Monday, September 14, 2015

The Test 14: Number of the Dave

I thought I had constructed a fun and easy number association quiz for the ladies (including the mysterious lady guest, Mrs. X) but apparently I did no such thing. In fact, judging by the amount of yelling, banging, slapping and vitriol thrown my way during the recording of this episode, I did the exact opposite of what I intended.

If you listen carefully, you'll hear the microphones clip out a couple times because things got so overwhelmingly loud. All this furor over a few numbers that I thought were memorable and significant. No math! Just numbers. But obviously Stacey, Cunningham and Mrs. X. feel the same way about numbers as Jackie Mason feels about cans.

Highlights include Stacey contemplating self-immolation, Mrs. X doing some creative math about football, Cunningham's indignance about an old song, and an incident that I claim is the greatest moment in podcasting history . . . especially if you're familiar with the first episode of the show.

Anyway, take a shot at it and see if you fare better than the ladies. And try to avoid banging and slapping things while you listen.


  1. I only got one question wrong, but I think I'm actually right (as an alternative). 18 is the number of games required to win a best of 5 tennis match, and you have to win 72 points to win those 18 games.

    I got the bonus question right because I graduated from elementary school.

  2. how about a spoiler alert, man?

  3. I need a spoiler alert to announce the wrong answer?

  4. nice job, zman, but that alternative answer is almost as epic as mrs. x craziness about football.

  5. This will send every woman in America over age 30 into a hot sweat:

  6. That's a week old, Zman. Get with it. Loser.

  7. I guess that's why zwoman's been running around in a hot sweat for the past week.

  8. tribe just released its noncon hoops schedule. among others, n.c. state, dayton, uva, and odu. the press release described it as 'loaded'. i don't think i'll be going quite that far. it's also got liberty, hampton, howard, high point, central michigan, and washington adventist. i think the last is a church group.

  9. zman, i expect to see you on this list next year:

  10. I shall tweet no more forever.

  11. that's the kind of can do attitude that built this blog into what it is today.

  12. who is jon hamm?

    just kidding! i totally know him. he's the guy from "unbreakable kimmy schmidt."



    ORF Rock featuring Les Coole

    Rootsy, tune in

  14. Ready to Die came out 21 years ago yesterday. I'm so old.

  15. Les Coole was more cool than I thought tonight. Nice days of the week song theme. My kids watched for a bit and were confused about what they were watching.

  16. TR, thanks for watching.

    I went to my first Panic show(s) this weekend. Mind somewhat blown.

  17. I hope you saw the Jimmy Cliff guestie. That must've been fun.

  18. Yeah, it was very cool. They did a cover of The Clash's "Guns of Brixton," which is pretty much my favorite song of all time, so it went over big with me.

  19. there must be a camera crew that secretly follows me while traveling.

    fly to London, drive 30 minutes to my hotel (yeah that's right, I drive over here), and the expedia reservation I made apparently doesn't exist. I sit in the lobby while the mgr tries to figure it out/find me a room, b/c there aren't any (90 min and counting) and there are none to be had nearby for less than a few hundred quid per night.

    I hope mr kq had no such welcome upon arriving to the motherland.

  20. Ok...I'm in. Not bad. 3.5 hours.

  21. Sorry Whit, I missed the Les Coole show. Was driving the soccer shuttle, again. At least I've found a good bike ride from the fields so I don't have to sit for 90+ minutes making small talk with the soccer dads. I like small talk as much as the next guy, but 269 minutes of it is a bit much.

  22. I have a high school buddy that brings programming books when he has to do things like take his kids to b-day parties. I admire the strong signal he sends out - I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ANY OF YOU.

  23. I'm not going quite that far. There's the guise of fitness, and the fact that late evening is quite a lovely time to cycle along the Blue Ridge Parkway.

  24. No worries, Rootsy -- this week's theme was days of the week, and we played "I'll Be Coming Home Every Saturday Night" by the New Roanoke Jug Band.

  25. Nice! I know that song. Pink Anderson's "Every Day in the Week" is a good choice if you ever revisit that theme.

  26. Today, tomorrow, 9/29 and 9/30 are really like condensed versions of day 1/2 of the NCAA tourney for soccer fans. 8 games on simultaneously each afternoon at 2:45 PM ET each day.

    No luck for me to watch this week, but I may have to wrangle up an afternoon apt and belly up with a Guinness in two weeks.

    Actually, screw that. Let's get more NFL hot takes from Merrill Hoge, Shannon Sharpe and Chris Carter.

  27. do i have to catch the les coole show live? i feel like i always miss it-- when is it on, so i can put it on my calendar? every week monday at 7?

  28. man, dave must really hate penny baker. misogynist bastard.

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  30. narcos is right up my alley-- we've watched a couple and they are great. who is penny baker?

  31. Agreed on Narcos. It's my new go to show when I'm in the elliptical at home. About halfway through it at this point.

  32. I'm glad blogspot abal is holding down the fort at G:TB, it would be a sleepy day otherwise.

    I'm three episodes into Narcos and it's great. At the outset I thought Pachanga/Maurice would have a bigger role--he's the only actor I recognize.
