Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I had no idea this existed

It is awesome and horrific all at once. Enjoy.

P.S. I love that we already had a "Bee Gees" label


  1. Oh yes. One of the worst rated films ever but some classic cameos. Haven't seen this since I was in high school. Frampton didn't do himself any favors in this.

  2. in unrelated, but very 2016ish news, the plane crash that killed nearly the entire chapecoense soccer team is a horrible story. fought their way up to brazil's top division after years in the lower tiers, having their best season, flying to compete in the finals of a regional champions league-like event, and nearly the entire team killed. fuck everything.

  3. Just got to shake golf's GOAT, arguably. Follow @_golfbusiness
    If you are really really bored tonight, give the Golf Channel look tonight. You might get a shot of the Danimal.

  4. Frampton was awesome at Cap Center in '76. Check out his Tiny Desk show. Mad guitar skillz.

  5. you should shake old people, danimal. they're kinda fragile.

  6. I'm fragile too. Lots of wine and beer last night.

  7. just getting caught up on the news of the day. holy shit that's not fair.

  8. which thing, danimal? chapecoense, gatlinburg, trump gutting the first amendment, ohio state? what a great time to be alive.

  9. There's still a shitload of goodness out there, friends. You just gotta work harder to dig it up from underneath the garbage of the day and it's harder to focus on it through the tears. Can be done, though, and I'd say those of us at this here blog should be taking it upon ourselves to do what others aren't willing or clever enough to do. Starting with me. Game on.

  10. Music for inspiration...

    The Kinks, "Catch Me Now I'm Falling"

  11. I'd contend today's post contains a shit ton of goodness. We're well on our way.

  12. all of the above really but more so the plane crash.

  13. Whitney & Clarence get the Most Likely To Inspire awards for November. I fucking love those guys!

  14. Has Jack Nicklaus mentioned me on Twitter yet today? No?

  15. I'm looking for goodness, but I'm in wet socks and wet shoes at Newark airport and my flight is delayed. I should've stayed in Miami.

  16. sounds like TR needs some rubbers from santa

  17. the brazil soccer plane is crash is a tragedy. nonetheless, it reminded me of when george costanza brought up the same scenario with keith hernandez.

    GEORGE: But if you think about it...26 teams, 162 games a season, you'd think
    eventually an entire team would get wiped out.

  18. wow, my wife can be totally insensitive.

  19. also, i wasn't trolling when i said philly has better food than nyc. new york has some great restaurants, and also a million bad ones, and they are spread out. philly has excellent pubs, italian food, seafood, farm to table, local joints, cheesesteaks, the reading market, a decent chinatown for asian food-- and it's all cheaper than nyc and in walking distance. there are several great places to eat near every major attraction, and they are kid friendly. i'm not knocking new york, but it's way harder to get around with kids, and it's way harder to find a great pub with excellent beer, good food, and a place that is also family friendly. the good dog and jack's firehouse are two winners in this regard.

  20. That's quite a hot take on Philthy.

    Flight is now 90 mins delayed. I'm trying real hard to not hit the sauce aggressively this week. Fate appears to have other plans.

  21. Dave is feeling the freight of fatherhood. I get it, but at least mention McGillin's when you tout Philly. Open since 1860.

  22. TR, I'll drink with you (virtually). Neighborhood joint 75 cent taco night tonight. I'm drinking $2 Famosa Guatemalan beers and mowing down tacos like I was mowing the lawn.

  23. love mcgillin's, especially the last time we were there. no reason for that.

    wish i could join you for 75 cent taco night. i am drinking some tequila right now in your honor.

  24. what kind of tequila? Not Pepe, I assume

  25. I'm not gonna front--Mo Willems is a goddam pimp.

  26. But not mowin down emcees like you're mowin the lawn?

    Eeeeh, warm Pepe Lopez.

  27. tribe got beat, 91-81, at central michigan. fuck off, 2016.

  28. There's a lot of years in our cheering for the Tribe that they would get beat at Central Michigan, not just 2016.

  29. Okay, since we are seriously dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously...

    Quiplash. Fun game I played this weekend. Requires a computer and/or AppleTV (or the like) and a handful of players with smartphones. Requires creativity for maximum enjoyment. Can be turned vulgar (a la Cards Against Humanity) if vulgarians are playing, which was heartily amusing.

  30. Is that like Quidditch but played in water?

  31. I only know what Quidditch is from a G:TB from 5 years ago.

  32. Whit, you need to make the trek up to NYC this weekend. Zoltan and I are staying at Saunders place for the concert. Memories of Wilco.

  33. I would bet $69 that W&M has a quidditch team that takes the game very seriously. I could've been a great seeker.


  34. looks fun-- could we play at obft, or do we not have the technology?

  35. Quidditch?
    Sgt Pepper's movie reenactment?

  36. Squeaker, I'd love to hit that show and then a NJ pub crawl but I'm broke and the holidays are upon us. Seems unwise to attempt it. Sad.

  37. whitney the wise. didn't see that coming.

  38. And that's all I have to say about that.

  39. Ah December, the month of Gheorghemas!

  40. Squeaky fell for it. First guy to mention it has Day 1.

  41. I'm still working on Day 12 from last year. Double Issue this year.

  42. Day one is easy, what's the deadline ... Jan 1?

  43. Trump put himself in a very weird place--when he picks outsiders with no government experience people write "This clown has no experience, how can he run [fill in the name of a federal agency]!" and when he picks experienced bureaucrats people write "He's going back on his campaign promise to drain the swamp of Washington insiders!"

    Clearly he gives no shits whatsoever about this quandary, but it's a quandary nonetheless.

  44. Shame on you for thinking rationally, Zman.

  45. his supporters do. not. care. example: they're lauding a deal with carrier to keep some (not all) jobs in the u.s., despite the fact that it came with tax breaks, precisely the kind of deal he said was bad for america. but he got shit done!

  46. Trump's bigger issue is all the hyperbole he uses when speaking. It's going to get him, really US, in trouble. It's already stoking the fires in Pakistan and India.

  47. A guy a know and like from my town told me and TR that he was voting for Trump because he'd get stuff done, right after agreeing with us that Trump is nuts. I said having Trump get stuff done scares me more than getting nothing done. We agreed to stop the discussion before TR called Trump a dildo. Again.

  48. To be clear, I called Trump a "fucking dildo".

  49. Steve Mariucci is aging worse than John Calipari, which is saying something.

  50. Minnesota just gave it away like they have money on Dallas.

  51. Sam Bradford is just a gritty, gritty quarterback.

  52. hola gheorghies!

    this explains the carrier thing: http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2013/06/21/194326482/episode-467-tires-taxes-and-the-grizz

  53. i'm told by a reliable source that today's the first day of gheorghemas.

  54. yes, there have been a few hiccups in production...but soon
