Friday, December 02, 2016

The Twelve Days of Gheorghemas: Day One

Well folks, it's that most wonderful time of year again. No, not when we get to listen ad nauseam to such mega holiday hits as "Christmas Shoes" and "Christmas Eve in Washington", rather it is once again time for everyone's favorite faux holiday, Gheorghemas.

Gheorghemas has been around quite a few years now (get an intern on the official count), and it seems that once again Day One will be focused on yours truly, mainly because I am an egomaniac and lazy so by posting on Day One I get the other 11 days off. Gone is the fat guy in a jer-sey, and we're even eschewing Insane in the Posehn this year for something fun but of course still Teej-centric. To that end, I give you...

On the first day of Gheorghemas
Big Gheorghe gave to me
The debut of Mac McFisty


  1. I think like the 12 days of Gheorghemas more than I like the 12 beers of Christmas.

  2. I fully understand that the LeBatard show is not for everyone but I adore it. They had Desus and Mero on today. Two of his producers were doing Gruden brothers impersonations throughout the week and much more. I laugh really hard about once a show if not more. God only knows what the people around me in traffic think is going on when I'm cackling to myself in my car while listening.

  3. lebatard is awesome, and it's an intelligence test, from my perspective. if you actively hate it, chances are you're a dope. or a trump voter. no offense to anyone here who hates it. or is a trump voter.

  4. my concern w/lebatard show is stugotz's or stugotz' ? star that is seemingly rising. taking him off of that show would be a big disappointment. i just wish i had more time to listen to 'em...i need to think about podcasts more often.

  5. Mr. McFisty, you got to talk to the prop guy. You need a new gun.

    I feel as though I miss out on some of the sports radio by not having a commute but I'll take no commute over sitting a car everyday.

    Random Obama note from a neighbor who's family is still in Hawaii, looks like he might have bought the Magnum PI house and estate. Hell of a place to stay for retirement. He'll just needs TC's copter to freak people out.

  6. well done teej, but why did they all have to be separate clips?

  7. because I'm lazy and haven't merged them all together yet

  8. That might move Obama past Mr. T on the continuum.

  9. Barrack can hang out with Rick and Icepick down at the King Kamehameha Club. Big pimpin' in the 5-0.

  10. Does he drive the 308, the 5000, or the Jimmy? Wait for it ...

  11. It has to be the 308. BO and Joey Bides should should get matching Hawaiian shirts and cruise Waikiki.

  12. kinda had to see that coming

  13. I like LeBatard
    And I started watching Desus + Mero on Vice--I really dig it even though I'm TOTALLY not the target audience.

  14. You're the audience, Shlara. Because you're open minded enough to be the audience. Those guys are great.

  15. Mark--I'm listening to the pod of D + M on Dan's show now.
    And I literally just said to my buddy Fox yesterday, "This show reminds me of Jon Stewart + the Daily Show when it first started--the commentary on current events is blunt and smart and funny--it helps me process what's happened AND it entertains me--it's great"

  16. steve kerr is a hip, hip lady

  17. Nice reference by Roberto.

    In other news, Florida is going to get massacred today. I was in Peru for a wedding last year for this game which was a nice excuse not to watch. I have no such excuse this year. So I guess that means I'll drink heavily and put pins in my Will Grier voodoo doll.

  18. Got a cousin in customs who get shit through?

  19. Today appears to be the last hurrah of the year for local old car guys. In 30 minutes of driving I saw a Porsche 356 (top down, natch) and 911 GT3, Ferrari 458 spyder (top up,natch), a NA Miata, a late 60s MB SL, a C5 Corvette, and a DeTomaso Pantera sadly broken down on the side of the road and whose owner (rocking a Dodge Vioer jacket over a DeTomaso shirt) waved off my offer of help.

  20. That should be 348 not 458.

  21. Umm, I may move to Covina:

  22. Would you be Horner or Diggler? Marls is clearly the Colonel. Michael Jack is clearly Scotty J. Clarence is the guy who plays Sister Christian. rob is Little Bill. I guess I'm Todd Parker. Teedge is Reed Rothchild. Dave is Kurt Longjohn.

  23. Well I do like butter in my...never mind.

  24. when i sport my mustache, i'm burt reynolds.

  25. I would prefer a cameo. Maybe I'm Johnny Doe.

  26. little bill was the virile, sexy one, right?

  27. Lonzo Ball is my latest basketball crush. I'd kill one of you to get him on the Magic. Maybe not kill, but badly injure for sure.

  28. my nephew will be on the 41 yard line repping america with the flag during try playing of the national anthem before the sec championship today.

  29. florida seems up for this one

  30. Mini summit with squeaky underway. Singlecut brewery has really good beer and really tall women.

  31. I'll admit that I don't get Mac McFisty, but I like it.

  32. Appleby is bad. Really bad.

  33. we're off to cat's birthday bar crawl . . . could get ugly.

  34. 11th anniversary today. The battle axe and I are going to check into the local beach hotel and get funky for a couple of nights. Will be spa'ing it in the a.m. after not having to get up to walk dog/feed a kid/break up a fight/et al. Sex Panther cologne is packed unbeknownst to my bride.

  35. Tribe loses to a previously 1-6 Hampton team. Not good times.

  36. we blew a 10-point halftime lead to those clowns? sweet.

  37. Marls gives a good McFisty if you want to figure out the nuances.

  38. I prefer to think that the Tribe got to 69 points and then intentionally shut it down.

  39. Florida is obviously not winning this game (because their QB and offense are awful) but Bama's offense is trash.

  40. i mean, they aren't the fun and gun, but they're good enough with this defense. that 98-yard drive wasn't so bad.

  41. Sorry. That is not a good offense. I like Hurts a lot and think he'll eventually be great but he's extremely limited right now. None of the RBs are special. They are certainly adequate when paired with that D and special teams but I'm less than impressed by what they've done against a Florida D missing 6 starters.

  42. imagine what this team might do with a good offense, then. that's not even fair.

  43. I would prefer not to do that.

  44. Last Saturday with Uncle Verne. He'll be missed.

  45. He is still going to do some NCAA tournament games and the masters, but yep it won't be the same.

  46. oh, man. that does suck. his reaction when they inducted him into the sec hall of fame was perfect.

  47. do we have to take gonzaga seriously this year, or is this yet another tease? if they finally make the final four run, i think we all know what made the difference.

  48. Me and him hanging out at the bar at the Gaylord Palms?

    Can we all agree to root against Penn State tonight?

  49. As for Marls' mention of CBB, is the CAA tournament summit in Charleston happening?

  50. indeed, mark. i think you might be thing that pushes few over the top.

    and i was just thinking about charleston this afternoon. i would quite like to make that happen. i'm efforting advice on where (what part of town) to stay.

  51. Anywhere downtown...historic district if you can. Would book it sooner than later. JMU may not even qualify they are so bad. I would like the go tho. One night at least.

  52. I'm down for sure. If only to eat and drink in Charleston. I'd bet we could score a decent spot via Airbnb.

  53. agreed - thinking airbnb as well

  54. Yeah...mentioned the airbnb last spring when this was announced. Having been down this road recently there are some decent options, but not an abundance.

  55. Be careful where you let Marls sleep.

    I bought tix to see Strand of Oaks in Brooklyn on 3/14. Not sure if that will interfere, but not sure I can pull it off.

  56. And I second Mark's man crush on Lonzo Ball. His younger brother LiAngelo just scored 72 in a high school game. Could be the second coming of the O'Bannon brothers!

  57. Need to get TR some Sure deodorant.

  58. There's a third Ball brother who started on last year's nationally #1 ranked team as freshman. And averaged nearly 20 ppg. Lonzo will still be the best of the bunch IMO.

    As for Charleston, we'll be highly intoxicated most nights so a couple people sleeping on couches probably isn't the worst thing going.

  59. In hotel bed sippin on a blanton's hoping one of these games turns into one. Wife and I are ballers.

  60. I just want to revisit the phrase "battle axe". That is an untraditional descriptor.

  61. Heard it once from an old and crusty fella (who happened to be the owner of softspikes back in day). Stuck w me. It's a term of endearment, for me anyway. Not him.

  62. I prefer to use "my old lady."

  63. After a couple scotches, I am perusing Charleston flights. They are reasonable. I am cajoling both Zman and our favorite Beantown ER doc right now.

  64. we're gonna need a bigger boat.

  65. the dates are march 3-6, for planning purposes.

  66. VTech is shockingly still in this, but they need their QB to get rid of the ball more quickly. Their o-line has gotten manhandled all night.

  67. penn state is shockingly still in this, but they need their defense to stop bucky. their d-line has gotten manhandled all night.

  68. Penn state is a cult and I don't really care for them or their fans but this is an impressive comeback.

  69. i must be watching a different Penn State game. One big mistake made the first half a 2 td margin rather than 1 and possibly a tie. I took PSU 2nd half even Steven. They could win this game fer sher.

  70. trace mcsorley, the pride of ashburn, virginia.

  71. I'm down with old lady. Has a biker feel. "Broad" is my preferred term though. An old coach of mine used it regularly. It's wonderfully dated and sexist.

  72. poetic license, danimal. just go with it.

  73. And on psu, I'm sure you saw that McQueary was awarded 10M + this week for his mistreatment post Sanduski. Torn on that one.

  74. i'm not. that kid deserves everything he gets.

  75. Not sure if the kid that was being sodomized by Jer, while witnessed by Mike, would agree.

  76. goes without saying the kids are the victims. hard to know what anyone would've done differently in mcqueary's situation.

  77. Fuente is going to make Tech really good very soon. Tonight was a preview.
