Tuesday, September 22, 2015

NFL Did You Know?

Hearing of the Jets Victory during my morning commute this morning I thought to myself, "It was a pretty good week for the teams of GTB."

Jets - Win
Team from Washington - Win
Jags - Win
Bucs - Win
Giants - Loss
Bills - Loss

For you slow on the math, that's a 4-2 record. The next thought was, "I bet it's been a while since that has happened." Considering that in 2014 the aforementioned teams won a combined 28 games thanks large in part to the 9-win Bills, my hunch was we might have to go back a few seasons.

It wasn't as bad as thought. We "only" have to go back to Week 7 of the 2013 season when all 6 teams played and a winning record was produced. This time it was the Jags & Bucs on the wrong side of the column. There were two, yes two other winning weeks but only when one of our lowly squads were off on a bye week. 3-2 both times.

Plenty of 2-4's and 1-5 weeks and one 0-6'r in Week 6 of last year. In case you were wondering. Pretty pathetic. Less than 5 wins per year last season for those that we root for. Will the tables turn for us in 2015? Not a fucking chance, but here's to dreaming.


  1. Last night I told TR that I think the Jets could win 10 games.


  2. I don't know about you Zman, but I was couch-drunk. You musta been too. Played hooky from work to go golfing, got the train rolling w/ golf beers, and then kept the party going through the game. Feeling less than stellar today.

    Is it Whitney or Clarence's birthday today? Conflicting comments on that today.

  3. Now you can say "When I come back like Jordan, wearing the 4-5, it ain't to play games with you, it's to aim at you, probably maim you" for 12 months and it won't be weird at all.

    I was couch-buzzed after a work-related dinner at which I ate something like 69 ounces of lamb shank and some red wine, then came home and kept the party going for a little while longer. Alka Seltzer is your friend right now.

  4. Wait, wait, wait. Beck is married to the redheaded afro girl from Dazed and Confused!?

  5. happy birthday whit dog! closer to 60 than to 30. chew on that one.

  6. Yes, I stumbled across that fact whilst tumbling through an IMDB wormhole a few months ago. The guy who wants to dance is not married to Christina Hendricks, she's married to the similar looking guy who was the oddball in the hardware store in Garden State.

  7. Clarence's birthday is around Mardi Gras and he's way younger.

    Thanks, Squeaky and Squirrel.

  8. I wish I could jet over to Norfolk and repay Whitney for my 39th birthday shenanigans. It was probably the drunkest night of my 30s.

  9. I don't know how y'all drink heavily on week nights. I'm not built for that anymore.

    It's a bit of a long read but I highly recommend this GQ article on Atlanta's famed Magic City.

  10. Mark, you better hope that neither Whitney nor Clarence ends up in your town on your birthday. My wife was clearly impressed when I rode into our driveway on my bike at 7:30 the next morning.

  11. Peach yogurt is underrated.

  12. I can still hold my liquor quite well, Rootsy. I'm just not waking up for work and attacking the day like I once did.

  13. Rootsy, come bring it to the ORF. I will show you the same southern hospitality you extended me in Roanoke, nearly killing us both.

    Mark, it's mind over matter. Or something like that.

  14. i'm traveling with an egyptian and a greek. make of that what you will.

  15. Whit, I need a few more years before you and I wake up snuggled up on a couch. As long as we don't take it that far I'm game. Happy Birthday to you.

  16. How do the Greeks separate the men from the boys?

  17. RIP, Yogi. He was a fixture in the Montclair, NJ area, near where a few of you saw a DBT show. A couple friends of mine are members at Montckair Gilf Club, where he held court. He often did so in the locker room, naked, which made some laugh.

    In other unpleasant news, a 48 y/o Mom my wife knew from her home town fell in her foyer and hit her head one day last week in the morning. She died from brain trauma on the spot and was found by her young teenage daughter that afternoon as she came home from school. They lived in the town over and have three school-age kids. Terribly sad news.

    Carpe diem, gents.

  18. In unrelated news, there is an Instagram video of Action Bronson rocking out on stage and then spontaneously stage-diving. He's really asking a lot from his fans by hurling that sweaty, bongwater-stank carcass on top of people.

    Can't imagine it ended well for anybody but Bronson's chiropractor.

  19. About 17 years ago I was flying to SAR-A-CUSE from Dulles w/a layover in Newark to attend a family reunion in Cazenovia NY. In Newark, I passed Yogi in the terminal, did a double take, and went back to say hi, tell him what an honor it was to meet him and to get an autograph. That's not the typical me but this was Yogi Berra. I grew up from the age of 5 or 6 watching entire ballgames with my granmdma on Channel 6 with Phil Rizzuto as the MC. I had him sign my daily planner on the date that it happened to be that day...July something 1997 or '98. Of course, I lost that autograph too.
    Nobody noticed him. Not a soul. We went our separate ways. When it came time to get on the shuttle to go to our rinky dink plane, I was among the first on and then lo and behold, the Yogster gets on. And he sits right in front of me but has a seat that faces the aisle. Mine faces his left side. We were going to the same place on the same plane. He acknowledged me with a subtle nod and I him. I asked if he had family in upstate NY. He was heading to a baseball card signing shindig. He was very cordial and borderline talkative, seemingly interested in the reason for my trip. That was an epic beginning to a great weekend. RIP Yogi.

  20. Awaiting daily planner jokes...go on, get it over with.

  21. Nice, Dan. Dig it. Yogi had plenty in common with our late friend Lud, but younger fans should look beyond the Max Patkin similarities and see what an extraordinary player he was. I'm sure the obits will highlight his greatness, oft overshadowed by his silly demeanor.

  22. coulda been a post, danimal. woulda coulda shoulda.

  23. I started to but didn't want to hog the space. That would have been two days in a row.

  24. Spacehog! Lost tune from the 90's. In the meantime, check it.

  25. Not to be confused with Space.


    It looks like they spent about as much money making this video as Wu-Tang did for Protect Ya Neck, which is to say very little money was spent making this video. They just showed up in their Patagonia fleeces and Phat Farm hoodies and flopped in front of a green screen for 5 minutes.

  26. Another fleece-and-hoodie-covered video. It looks like they got stylists and real video producers for their second album.


  27. Yogi was the baseball guy (he was obviously long since retired) who ever gave me the cold shoulder on an autograph request. Bummed me out at 10 years old. I've gotten over it though.

  28. That should've read Yogi was the *first* baseball guy...
