Thursday, September 22, 2016

Ledell Betts, Alfred Morris, and Clarence's Pal

Won't you join me in wishing our friend Whitney a happy 46th birthday today? By request, one of his favorites:


  1. Thanks, little buddy. I love that B&B clip perhaps more than any other. Well done.

    And thank you for not including Oliver Perez.

  2. After singing Amtrak's praises earlier in the week, I'm crawling north on the Acela with no wifi access. Productivity!

  3. Happy birthday you son of a bitch.

  4. For ZMan

  5. Is that Burgess Meredith narrating?

  6. It's Mason Adams. You may remember him as the voice of Smuckers.

    Not sure about his reputation with the stick.

  7. These socks are awesomely awful. Tailor-made for Teej.

  8. Amtrak/Acela sucks. "Wifi" is a myth. Only good thing is that there's a bar car serving Dogfish and Sam Adams.

  9. Mason Adams was good in F/X and even better mimicking Pauly Shore's shtick in Son in Law.

  10. The Robert Swift story in this week's SI is captivating. It's available online. I suggest you carve out 20-30 minutes for it.

  11. Acela just stopped in New Haven and picked up a bunch of college kids. One remarkably goofy kid, who peppers his speech with "dude," is telling whomever is on the other end of his phone call that they need to go to California this summer because the summer of love was 1967 and this is 50 years later so it will be the summer of love all over again and they will get laid. He does not, however, want to take MDMA because he does not want his brain to get rewired. He also says "Keep reading Rolling Stone magazine, it's a great magazine, my parents used to love reading it when they were kids." He feels "subconscious" reading it in front of his roomnate though. I assume he goes to Yale.

  12. You missed Back to School night, Zman! Some cougariffic moms strolling those halls.

  13. Houston has no idea how to use timeouts. Only took Nantz and Simms until the second TO to recognize it.

    Houston is poop.

  14. Between Two Ferns w/ Zach and Hillary. Very funny.

  15. I second the Ferns episode. I was too busy riding Amtrak to make it to back to school night.

  16. hello gheorghies!

    happy b-day whit, and thanks for the link rob, i'm forcing my kids to watch seinfeld and it's going pretty well . . . i miss those days

  17. I said it last night on Twitter but it's worth repeating: Will Muschamp chose Jeff Driskel as his starting QB over Jacoby Brissett. Yet another reminder that Will Muschamp should never, ever be allowed around offensive football.
