him for the fuck of it.

    Can't wait for tomorrow and work to be done to watch some games. Going over to a friends place for cards and the tourney tomorrow. Plan on smoking two Boston butts and 3 racks of ribs for the gathering. Shooting for 12 hours on the butts.

    New Spoon album sounds good on first listen. Will be cranked most of the weekend.
