Tuesday, June 21, 2016

MR PEDRO and Imelda

No, not a new sitcom coming to NBC in the Fall. They are, however, my two new favorite commenters of 2016.

Enjoy these gems:


  1. Trump hired Don Draper and Roger Sterling. I cannot wait to see the results.


  2. Upon further review, Trump IS Roger Sterling ... right?

  3. he or kaizer soze. not sure which.

  4. Yacht Rock station is back on Sirius/XM. And to honor that, Rude Jude is playing Yacht Rock songs and then following them up with the hip hop songs that sampled the Yacht Rock song.

  5. So it's a PM Dawn/Prince Be remembrance special? With some Dream Warriors thrown in?

  6. Ooooooh. That has Michael McDonald -> Regulate written all over it.

  7. Fox announcers needed to skewer Guzan for that first goal, but totally glossed over his mistake. They only said "he got caught flat-footed," when they needed to say that a goalie should never sprint from his line toward the ball, and then stop. If he went hard into the guy heading the ball, he might've made the save. Terrible job by him. He ain't playing for Aston Villa anymore.

  8. Sitting at a bar for dinner in Saskatoon and half of the Canadian PGA tournament is here drinking. These guys look really young. Only soccer on TV is the Amway cup. The Canadian cup. BS.

  9. 2-0 Argentina after 32 minutes, and game isn't as close as score appears.

  10. Forgot to add Univision is the only network broadcasting the game in Canada. And it doesn't seem to be available via the Saskatoon cable networks.

  11. ugly from the word go for the usmnt. or from the word wondolowski.

  12. Hey Gheorghe people.

    Zero shots? Not one God damn shot? It's enough to drive Harry Doyle to drink.

  13. It's all my fault. I actually watched the game and rooted for the US.

  14. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.

  15. I was watching. Considered turning it off after the first goal. Glad I didn't because I would've missed Messi's free kick. That was brilliant. I was done at halftime though.

  16. everyone caught up on game of thrones...good shit this past one heh? one of the better episodes that didn't involve topless wenches.
    spoiler alert: why didn't he just zigzag? or get on the ground?

  17. That's what I said to my wife in rea time while watching. Why the fuck is he running in a straight line?

  18. Because he's not savvy, just like his oldest brother and dad.

    The lack of communication b/w the bastard and his half-sis was dumb. Could've saved a few thousand lives by pushing things back an hour.

    As for the zigzag thing, unlike Mark and Danimal, many have not been instructed as Floridians how to avoid a gator attack.

  19. In other news, I finagled a ticket to a suite at Yankee Stadium today. They had a big, untouched bottle of Johnny Black. I dipped in at 1:55 PM. Figured I would be the pace horse so that the others in the suite would feel better that they're not the only scotch guzzlers. Pretty selfless of me.

  20. actually tr, the zig-zagging things is a myth. i've known that for about 4 weeks now after having taken my kids to the alligator farm in st. aug. mythbusters did an episode on site back in their early years. for starters, humans can outrun an alligator. their top speed is 10-11 miles per hour'ish. 11 is our baseline. plus we have more stamina. plus plus, alligators don't chase humans. now you know. go ahead and pull a cliff claven and randomly bring up the subject with your fellow scotch swilling suits. they'll think you're real neat.

  21. I did no know that! Why do you hate capital letters?

  22. Carlos Beltran would have such a higher batting average if he could actually run. He moves like pond water. I guess he's playing for one more $10 MM contract as a DH.

  23. i said the same thing to jason about that first goal, tr. you either hold your line or come out and clobber that guy. poor goal-side marking and goalkeeping throughout the game. yuck. boulder is nice, though . . .
