Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Your periodic compendium of things cobbled together from around the Gheorghosphere.

After November, regardless of the outcome of the election, there's going to be a reckoning. I feel pretty strongly that the Trump campaign stands firmly on the wrong side of history, and even if he were to win (which still isn't probable, but sure as fuck is more likely than sanity would presume), his impact over the broader arc of time will be seen as an aberration, the last gasp of a terrified racial nationalism that was morally dead by the 1960s. And even if we wins, we will find a time as a nation to take a roll call of those that supported him directly - and more importantly, of those that enabled him, like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and the roster of leading Republicans too fearful of losing their own place in elite circles to choose principle and nation over party and power. History will not be kind to those men and women.

It will, according to the G:TB historical analysts, be kind to George H.W. Bush. (Do you have any idea how hard it was to type 'George' without using an 'h'?) The 41st President has apparently been freely telling acquaintances that he supports Hillary Clinton for President. That he's a Republican makes this newsworthy. That she's the wife of the man that made him a one-term President makes him a goddamn American hero. We salute you, H-free George.

I insist that you read, deconstruct, and think deeply about yesterday's Sentence of Dave. It both captures the genius and cultural moment of Seinfeld precisely and analyzes what we've lost as a society since that show left the air succinctly. It ends thusly, "...but not knowing that the Seinfeldian brand pre-9/11 irony and absurdity was on its way out, to be replaced by something darker, and the hypersensitive, super-silly tone of the '90's was about to end, and people my age (46) would yearn for this feeling for the rest of their lives (Beavis and Butthead)."

That's fucking brilliant.

One of you (or some combination of ones of yous) has to have enough money to make a dream come true. The legendary Dixie Liquor in Georgetown (another fucking no-h George) has fallen on hard times. Closed since July 4, the packie at the foot of the Key Bridge (head, maybe?) is rumored to be up for sale. As a personal family friend of a former owner of the joint, I might be able to put a word in for you, if you want in.

Many thanks to my man Clarence (who's just 24 hours from celebrating his friend Whitney's 46th birthday) for sending me this video from 60 Minutes Australia of Neil Finn and Paul Seymour playing 'Don't Dream It's Over' for the first time in five years (the song starts at . There are very few songwriters who match Finn. I will not argue this. This song takes me back. Don't let them win.


  1. Yesterday's Sentence of Dave should be referred to using apostrophes, but you should read it and Dave's other sentences (and "sentences") too.

  2. In a board meeting of community leaders in a big square conference table set-up (so everyone can be seen). One of the younger people, a dude in his young 30's I'd say, is packing a fatty. Deaconizer, in other slang. The only bear you'll ever pinch. Just a pinch between your cheek and gum. Snuff. Smokeless tobacco. I'm talkin dip, boy.

    He's doing the stuffed-a-napkin-into-a-paper-cup and spitting only mildly surreptitiously. Fairly unabashed. Seems drastically out of place here but I am chuckling.

    Is this an accepted practice (beyond, say, Town Council in Winchester)?

  3. Can't say I've ever seen that in a meeting setting. Though I saw it regularly in small impromptu meetings during my time in minor league baseball.

    Podcast recommendation for any other history dorks out there. "The Fall of Rome". Takes a different look at the factors involved in the empire's demise. Highly intelligent and interesting.

  4. Apple is trying to buy McLaren?! Wow. Just ... wow. The iCar is going to be fast as fuck.

  5. judging from where i sit, rome fell because caesar had too many slot machines

  6. Rob I'll split some action with you on RC prop bets if you're up for it? 20, 40, whatever it takes. Settle up at LPH or Brogue? I like Cabrera Bella and Ricky (even though he sucks..) as Longshot point winners but am open to any action with long odds. If you know what I'm sayin.

  7. Rob if you are looking for a local, off-the-strip, low-pressure gambling joint you could do worse than Green Valley or Silverton. Green Valley has a lot of shops and restaurants attached for the non-gamblers, and Silverton has the biggest bass pro shop ever built and worth walking around even if it's not your thing. Last time I was there they had an indoor archery range that was pretty sweet.

  8. President George H's Withdrawn Bush is actually his full name, doncha know

  9. Over the years I've encountered a handful of golf professionals that dip on the job. Not in board meetings but not really that far off - very high-end private clubs while in the shop chatting w/members, giving golf lessons, what have you. Granted, of the say 4 I can think of, only one would have a cup handy. The others did not require the periodic spit. Not spitters in other words, but swallowers.

  10. Clarence is not daydrinking. Clarence just seems that way all the time.

  11. I know a detective at the Sheriffs office that I used to regularly play basketball with who dipped while he played. Also not a spitter. I have no idea how/why someone does that.

  12. Apple is going to make strollers? Brooklyn's collective hipster brain just exploded.

  13. A big-swinging dick investment banker I know who is based in Houston dips frequently at internal meetings. He also wears cowboy boots, which is a whole other weird work thing I encounter in the oil and gas game. He props his boots on a table and dips (he spits) to let all know he's the alpha dog (and an asshole).

    Also popular: wearing college rings, loving God, saying racist things about Obama matter-of-factly
