Saturday, October 10, 2015

It's a Very Jerry Wedding Day

There were some who said this day would never come.  There was almost no one who said it would.

Game on.  Here's to Jerry.

Foreshadowing for tonight

 Wel'p, see you later!


  1. according to the faceweb, today is also mark's birthday. auspicious!

  2. Indeed. I'll always be able to remember Jerry's anniversary.

  3. Speedo guy was at the Y again today. He was probably like "Hairy shoulder guy is at the Y again today."

  4. And congrats jerry. And Mark too I guess.

  5. Thanks, Z. I guess.

    Bets I like today (I'm having a pretty good year so far). Ball St +10.5, Miami +9.5, UConn +2.5, Baylor -45 (no, really). Waiting on Bama number to drop to -15 and then I'll pull the trigger there too.

  6. Happy birthday to Tattoo Mark (not Barrister Mark)

  7. When is an acceptable time to start drinking before the nuptials? I'm feeling festive. Maybe a couple Nancy Drews along with the Tribe game on CSN. For men it's called a Hardy Boy.

  8. William and Mary is pouring it on. 77 yard td run for Anderson, 94 yard INT on ensuing Nova drive when they were threatening.

  9. And another one... Just hope Cluley okay after that hit.

    31-10 with 72 ticks left in the first half.

  10. WIlliam and Mary's promotional advertisement could use some juice.

  11. 2015 Ohio State=2009 Florida. The similarities are numerous and significant.

  12. W&M could use some juice just about everywhere.

  13. Guys--guess who else is staying in my hotel?
    The Mets!

    I was on the elevator earlier with deGrom and din say anything bc there were a bunch of people. But I just rode the elevator with Kevin Plawecki and chatted with him.

  14. mark, what did bomani do to kanell?

    not a terrific start to the day for us soccer - u23s with a poor performance against honduras with a chance to lock up a berth in the olympics. will likely have to win a play-in game against columbia to qualify.

  15. En route to MSG to celebrate Jerrys nuptials at a ranger game. Dude just got on the train reeking of bubonic chronic. The whole car stinks. It was not Mark.

  16. So Michigan is pretty good heh.

  17. Congrats to Jerry and Mark. I am 11 PM drunk at 8:15 PM at a high school buddy's wife's 40th b-day in Asbury Park, where a zombie walk just wrapped. Crowd is eclectic for sure.

    The regional impact of Texas' upset of Oklahoma is huge. It saved Strong's job. Folks in Dalls were not ready for that.

    Go Tribe. I need water.

  18. Gary Pinkel has the most aggressive visor bend I've ever seen.

    I had some birthday Pappy earlier tonight. Good far.
