Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Our People

I had breakfast with a congressperson today. True story.

Way more importantly, as I headed back to my car after the meal, I saw this:

Pretty sure this person is:

a) A G:TB reader,

b) A Mike Litos fan,

c) Teejay, or

d) All of the Above

Carry on with your obviously important and interesting day.


  1. Any of you Tribe fans interested in four tickets w/ parking pass to Saturday game at UVA?

    My dad and a few buds were going to go, but their ringleader is unable to make it so they want to sell them. They paid $160 but would let them go for 80. Let me know if you're interested.

  2. The right thing to do, if anyone wants those tickets, is to give rootsy's dad $169 for them. Just sayin.

  3. But make him throw in some of that Roanoke moonshine.

  4. Biden's sitting on a recliner somewhere, watching the debate, thinking Hilary is his only competition.

    Biggest loser of the night is Fiorina's makeup artist.

  5. Wish I could watch.
    Random factoids...jags have won a total of 14 games since 2010. And their last winning season was 2007. I want Jack Del Rio back.

  6. Mr KQ...I'm assuming you're familiar with England's coach, Stuart Lancaster? Anyone else? No? Give him a google. I'll assume playing rugby have a little something to do with "the ears".

  7. If you were to posit an argument that GWB43 "kept us safe," are you sure you would want to begin your defense of that argument by using a picture of demolished buildings (containing thousands of dead American bodies) and saying "You remember the rubble?"

  8. the 'bush kept us safe' notion is the fullest realization of rovian language jiu jitsu. words, science, nuance, ideas have no fucking meaning whatsoever in this election. just pandering, bluster, and obama sucks. it's as depressed as i've been about the state of politics in our country, and that's saying something.

  9. guys, Rasheed Wallace turns 41 today
    we old.

  10. Not telling you Republicans who to support, but John Kasich is the 69th governor of Ohio...

  11. Adriana La Cerva appears to have changed her name to Cynthia Frelund and then become a "fantasy" analyst on ESPN.

    Fantasy indeed.

  12. There's no such thing as Frelund.

  13. Jamie Frelund? Peyton manning is chad Pennington.
