Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Test Episode 3: Zman Gets a Shout-out From Stacey . . .

Here is the third episode of our epistemology podcast: The Test. This time, Young Cunningham delivers the goods; her questions are about TV and technology, two things that she cares profoundly about (i.e. phones and shows).

I should warn you that Stacey and I flail a bit on this one, and you might too . . . though while I am taking the quiz, I claim (typically) that I am "crushing it," as I always think I know all the answers . . . until the teacher hands me a D+.

Anyway, download it and play along at home . . . or in the car, or while you go for a run, or as you pretend to take care of your children. They might even learn something.

Zman gets a shout out around the nine minute mark. More episodes to come . . .


  1. Federer is so relaxed and nonchalant, schmoozing with the ball boys while Djokovic paces like a caged animal.

  2. Pour one out for Robin Colcord...

  3. Can't wait for Dave's live podcast from the porch of the Martha Wood

  4. I think I was more outraged about the boiling point of water than the date of the dinosaurs' extinction. But I'm glad that I was able to help Stacey learn something through 69.

  5. I've learned quite a bit through 69. Mostly anatomy. Some physics, certain hygiene habits, some flossing techniques, my own levels of patience and tolerance, and the meaning of life.

  6. So the whole family is in the ocean this morning, enjoying the surf. We strike up a conversation w/ a youngish grandma who's in the water with a boy who is the same age as my sons. We all like that the kids are getting along well and start chatting.

    They live in Atlanta, but she grew up near me in NJ. I ask her why they moved and she said her husband worked in sports in Atlanta, mostly for the Braves. I told her I was a big sports fan and was gonna be nosy and ask who her husband was. Turns out it's Stan Kasten, former Braves' President and former 27 y/o GM of the Hawks (yes, you read that right).

    He's now a part-owner of the Dodgers. He and his wife are tight with the Boehlys. Funny small world.

    Here's Kasten's impressive bio:

  7. Yeah but does he know when the dinosaurs when extinct?

  8. Not sure, Zman. But he probably knows how to proofread comments!

    Thanks, I'll be here all week.

  9. This is why I'll never win a World Series.

  10. I went to Coney Island for the first time ever today
    There was no one who remotely resembles the Kasten family on that boardwalk on on that beach

  11. breakin records here today.

  12. what are the rules for promoting the podcast?

    (i tweeted about it yesterday...)

  13. the rules are: tell everyone you know to listen to it! episode 4 is a killer.
