Three Punk Rock Playlists
Two Digits Throughout History
And the debut of Mac McFis-ty
On Friday, November 15, 2013, I unveiled a the first in a 5-part segment on punk rock. The quintet of posts would be a love letter to the music genre, as I hold punk in very high regard. (Clarence’s loves are known as the 3 P’s: punk, pilsner, and, well, this is a family blog, so we’ll leave it at that.)
I didn’t reveal the breakdown of the five posts at the time, but here’s what it came down to (click the links to review if you're killing time):
- 1970’s punk, excepting three pillars
- The Ramones
- The Clash
- The Sex Pistols
- 1980’s through today’s punk

And so today I determine not to drag this out any further. It’s not all that fascinating a series of posts, and if this year has taught us anything, we just don’t know how long we have on this orb. I’d hate to have our intern have to finish this for me posthumously. Here we go, Parts 3, 4, and 5. In pieces. In reverse. Punk rock.
Holiday in Clarencia: Punk Chronicles Vol. 3
-1980's until today-
Punk was preheated in the late 1960’s by The Stooges and MC5 and the like, prepped a bit in the early 70’s by the New York Dolls and T. Rex and friends, and then served up at the end of the decade by the horde of acts listed in Chapter 1 of this bus wreck and beyond. So what happened next?

Hell, there are way, way too many categories and tons of crossover to where it’s pointless to even try: pop-punk, underground, indie, garage rock, post-punk, ska-core, 15 kinds of metal, alt-whatever, grunge, and just rock and roll. Random Idiots were as punk as they got, but the label filed them under “death reggae” and “folk speed metal.” What a mess.
So let’s not get hung up on rigid genre characterization. Let’s listen to some music. Enjoy the Spotify playlist below that is compiled of 69 Punk or Punkish tunes from 1980-2016. There are the usual suspects (Dropkick Murphys, Green Day, The Minutemen, Fugazi), but more than a few random surprises. Feedback and favorites welcomed.
It’s not really safe for work. You figured that, I figure.

I read a lot of "Please Kill Me: The Oral History of Punk" over Turkey Day w/e. Fascinating insights on the scene (Velvet Underground, MC5, Stooges, Bowie, Patti Smith, NY Dolls, Ramones, etc). And a lot more color than I needed on the venereal diseases all these folks had and gave to each other.
It's got all the stories about heroin and the clap and Lou Reed dating transvestites you could want.
The fact that Clarence's list of 69 Punk or Punkish tunes from 1980-2016 contains 70 songs is perfectly Gheorghemas.
Dang it! Some squatter found their way into my list.
Squatty Potty?
Our Kiwi coach used to always talk about the 3 P's of rugby: position, possession, and paaaaaaaace. All said in thick NZ accent, with the first two sounding identical. I like Clarence's P's better. That sounds weird.
The P is freee-eee cause the crack costs money, oh yeah!
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