Sunday, April 19, 2015

Everyday Sunshine: A Cross-Blog Joint

We're inspired this morning by Sentence of Dave's ode to the sun, and just about as motivated. In (sun)light of that, please enjoy a bunch of huge music names (seriously, Chuck D, George Clinton, Flea, Les Claypool, Questlove, Mike Watt, just to name a very few) genuflecting to the legendary Fishbone's legacy.

And for good measure, some live 'bonin:


  1. Anyone else start today getting run over by the ladies scooping up Lily for Target merch?

    Just me?

    The preppies are not as nice as they appear to be in a scrum...

  2. I had to Google that to be sure "lily" was Lily Pulitzer. How did that collaboration happen?

  3. i bet clarence's friend whitney could tell us. he's got a lily connection.

  4. spending this beautiful spring afternoon inside a high school auditorium dadding it up at a dance competition. send help.

  5. It was a brilliant move by Clarence's sister.
    Seriously--complete genius.
    They could have had 10x the inventory and still sold out in 10 mins.

    Hope they do it again soon.

  6. thanks for the cross-blog non-motivational reference! if it's nice out, they should do dance competitions outside (and maybe introduce a ball and a net or a hoop or something).

  7. Spent the day drinking bloody Mary's and Samuel smiths India ale outside. Eating pizza and sausage and peppers now.

