Monday, September 21, 2015

Methinks You Will Fail This Test

My friend Alec returns with a quiz of his own creation for the fifteenth episode of The Test. The topic is Things Shakespearean, which is right up our alley, of course. We all score well (though we are quite liberal with our scoring methods . . . anything close counts, and I count one as correct when I clearly don't know I'm even answering the question).

Give it a listen, keep score, and see how you fare. We may not know our numbers, but three English teachers are tough to beat when it comes to The Bard of Avon.


  1. This test is too hard. That said, I was closer to being correct on #3 than any of the English teachers so I'm giving myself an A.

  2. it is pretty hard, but luckily you get to score yourself. i give myself an A+

  3. Whit, went to Youtube to check out the last episode and the audio is muted because of a copyright claim. So it's a weird video of you and a young lady. Might have to add my own soundtrack and re-upload it.

  4. i am watching whit and the kinda foxy chick chat mutely to indie music on youtube, it's like some kind of art film.

  5. hey whit, i love the songs and the banter, but hate what you guys do while the songs are playing. too much milling around. why not do some push-ups or crunches? also, you shouldn't SAY the theme at the start of the show!

  6. meet james ensor! whit and i did quite a museum tour in belgium . . . i made him partake in much hieronymous bosch.

  7. I would feel better about the Jets if Fitzpatrick looked less like Todd Parker from Boogie Nights.

    And screw you, David Price.

  8. I think she's foxy, no need for the "kinda." Marshall and Decker might be the best WR Fitz has ever thrown to. He might be decent this year.

  9. Are the 24 views on youtube Dave watching on multiple browsers?

  10. LaTroy Hawkins is apparently still alive and well.

    Even Jesse Orosco is impressed by his staying power.

  11. So, um, Chris Berman's face...

  12. I said the same thing about Berman. HD isn't kind.

    Why are blitzes always "exotic"?

  13. "Blitz" is a derivative of the Nazis' blitzkrieg attacks into Poland and other European countries. Everybody seems to be fine w/ this verbiage.

    Biggest y/y change for the Jets is that they are qualmless about sending pressure b/c they have faith in their secondary. Ha-yuge change from last year.

  14. I have no problem with the word blitz. But why do announcers always use "exotic" to describe them? I've never heard of a provincial blitz or a parochial blitz or a complex blitz. They are always exotic blitzes.

  15. Is ORF Rock in HD now?

    Couldn't tune in tonight, but I think Dave is onto something with his suggestions. The one I saw had lots of pen drumming and phone browsing, along with some button pushing and a few seemingly successful attempts at witty repartee with the foxy co-host.

  16. i hope the foxy cohost gave clarence something for his birthday. which is today. celebrate clarence!
