Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Test 18: Birds and Snakes and Plants and Things

I wish I had included some birds and snakes in this episode of The Test, so that I could have responsibly titled the episode "Birds and Snakes and Plants and Things," but that would be false advertising. It's just "Plants and Things." 

Whitney will love Stacey's jokes at the start (I hated them) and there's a number of other groundbreaking occurrences in this episode: an even tighter intro montage, no need for The Voice of God to rescue us from our ignorance, a special guest, and possibly . . . just possibly . . . if you're not very careful, you might learn something. Take a shot and see if you can do better than the ladies (who perform rather well, considering the topic).


  1. Marcus Mariota will pass for 400 yards today.

  2. Immediately after the announcers mention breast cancer awareness month, Boobie Dixon gets a handoff.

  3. i love this:

  4. Here come ej manuel. God help me.

  5. Anybody else get switched over to the Spanish broadcasters in the ATL-WAS game at the beginning of the fourth quarter? It's surprisingly easy to follow.

  6. Why on earth did I think you can't fumble forwards into the end zone? I'm an idiot.

  7. Strange happenings at USC...

  8. looks like sark needs some real help. tough thing to deal with for anybody, even tougher in such a public, high-stress role.

  9. Agreed, Rob. The details emerging about Sark are troubling to say the least.

  10. patriots just putting it on the cowboys. love it.

    also, someone needs to check on clarence after that redskins game.
