Friday, April 17, 2015

Idiots Rule

I've always loved Green Day. They're everything a rock band should be - bombastic, whimsical, loud, fearless. Three chords and the truth, man. On top of all that, Billie Joe Armstrong is my kind (size) of people.

Not trying to steal Clarence's thunder here, as I eagerly await his annual(ish) Rock and Roll Hall of Fame post, but Green Day will be inducted tomorrow as part of the 2015 Hall of Fame class. Punks no more, for better or worse.

'American Idiot' is probably my favorite rock record. Full of righteous anger, head-nodding hooks, and arena rock wall of noise, it was a staple in my CD player (you younger folks may not remember those) for months and months after it was released.

So in honor of Billie Joe, Mike Dirnt, and Tre Cool elbowing their way to respectability, a little Green Day for you this morning.


  1. speaking of hof's...Gisele retired from the runway this week. a moment of silence...

  2. I like Green Day a lot. They played the Tibetan Freedom Festival at RFK when we went, Rob, and as you may recall, Billie Joe pulled some guy on stage to play three chords for one song and then had him do a stage dive. Crowd went nuts, great fun, mutual affection with the audience goes many miles.

  3. Going to see a band called Pink Talking Fish tomorrow night. They alternate covers of Pink Floyd, Talking Heads, and Phish. Have heard good things. Should be interesting.

  4. If that show doesn't invite drug overload I don't know what wouldn't.

  5. just heard an insane stat on the radio. the warriors have been so dominant this season that steph curry has sat out the entire 4th quarter in 19 games this season.

  6. five minutes into this clip, you'll see dave playing some green day at a school "rock the vote function. i'm the dude in the ski hat and sunglasses, and i'm mainly behind the speaker head. lots of fumbling with wires at the start, and i have to be reminded to play my guitar solo. i would have never remembered this if it wasn't for this post-- thanks rob!

  7. also, i came up with the best name ever for that particular event and time-- we were "the hanging chads"

  8. i don't know what was more rock and roll about dave's video, the sweatpants, the waves to the crowd, or the radio edit version of 'american idiot'. pretty excellent all the way around.

  9. By six minutes after nine, I've already worked out, gotten gas, done laundry, washed dishes and chaperoned a kid to an activity. I will spoil this healthy activity later w/ grilled steak and eleventeen drinks with a neighbor. It's a barbelled Saturday.

  10. i've had two cups of coffee and scratched myself several times.

  11. All my family is in town for my Dad's 70th birthday. I purchased him some Boulevard Brewery (Kansas City) IPA. We've rented a very large limo to accommodate the 17 family members and will be embarking on a pub crawl of sorts. Ill only be lightly drinking since kids will be with us. I've got money on my oldest sister and my other sisters husband being over served by night's end though.

  12. i'm on the board of our local soccer club. we're having a gala next weekend to raise money for our scholarship program (to give kids who can't afford to play the opportunity to do so) and our field development program. couple of auction items that might interest gheorghies here:

    specifically, this one for mark:

    and this one for tr:

    if you're interested in any if them, shoot me a note and let me know how much you'd be willing to bid. i'd be happy to bid on your behalf.

  13. Satellite High alum Ashlyn Harris made the 2015 US Women's World Cup team this week. So she had a much better week than her fellow Satellite High girls soccer alumnus Britt McHenry.

  14. i'm going to see ashlyn play for the washington spirit this evening. i'll pass along your regards.

  15. i've already planted a tree and bathed the dog!

    we have a sitter for a drinking event tonight but i kind of want to start now because of the beautiful weather (and because i deserve it, i planted a tree AND bathed the dog).

  16. I'm with Dave on the booze. I am now doing chaperone activity #2: baseball. Stopping at liquor store on way home, and then it's game on.

  17. Alka seltzer again saves Saturday morning.

  18. hope danimal's cry for help is answered.

  19. zin-laws and zmom in the house for zdaughter's birthday. If I wasn't hungover id be drunk.

  20. i hope mark and z will be proud. i dropped a mention of phonte and big pooh into a work podcast i'm doing. topic of this episode was 'little brother' - essentially about the ways large and small we're surveilled in modern society.

    the podcast, if you're interested, will be available here in a week or so:

  21. I'm crying with pride. Little Brother is greatly underappreciated.

  22. Apparently we are getting the Playoff version of Paul Pierce today for the Wiz/Raptors tilt. And I freaking love Playoff Paul Pierce.

  23. just got my garden planted. in 60 days or so, you guys can have all the tomatoes you can handle.

  24. Lots of super dad'n up in here today. Coached kids baseball to their 6th win in a row (undefeated thank you), followed by a run, followed by soccer game, followed by dad and daughter trip to pool to now. On my 2nd Intuition. What's next?

  25. A nice twist to the vodka tonic is an orange slice.

  26. The drunken family limo pub crawl has begun. Ill update you guys on which family member ends up the drunkest.

    I'm very proud of you, Rob. I love Little Brother. Not going to see them in Orlando after their final record was released (show was on a Tuesday) is one of my great musical regrets.

    Paul Pierce was a beast today. That dudes footwork should be turned into an instructional video.

  27. My oldest sister is jamming to Rock Lobster. Current leader.

  28. Rangers' power play goal in the 3rd against Pittsburgh was great. 3rd periods of close playoff games is about as good as sports gets.

  29. As an Islanders fan, I've been raised to hate the
    Rangers, but I've always been jealous of their fans. The intensity of this game is great.

    In other news, I'm drunk.

  30. Crosby may have just been concussed for the umpteenth time. Crosby shakes off the cobwebs and says he's fine. Everybody is fine with this.

  31. AXS TV is showing Coachella. Belle & Sebastian have put together a great set. Hard to hate them after seeing them live.

  32. fuck the penguins. but not you, gheorghies.

  33. Rob, I will say this. Le Clarence est drunk. Hahahahahaha.
