Friday, January 09, 2015

G:TB Playoff Beards

While we wait for Clarence's Gheorghemas closer, we've decided, in the best tradition of hockey players, that we won't shave until we see that 2014 year-ender.

By 'shave', of course, we mean 'post anything other than filler'.

Today, a new song by Billy Idol. Or new to me, anyway. Apparently it was released in October. I heard it this week on 89.3 The Current, Minneapolis' best radio station. It kinda kicks.


  1. Re Loudon Soccer crest, it looks oddly like a diagram of the female reproductive system.

  2. that's what we were after, z

  3. I like the logo Rob. Nice humble brag too. Ooh...look at me! I'm on boards!

    Props on the Billy Idol song as well. Love that guy. I kick myself for not going to see him when I had the chance some time ago during a trip to Lake Tahoe. My vagina must have been sore. I believe he also has a book out which I will be reading.

  4. i'm a big fucking deal, danimal. and i dig the new billy idol tune. didn't see that coming.

  5. The Loudoun Soccer fox sort of looks like a codpiece.

  6. I saw Billy Idol (with opener Faith No More) at Hampton Coliseum in 1990. Excellent show. He tried to fling his shirt off over the metal gloves (yes) he was wearing and got all caught up like a straitjacket. Crew ran onstage to help him out of it, it took a while. His cool demeanor and lip pose fell right into laughing at himself hysterically. Steve Stevens wailed away in an impromptu solo all the while. Great stuff.

  7. I like the "Historical Fox" part of the crest explanation. That's a term usually reserved for those chicks who were super hot in high school and lost their looks somewhere along the way. How they have handled it, well that has made all the difference.

  8. Clarence...the poet laureate of handsome older ladies.

  9. i saw that billy idol book and wondered "who is going to read that?" now i know. danimal!

    how am i just hearing clarence's bill idol/spinal tap story? you'd think that would have been breaking news back in 1990 and it's not like we had anything good to talk about back then . . . glad you saved it, though-- i appreciate it more now.

  10. Also, Rob, in your Board member bio, unless you are referring to the kids you had out o' wedlock, you have older and younger daughters rather than using the superlative forms of those descriptors. And I know that you don't care, or at least much, but deep down, you know it's going to bother you until you fix it.

  11. Dave, I remember your Ian Astbury story from the Felt Forum as a similar Spinal Tap In Real Life episode.

  12. Just found out my annual Vegas trip to visit in-laws coincides with the 2nd (formerly first) round of the NCAA tourney. Who's coming with me?

  13. Given what you have told us about your mother in law, I assume that means going to circque de soleil, being asked if your shoes belong in the middle of the floor, and hitting up the Liberace museum?

    If so, where do I sign up?

  14. I'm grabbing food to go at the local raw bar (where TJ first tried oysters). Billy Idol on the jukebox. I dig some old Idol. Ill always rock with White Wedding and Rebel Yell.

    Now Talking Heads on the juke. Nice.

  15. Every time I watch the Wizards play I think how Shlara wanted Thomas Robinson over Bradley Beal. This isn't shade towards Shlara. She hasn't watched Beal extensively as a freshman so there's no way she could've known how good he was and had the potential to be. If the Wiz don't have the NBA's best backcourt, they're close.

    If they can bring KD to town that's the best 1-2-3 combo I can recall in all my years watching the NBA.

  16. RIP Roy Tarpley. Maybe the biggest drug 'what if? in NBA history.

  17. I found Vacation whilst flipping around. According to IMDB I am the same age now as Chevy Chase was in that movie. I don't know why but this makes me feel old. I'm as old as the dad in Vacation.

  18. Holy crap, Zman. I just found it myself five minutes ago. Pretty uncensored too, though I came in too late for D'Angelo boobies.

    Whatever happened to Randy Quaid's son Dale? The kid actor had a brief run.

  19. Jane Krakowski played Vicki?

  20. tell me you saw the block bradley beal just made.

  21. big ups to zman for the music education on a stick he just sent me in the mail. gonna go through it a - z. starting now with action bronson.

  22. Bronsoline has an album coming out in March. The singles are great so far. I should write a post about it.

  23. I'm pretty psyched for Mr. Wonderful too.

  24. Doris Burke's zip-up front top is a bit aggressive.

  25. And Tarpley actually played in the NBA which is why I made that statement. Bias is certainly an acceptable answer though.

  26. I love Bradley Beal.
    The only other player I love more is Kevin Durant and Brsdley is getting closer to surpassing him.

    Also excited about the rumor that we're picking up Ray Allen. I love Jesus Shuttlesworth too, even if he can't play defense

  27. Micheal Ray Richardson is also in the what if conversation.

  28. Agreed. Common theme: COCAINE.

  29. Excellent information and facts. Only real difficulty I was basically receiving was viewing the pics. No idea exactly why. ..
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  30. All that robot protection and Aziginanjar slips one past the goalie.

  31. Aziginanjar should be happy he can't see TR's nasal polyps

  32. They need to come up w/ a word for that moment when you see a remarkably fit young woman at the gym and then almost immediately realize she could be anywhere b/w 15-21 y/o.


  33. how about the moment you see a fit woman in the hotel gym and realize it's your boss's boss and you pray she didn't catch you checking her out? asking for a friend who might've found himself in that situation on thursday.

  34. Or when you see a fit woman in your neighborhood running in remarkably snug and short shorts and you realize it's your neighbor's 22 y/o daughter who just moved home after graduating from college? As with Rob, this is for a friend.

  35. The Action Bronson pandora station is so damn good. I've been listening to it for 3 hours and haven't skipped a song yet.
