Friday, March 17, 2017

Madness Open Thread, Day 2

Hey you. Don't watch that. Watch this.

Your commenting paradise awaits.


  1. Love Madness.

    And Spoon -- Squeaky, agree that it's a good one.

    And the new Old 97's album.

    And Boston butts. Yum.

  2. ESPN's FiveThirtyEight gives the Wichita State Shockers a 69% chance of winning today. Can't imagine that's a coincidence.

  3. Pretty tame first two days so far. Their have been some closely contested, entertaining games for sure (Ok State-Michigan, FSU-FGCU, WVU-Bucknell come to mind) but no major upsets or buzzer beaters. Hopefully that means tonight will be chaotic.

  4. Squeak- I just picked up a butt/shoulder for Sunday smoking. Also going to pickle some red onions for pork tacos.

  5. Just heard that there is s hashtag called #trumplethinskin. That is tremendous.

    I avoided day-drinking and ran 6.11 miles in the afternoon (sorry for that last .02). Bummer about Seton Hall.

  6. arrive in Denver, hotel room not ready yet, wander around a bit, perhaps see a store that intrigues me...

    TR, what was the warning you once gave about consumption?

  7. You treat it with antibiotics.

  8. that smu lost stings for the kid.

  9. Good for you, Teejasaurus. Be careful of the riff-raff on the 16th Street mall.

    Pace yourself, young Jedi.

  10. Read the labels, Teej. Google is your friend.

    Pretty tame St. Patrick's Day for me. Had some soccer (hat trick for the girl), and then met my folks for a beer and a shot. Will get after it a bit at home like the old man I am.

    I had that USC win. Bennie Boatwright is my guy.

  11. The Gingie guy doing the movie lines in that AT&T unlimited commercial is the worst. That ad concept is so lame it was probably created by W&M grads.

  12. i'm drinking a 25 oz bottle of lickinghole creek heir apparent. it's 11.5% abv, and it's delicious, and i'm seeing purple elephants.

  13. Lourawls Nairn Jr. is one of the greatest names I've ever seen.

    And, they're starting to work...

  14. Hiring the w sing singer from "Old School" was a stroke of genius by CBS' ad agency.

  15. I've been espousing the virtues of Lourawls as a name for a couple years now. It's among the finest work any American had ever done. And the fact that he's a Jr. I mean, God Bless you Nairn family.

  16. As for edibles, I have a friend who loves to take on projects. He brews his own beer at home. He and another friend learned to grow fungi in their homes. He's now taken on gummies. And the results are tremendous. I currently have a bag in my garage fridge.

  17. Ok. W sing singer should read wedding singer. Had should be has. God damn you, autocorrect.

  18. You've met this friend, Rob. Shares a name with a HOF third baseman. Florida is always available for a visit. Just ask, TJ.

  19. mark, we need that carl everett story. we need a gtb post on celebrity interactions, for that matter.

  20. Pie Traynor has some good stuff.

  21. I have a number of Carl Everett stories. He rehabbed a hamstring for 3 weeks in my minor league site.

  22. I feel like the DD guy, time to make the donuts, except it's BBQ. Got up a little later than I wanted but just fired up the smoker and threw the butts on the smoker.

    Looks like a 12 hour cook. Back in the days I would have stayed up to do the deed at 2AM. Now I'm just too f'ing old, strike that, just lazy.
