Sunday, March 22, 2015

This Diorama Goes to Eleven

"Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?"

"These go to eleven."


  1. Why does everyone turn into a moron when they step foot in Costco?

  2. Never bet against Sparty in March

  3. Just attempted, unsuccessfully, to make a snakebite. That is the layered drink with cider and Guinness. I have one big layer but the good news is that it still tastes just fine. Now ya know!

  4. CostCo would have to pay me [and handsomely] to have a membership. Or ration vistis so that only a maximum of 1/7 of its members could shop there on any given day. I question the sanity of anyone who goes to one of those places on a weekend.

    It is almost cliche at this point, but MSU into the sweet sixteen is about the surest thing in sports.

    I like this Iowa team and think they will beat the Zags. I also think it is law that either UNC or Duke has to have a big white spaz as a major contributor each year.

  5. zson cheats at sneaky snacky squirrel. I don't know where he gets this from.

    Costco works if you have kids. Otherwise it makes little sense--you don't need five pounds of goldfish crackers.

  6. And I went today while my in-laws were visiting. Lesser of two evils.

  7. just pulled into costco. lemme see if any gheorghies have weighed in recently. oh.

  8. I've never been to Costco. I've been to Sam's Club many times though. Same thing, basically. There are some things worth buying at those type of places. Just not enough for me to merit a trip more than every few months.

    In other news, I'm pretty psyched for Kansas-Wichita State.

  9. I also agree with Mayhugh on Iowa. At least enough to take them and the points. When it comes to the tournament I always take Sparty farther than I think I should and eliminate Gonzaga earlier than I think I should. It usually works out well.

  10. really fun first half. these teams are going after each other.

  11. I wasn't initially sold on Fred Van Vleet. I e changed my tune significantly this year.

  12. he is completely in control out there. this is a very poised shocker team.

  13. Agreed on both counts. They extremely hard without being out of control. Impressive bunch.

  14. with all due respect to our good friend danimal, i'd really, really, really like to see wichita state get another crack at kentucky in the regional final.

  15. The key to Costco is to go alone, thirty mites before they close, on a school night. That was my move when we were members. I was a ninja in there.

    The food there is sad. After our fourth attempt to pretend we liked the veggie lasagna, and needed to buy chicken breasts five pounds at a time, we bailed.

    The Brooklyn Costco used to sell Yuengling cases for cheap. No dice on that in NJ.

  16. Jack White and Robert Plant doing Zeppelin at Lollapalooza in Argentina the other day. Starts a bit shaky, but Jack's first geetar solo is sick and it finishes strong.

  17. Forgot the link:

  18. Huggy Bear is dressed like a middle school gym teacher.

  19. Louisville has some atrocious uniforms. They appear to be wearing cummerbunds.

  20. The thing is, those uniforms would be nice if they didn't have sleeves and the cummerbund look. But they do. Because Adidas is terrible at making basketball uniforms.

  21. All of that is true. And they make some wack football uniforms too.

  22. 10:17 PM estimated tip-off time for the last Thursday night game. Do the two early games really have to start 30 mins apart? We can't do 15 mins apart and have a tip at 10?

    I can't decide if this is truly ridiculous, or if I'm turning into Phil Mushnick.

  23. New Action Bronson video: McDowell's edition!

  24. Sharper pleading to 20 years. Must be the tip of the iceberg.

  25. Jags/Bills go digital-only for London game, unless you live in Buffalo or Jacksonville areas. Veddy interesting.

  26. Plea deal by state: 8 - Nevada, 9 - Arizona and 20 - Louisiana.

    So really he plead guilty to 37 years behind bars but those sentences run concurrently.

  27. At least he's in the W&M Hall of Fame.

  28. And he has two jerseys hanging on the walls of Paul's.

  29. I'd have to imagine those jerseys will come down. A lot of B'more joints took Ray Rice jerseys down last year.

    My favorite bar decor adjustment was after Marion Barry was elected back into mayorship after his time in prison. The Irish Times had to pull down the framed picture of Barry that hung high on the bar wall and scrape off the pair of sugar lines that'd been glued across his face.

  30. ODU squeaked by to stay alive in the NIT in a sloppy last few minutes that reeked of "not the NCAA tournament."
