Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Happy Bastille Day

Zut alors!  Sacre bleu!  It is Bastille Day 2015.

No, not that Bastille.

Yeah, that one.


Bien sûr.  And finally . . .

The closest thing I ever witnessed to the storming of the Bastille was a brutal battle of pelting each other with wok sangria and the fruit contained within it.  Vicious.  I mean, you ever get wok sangria in your eyes???  And then La Tolteca carnage.

Friends . . . let none of us stay confined in life's prison cells, particularly the ones we have created for ourselves.  

The adventure of life is calling, so storm your own Bastille and be free -- like the oppressed French citizens in 1789, and like that time my girlfriend dumped me while I was living on Cape Cod.  She liberated herself from her cell that day, and though I think she lacked a high degree of foresight and really any sort of a sense of humor, 'cause man, if you don't get how funny that whole thing with her sorority sister was, you're just aren't trying . . . uh, but it was still her own small Bastille that she stormed.  And man, her small Bastille could get really stormy, one time the guys across the suite thought I had murdered her, but really it was just . . .

Stay free.


Le Clarence


  1. When I was in Milwaukee last week, the town was comically/sadly gearing up for "Bastille Days", a weeks-long outdoor celebration. It involves outside events like beer drinking, brat eating and family fun. But mostly beer drinking. I met w/ a client who sadly lamented the fact that he could no longer walk home after drinking his face off b/c he moved after having his first kid. Apparently there is a more French history in Milwaukee than one would think.

    And that's one to grow on!

  2. Little known fact, TR and I served as the inspiration for Asterix and Obelix.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. we never drink sangria out of a wok and then have a citrus battle and then eat the grande at la tolteca anymore . . . we must be getting old.

    do you remember riding the gear-shaped table up and down the citrus juice lubricated hall? i don't (but someone told me about it the next day).

  5. Then somebody nodded off in the Tolteca bathroom post-Grande.

  6. Apparently, attempting wakeboarding for the first time when you're on the wrong side of 40 is a recipe for awkward failure in front of your family, bruises under your fingernails and a back/neck that's so sore you feel like you got smacked w/ a baseball bat. Allegedly.

  7. Marcus looks good in summer league play today!!

  8. was that you or mose? or you and mose? all i remember is squeezing a grapefruit into hightower's eyes, blinding him. fun times!

  9. I had the grapefruit sculpin tonight. Liked it more than I expected.

  10. I'm eagerly awaiting Senior Science Contributor Rob's take on the existence of the pentaquark.

  11. rob is completely off the grid on some river in Maine, so we will have to wait for such a post
