Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Fhather's Day

The Large Father wishes all the Gheorghie dads a most excellent day of your very own. I'm spending mine drinking craft beer, mountain biking, and watching copious amounts of sports. May yours be similarly enriching.


  1. What do PEDs have to do with Father's Day?

  2. Game 7/GoT negotiations ongoing. Battle of the 21st century's best vs battle of the bastards. A battle of battles, if you will. Resulting in a mild battle in zhome.

  3. this doesn't seem hard. watch the live event, record the recorded.

  4. zwoman says "The Final Four already ended, right? What game is this?" We have one TV.

  5. Did you guys see this?

  6. schoninger's cat: is pro rugby alive?

  7. Nicole Scherzinger has a rugby playing cat?

  8. Happy Father's Day boys. Took the D-man out for his first ever round of golf at the local dog track w another neighbor and his son. 6:09 mtn time. Wife is at Mutts Cutts for a few hours. were in town and didn't patronize our little slice of dogdom? Commy bastard.

  9. i didn't bring my dog with me, danimal. mostly because i don't have a dog. i suppose i could've come in for some grooming for myself. i'll make sure i do that next time. my sister did say that she stopped in at some point recently. so i'm doing my part for the declanimal's college fund.

  10. You have cats tho jerk. Lots of cat goodies.

  11. I'm so excited for game 7 tonight.
    Everyone who doesn't live in the Bay Area has to be rooting for Cleveland, right?

  12. No, Shlara. I won't be, to name one. I don't care for Cleveland as a city and don't care that they have a tortured sports history. I'm a big LeBron and Kyrie fan but I'm still pulling for Golden State.

    My two TV setup in the living room will be useful tonight. I'll concede the larger TV for an hour to watch Battle of the Bastards because I'm psyched for that as well. After that it's back to Game 7 and then Gator baseball on TV2.

    Finally, not sure if they remember but Rob, Shlara, TJ and I watched a game 7 together 6 years ago in Arlington. Let's hope tonight's game is similarly closely contested.

  13. I will be rooting for Golden State as well. I don't have much love for Cleveland, their steamers, or LeBron.

    If u don't like the city of Cleveland, it is only bc you haven't seen this.

  15. Ricardo Rodriguez was not a name I expected for a member of the Swiss soccer team.

  16. He's from the southern part of Switzerland. Near the border.

  17. Oakmont members surely pissed w the deluge Thursday, allowing for the red numbers. Otherwise this would have been a massacre.
    Westwood....toast. DJ just said "shit". Watch out for the Spaniard Serge. Furyk getting next to no coverage despite being in the hunt in his hometown and playing in only his 6th or so event of the year after a wrist injury. He's only made 2 cuts btw. Lowry a little shaky. Any way you slice it, the odds are strong to very strong that someone will his first major today.

  18. Mimentary lapse. Serge can't putt, I knew better. An hour behind live as usual. Lowry faltering a bit early. Does he have the stones?

  19. living in a place where one can semi-drunkenly bicycle to bars in the early afternoon and then drunkenly bicycle home in the late afternoon is so choice.

  20. and i'll be at peace with any outcome tonight, but it'd be great if lebron gives us a 45/15/15 fuck everything performance for the ages to shut his critics up forever.

  21. anyone know a legal expert who also knows the rules of golf?

  22. The rules committee is going to fuck this DJ thing up. How do you just tell one guy.

  23. You could not step on that ball and create a worse lie for Sergio.

  24. Azinger and Faxon want to come out of their seats on this possible ruling.

  25. When the had the rules official on it took everything Faxon had to not go after him on air.

  26. Joe Buck, who is so quick to self righteously pontificate about such thing like Randy Moss PRETENDING to moon the crowd, is being oddly differential to a bunch of old white dudes at the USGA.

  27. Yes Whit. Fuck autocorrect. Fuck Joe Buck. Oh, and fuck the guy that still owes me a call.

  28. DJ's wife seems to have a nice butt.

  29. That camera angle on DJ and the Gretzky chick walking to sign his scorecard...oh my

  30. And a fantastic everything else.

  31. Looking forward to the twitter feedback on that. I'm guessing she wasn't wearing granny panties.

  32. Nope.
    And she was clearly aware of the camera angle, she kept trying to stretch her short golf shirt-style dress down her ass further...

  33. And with the penalty dj finishes w a....69. By night's end he shall have another.

  34. I was thinking that LeBron was being too passive for my liking and then he hammered that two hand dunk.

  35. before we get into the nba game and forget all about it, big ups to dj for finishing that out, despite the usga's abysmal pants-wetting. the golf brahmins dodged a gigantic bullet there. and of course they docked dj the stroke after it didn't matter. fuckfaces.

  36. Still watching golf coverage on golf channel. The USga guys are in including Jeff Hall, main rules official. Brandel Chamblee is taking them to task on live tv.

  37. Jeff Hall can't get out of this interview quick enough.

  38. Labron just wants it more.

  39. It's time for shots in the Flats

  40. Some big balls on Kyrie. LeBron was the best I've ever seen him over the last half of the series. Dominant and deserved.

    Going to be a real long summer for Steph.

  41. that summer's gonna start with the knee surgery he probably should've had three weeks ago

  42. That was amazing.
    LBJ's emotion was awesome.
    I cried.

  43. I'm all in for Clevetown. Riots are inevitable.

    GoT was...eventful.

  44. This win by LBJ was/is really a spectacular moment for sports. Alleviates stress from Byner, Ehlo and so many others.

    I would have been more demonstrative about it all, but I was day-drinking w/ a big Aussie. That did not go well for this guy.

  45. Not all heroes wear capes. #wunwun

  46. Wunwun had some sort of cape-ish animal carcas thing going on last night didn't he?

  47. All of you JR Smith doubters need to watch the clip from his post-game press conference last night

  48. Watched it live, Shlara. Was a pretty cool moment.

  49. This coverage of the Cavs arrival home on ESPN is so great.
    I can't get enough of it.

  50. you'll all be happy to know that i avoided being empaneled on a jury this morning. i voired the shit out of the dire.

  51. "You want me on the jury because I can tell if someone's guilty just by looking at them."

    Works every time.

  52. Got in the hotel elevator this morning after my 5:30AM run to a cloud of purple haze. I stay in all the classy places when traveling for work.

  53. look at squeaky with the early-riser-athlete humblebrag. i see you, brother.

  54. I'm in a different timezone so it makes it easy to get up 'early'. So no humblebrag.

  55. Two great post-finals articles for the NBA fans:

    Lee Jenkins:

    McMenamin + Windhorst

  56. Squeaky, if you were a badass you would've gotten on the elevator amid the purple haze and crooned, "Don't know if I'm going up or down..."

  57. Chances are he was going down.

  58. New mayor of Rome is pretty foxy, I must say. Que buono!
