Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Hair of the Dog that Bit Me, Lloyd

Moving right along, people.  This is your regularly scheduled dipshittery.

So I went to a work luncheon the other day, and one of the sponsors was a construction company.  Among other marketing tactics, the company appeals to prospective buyers through a lovable looking animal, presumably to soften the image of an industry not known for lovability.  (See Poltergiest or Lethal Weapon 3, among others.)  So they have a retriever named Linus who wears a construction hat and poses for photos.  Cute.  Harmless.

Except this was the picture they had on enormous display at the event.

What do you think of when you think of "Overlook"?  Does anyone else instantly think of the Overlook Hotel?

If you do, you know there isn't much lovable about it.  Family murders, elevators filled with blood, a hotel coming to grisly life and creating gory death.  I couldn't stop thinking that this was a terrible choice, especially written in what could pass for blood.  It's one backwards R from being intentional.

Just glad it wasn't Lot 237.

Just me???  Probably.  All work and no play makes Clarence a dull boy.


  1. Would have been cooler if it had been Lot 69.

  2. 69 is cool. 71 is cool too. 67 much less so, IMHO.

  3. Not trying to troll with this...legitimate question that Mrs. Marls and I have been discussing.

    Would you be bothered more or less if Ted Cruz was POTUS elect and why?

  4. Less here. Though he is the only person imo that can actually compete with Trump on redeeming qualities, I have a harder time imagining Cruz getting us into a pissing contest with another nation. That is my biggest concern with Trump.

  5. i actually would be more bothered if cruz were potus, because i think he'd be more calculating, better understand how congress and government works, and more likely to achieve lasting legislative and policy impacts. i do share danimal's concern about trump, though.

  6. Cruz seems like a good fit for SCOTUS though I doubt he wants it right now. Cruz has respect for the institutions of democracy and the presidency. Sure he'd get some regressive shit done but I'd prefer him to Trump. Anyone whose plans involve rounding up minorities and shipping them out of the country scares me

  7. I struggle with the question. I actually think I would be less bothered by Cruz. Cruz is a calculating bag of shit but so predictable. Like Danimal, Donald's unpredictable petulance scares I guess for me it's the devil you know vs. the devil you don't.

  8. Worst comment thread ever.

  9. I am listening to a Jets podcast to cheer up.

  10. Totally. We need some bond yield etf chatter!

    Is everyone else getting a Lethal Weapon promo tweet every time they go onto the tweeter? Just me?

  11. I'm with Rob on this topic.
    On another someone planing to recap/review the Snoop-Martha show? I feel like that info belongs on GTB
