Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Desperate, But Not Furious

I'm in Minneapolis this week, a place that I generally enjoy. I've been sick since the day before I left home, though, and if there's anything worse than feeling like shit on a business trip (first world problem category only), I don't wanna know about it.

I begged off dinner with my colleagues last night, hoping to just have a quick bite at my hotel bar, washed down with a Surly Furious, my Twin Cities standby. You can imagine by surliness when I learned that my favorite midwestern IPA was tapped out.

The bar was pouring a new Surly offering, brewed in collaboration with the Minneapolis rap collective Doomtree, and named after the same group. As Dessa writes on the Surly website in describing the beer, "Surly started with some homebrewing in a garage. Doomtree started with some noisemaking in a basement. Careful what you do in your spare time in your spare rooms, man. That stuff just might take over your whole life."

We can relate, obviously.

And to close out this head cold-addled digression, here's a February Doomtree in-studio performance at America's second-best radio station, KEXP, backing their new release, All Hands. You'll dig it.


  1. I was miserably sick for Juan Carlos' bachelor party in Montreal many years ago. 101 degree fever and major congestion. Since I had already purchased my plane ticket, I gamely went on, but the event only exacerbated my illness.

  2. Admit went for the free healthcare...and the strippers.

  3. I failed to inform you chaps that on st. pat's day I had the opportunity to try my first ballast point at our newly opened WOB around the corner from my office.
    It was...good. If honest, I was expecting much more based on the opinions here that I value and trust. I wasn't let down, so sleep easy. But I recommend you get your hands on our local Intuition People's Pale. Carry on.

  4. I'm not the best at recommending fancy beers to you gents, but I have found myself enjoying quite a few Left Hand Milk Stouts lately. dem things gud.

  5. I'm going to see a Minneapolis rap group on Saturday. Ill probably just drink PBR at the show though.

  6. That is one unusual looking group. Is the girl related to Hannah Storm?

  7. Pedro Martinez is joining MLB Network - that should be fun

  8. Because BaconBaking is on top of this stuff, the "Doughnuts, Drinking, Diabeetus 2015" bday tour will be taking place next weekend - I emailed the info to all the folks in the DMV area I hope, but if I missed anyone that wants in, just tell me and I'll send along the email. For those of you too far away to join us, I'll have several bear claws and pints for ya

  9. Can I get a dozen ... a couple bear claws ...

  10. thought you were going this clip:

  11. I wrote a final exam essay in Ethics class at UF using the scene Zman posted. A+.

  12. I won't make any jokes about the Florida public school system. I assume Buck wasn't acting ethically?

  13. TJ, send me the info for next weekend. We'll be in town but don't know if we can make the tour yet.

  14. i can't drink milk stout because of the name. sounds too milky.

  15. T.R., I was thinking a young Sigourney Weaver. Am I right?

    Take a chance Dave. Take a milky chance.

  16. Thank you, TJ.

    I'd recommend Founders Porter if you can find it. Very tasty if porters are your thing.

  17. porters are not my thing. no milk stouts or porters.

    counting down the days to my trip to vermont, where i will drink all the beers they have up there (except heady topper).

  18. if you bring me a heady topper to obft, i'll put a stop to all those whisper campaigns about you.

  19. Those careless whisper campaigns.

    oh yeah.

  20. starting to think that brad beal may not be all that sturdy

  21. Rob, I failed to tip my cap to you on the Adam Ant ref in the subject. I might be the only person here who has a favorite Adam Ant song, but that's mine.

    And I'm definitely the only one who strictly differentiates between Adam Ant and Adam and the Ants.

  22. I think we're in the same ballpark, Danimal. Either way, there's an "I shop at Ann Taylor" vibe to her that I didn't get from other female MCs.

  23. you need to find a few more dessa videos, tr. that ain't the vibe i get.

  24. also, surly furious back on tap at the hotel tonight. all is well.

  25. gheorghe, meet lionel. lionel, gheorghe.

  26. The TR family did dinner at Benihana for the wife's bday. It was off the charts with awesomely bad people. Next to us was a very trashy woman with the most blinged out iPhone case ever. It had a cheetah print, two pearls dangling off it and a bejeweled butterfly on it. And the dude had a mullet. It was all tremendous.

  27. I love me some Benihana. Not ashamed to admit it. Shrimp tail in the pocket...that's good times.

  28. Sounds like tremendous dynamite to me.

    Dave, there are ton of great craft breweries in VT. Rob, I'll try to get a Heady for you. Wonder how it would ship. We could always hit Crooks for some Gansett for OBFT.

    Verify me images were of beer. Score for reference based on content.

  29. Hammelburg worked at the fake Benihana in the Nurg as a chef. He had to train in knife skills and shrimp tail tricks. He affected a Japanese accent and flicked shrimp tails twixt ladies' breasts because he thought that combo of behaviors would get him laid. It did not.

  30. Faaaaaaaack dude. I make onion volcano. Why you not fuck me?

    Joke for 3.

  31. Anybody else on the 5 am train out of DC to NY? No? 3:45 wake ups are suboptimal. I don't know how TR does this crap every day.

  32. I slept in until 530 AM, Marls.

  33. Dodgers co-owner Todd Boehly looking to leave Guggenheim

  34. I'm still stunned by Boehly's success. I'm not surprised that he's successful, but this is outta hand.

    Almost as stunning is the quality of my first shave with a razor from Harry's. My Mach 3 immediately went into the garbage can.

  35. The Harry's razor is the real deal. And they last a long time. I've got two - one for the home and one for travel/gym bag.

  36. thinking we need some peeps filler for tonight's action

    expect that at some point this afternoon

  37. Danimal did you have the Sculpin or the Big Eye? I've found the Big Eye to not be all that. Picked up a solo BP Coffee Porter last night but haven't tried it. My beer guy says it's the tits.

  38. I also can't believe Boehly is this massively successful..I never would have predicted that. Although, he is a super-competitive dude.

    And, I can't believe we don't have the Gheorghe/Messi photo as filler today

  39. What's the deal with the Harry's razor? Why so good?

  40. Sculpin kq.
    You'll have to ask Harry, Squeaky.

  41. That's Mr. KQ to you, Danimal. Balls out front should've told you.

  42. The blades are smooth over your face, zero irritation, extremely close shave, $7.50 for a pack of 4 blades. Get the Truman starter kit (handle, 3 blades, shaving cream) for $15 and use the JOEB promo code (big ups to Joe Beningo!) for $5 off.

  43. I'm intrigued by this Harry razor but a little skeptical since I use a razor on my head. Though that could be a byproduct of my experience with dollar shave club razors. Those things tore me up.

  44. did not know we'd begun accepting sponsors. excited about the new cash flow opportunities, though.

  45. I think you need to use a HeadBlade if you shave your head.

  46. the replacements' 'tim' is 30 years old. what witchcraft is this?

  47. Behold, the ravages of time!

  48. mark - I shave the nugget once a month give or take. I use the harry's.
    and have used dollar shave club too, but not on the nugget. those razors where shite. and the handles were worse. they do have great commercials though - I'll give 'em that.

  49. mountaineers getting 13 tonight. the irish, 2.

  50. irish getting 2? innnnnnterrsting.

  51. I shave my head 3-4 times a week and use Gillette Fusion. No real complaints. Certainly much better than dollar shave club. Those blades are garbage.

  52. How do the Harry's do on the privates? Asking for Clarence.

  53. How do the Harry's do on the privates? Asking for Clarence.
