Thursday, November 10, 2016

Presidential Cabinet, or Laff-A-Lympics team?

According to reports, our new President-Elect, Donald Trump (still not over this. wtf people) has been preparing a preliminary list of candidates for Cabinet positions. This list is, well, it's something all right. Look at this caucus of clowns:
  • Attorney General picks include: Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Rudy Giuliani
  • Newt Gingrich, John Bolton and Bob Corker - potential picks for Secretary of State
  • RNC Chairman Reince Priebus is the only name listed under Chief of Staff, while Sessions is also the only one being considered for Director of Office of Management and Budget
  • Potential Secretary of Commerce picks include: Christie, Mike Huckabee
  • Ben Carson under consideration to be Secretary of Education
  • Christie also being weighed for Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Carson, Gingrich and Florida Gov. Rick Scott - potential picks for Secretary of Health and Human Services
  • Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin - one of seven potential candidates to become Secretary of the Interior
Honestly, at this point, I'd rather enlist The Really Rottens to run the White House. In case you forgot this ragtag bunch, a team "composed of villainous characters that frequently cheated by either giving themselves an unfair advantage in a contest or sabotaging the other teams":
  • Mumbly
  • Dread Baron
  • Dinky Dalton
  • Dirty Dalton
  • Dastardly Dalton
  • Mr. Creepley
  • Mrs. Creepley
  • Junior Creepley
  • Orful Octopus
  • Great Fondoo
  • Magic Rabbit
  • Daisy Mayhem
  • Sooey
I'll let you decide in the comments which Rotten matches up with which potential Trump cabinet member.


  1. I spent much of Tuesday night and yesterday at a loss for words, which doesn't happen all that often. As you know. And what I ended up coming to was the depressing conclusion that I had not felt this disconnected with a large segment of our country since the OJ verdict. It's a similar feeling, even though the gravity and ultimate impact of both decisions vary greatly. I was just as stunned in 1994 at what I initially classified as stupidity among fellow citizens. And while I won't let the decision-makers in either case off the hook entirely for absences of contextual understanding, frontal lobe judgment, or giving half a shit about the consequences of their actions, in both circumstances the fault seems to lie within a leader and a team (Marcia Clark and the prosecution, Hillary Clinton and the DNC) that demonstrated a fundamental lack of understanding about the respective electorate. Be it 12 angry jurors or 100 million middle Americans, they were pissed off, overlooked, abused, dismissed, and frankly given too much credit that they would understand the importance of the matter at hand and do the right thing. Neither Clark nor Clinton talked "right down to earth in a language that everybody here could easily understand." Neither appreciated the appeal of those they were trying to put away. And neither sensed a Howard Beale-ish undercurrent that had grown to "mad as hell and not going to take it any more" stature. A catastrophic, career-ending mistake on both parts. And it shouldn't have been stunning after all. But just as on that day when many of my colleagues jumped for joy when a double murderer was acquitted despite rock solid evidence to the contrary, I'm very disappointed. May time and fate run its course similarly for another bad dude who simply cannot help himself.

  2. Isn't Christie still in hot water about the intentional bridge logjam?

  3. Just saw this tweeted from a reporter:

    "Rudy Giuliani says Bridgegate was exaggerated and never should have been prosecuted."

    Your future Attorney General, everybody.

  4. He is, plus Donald clearly hates fatties.

  5. He is listed second, below Mumbly.

  6. Rudy for Homeland Security seems to make a lot of sense to me.

  7. Teej, I meant the Trump version. The one that looks like Draco Malfoy.

  8. I have also seen lunatic Sheriff Joe Arpaio's name thrown out there for Homeland Security

  9. My attempt this morning was to do a more GTB-y nonsense filler post, rather than 'cause more angst for folks...perhaps I should've went with my initial impulse and simply posted a Muppet Mashup.

    or the GTB debut of Mac McFisty

  10. remember that cabinet officials must be confirmed by the senate. some percentage of the people on these lists have no chance of confirnation in a 51-49 senate. thank you, founding fathers.

  11. sorry, my bad. i think curt schilling should be press secretary.

  12. In what should come as no surprise, NBC is reporting that no one on the working list for potential Cabinet roles has been contacted.

  13. Appointments are like Christmas presents I guess. I still think Trump tries to put Cruz on the Supreme Court on some House of Cards Heather Dunbar/reality TV game show Richard Hatch triangulation type shit to prevent Cruz from challenging him in the 2020 primary.

  14. I'm putting this link here only because (1) it steals my idea that Trump will commit an impeachable offense before his term is up and (2) it uses the phrase douche nozzle.

  15. There's no way he's lasting 4 years
    He's either impeached or he gets bored/frustrated and just quits.
    Sad thing is that Prez Pence isn't a great thing either

  16. Mike Pence is a terrible human being.

  17. Is that an MLK statue strategically placed behind Trump in his meeting with Obama?

  18. did you guys know that a lammie is the chief of staff for a newly-elected us congressman? we've got someone on the inside!

  19. My sister is a Chief of Staff for a long-standing US Congressman.
    He's a D and a cage-rattler. He's going to be busy next year.

    Also, I loved the Laff-A-Lympics as a kid
    I should find that on the YouTube

  20. The photo on the home page of appears to depict two extremely constipated men shaking hands.

  21. i predict 8 years of trump.

    it's pretty easy to get reelected once you're in, and republican presidents (including reagan) tend to amass a nice deficit in order to spark the economy (and trump will be willing to mess with the fed as well . . . what's a little inflation when he leaves office?) and this combined with raping the environment for fossil fuels of every sort, which will produce a cash windfall in the short run, will improve things enough for him to get elected for another term. sorry. at least TJ is really really white.

  22. Trump claims there is no way he would rape the environment...she is a 5 at best, not hot enough for him. Of course after he gets done with all the fossil fuels it may be hot as shit in here.

  23. As somebody who has leaned right, I've come around on Trump rather quickly. I think it took me about 33 hours. The idea of lower taxes, less unnecessary financial regulations (99% of existing regulations are worthless), and a tax break to allow corporations to repatriate cash to the US all make a lot of sense. And I'm an economic animal at heart who likes seeing green on the screens in the market.

    I'm operating under the assumption that Trump's awful words/tweets/actions during the election were his version of dirty pool to win at all costs. Let's not pretend the DNC wasn't ruthless behind the scenes for HRC. It just comes across as more sly and less vulgar. Not excusing Trump for being a major league a-hole.

    I know that when I "ASSUME", I make an ASS out of U and ME, but I think Trump will learn that the best way to game the system is to work w/ GOP party members in DC who want fiscal reforms. Hopefully, this means necessary fixes to the ACA (and not outright repeal).

    And watching an apoplectic Maddow for five minutes tonight (which is all I can take out of her) pleases me to no end. The collective smarminess/entitlement across many in the left became insufferable. I found myself surprisingly undevastated after the shock wore off.

  24. whole lotta wishful thinking in there, my man

  25. You have no problem with the (false) empowerment his victory has meant to folks who hate gays, women, black and brown folk? Fuck his potential economic impact - these assholes think a Trump presidency means they can act anyway they want. In 2016. This ain't 1956.

  26. and, he's back to his reindeer games on the twitter machine...

  27. I know I'm going out of consensus here. But there are a lot of educated, rational folks like me who won't miss an HRC reign. I'm hoping hoping hoping that I'm right w/ my opinion and his Presidency is more benign than we all fear. I know that opinions are like assholes - everybody has one - but that's mine.

    I can't control what empowers ignorant people. But I'm optimistic we won't see increases in gay bashing, Muslim bashing, etc.

    Not trying to open a can of worms, but is it fair to classify all Trump voters as "these assholes"? Maybe it is. Who knows.

    I'll leave it at that. I respect the opinions of folks here a great deal (except for Marls, of course). Just trying to put fresh eyes on the turd sandwich we have been served.

  28. The "these assholes" I refer to are simply the percentage of Trump voters who do fall into the category of assholes harassing the groups mentioned. I don't paint his entire support with that brush, but that is the group who could potentially cause the most harm in the aftermath of his win.
    Trust me, I too hope you are right in your assessment of what his Presidency might be, and have tried to be a voice of reason the past 48 hours with others both at work and at home.

  29. New Tribe album available on iTunes now!!!
