Thursday, January 29, 2015

Discount Doubletake

If you're like me (easily distracted and not terribly observant), you watched the new version of the Aaron Rodgers State Farm commercials and said, 'Huh, Rodgers does a pretty decent Sheffield accent'. If you're like most people, you likely wondered how State Farm found a dude that looked that much like the Packers' signal-caller.

Look no further.


  1. i don't think they look all that much alike.

  2. There's a facial resemblance but he's way too scrawny. I'm surprised no one notices that.

  3. Delay post ... There some really good tunes on that year end wrap up list. Whit, I may have to bring you some music next week when I'm in town.

  4. glad someone made a call to the fun police this morning

  5. Also surprising is this:

    The Seahawks built the best secondary in football with two 5th round picks, a 6th, and a 1st. Seven of their defensive starters were drafted by Seattle between 2010 and 2012. Four of them are Pro Bowlers, three are first team All Pro.

    Six of their starters on offense were also drafted by Seattle between 2010 and 2014. And they got their RB for their 4th rounder in 2011 and their 5th in 2012.

    Instead of going after Seattle's OC and DC, teams should be going after their assistant GMs.

  6. Sorry rob. I honestly laughed out loud at the video at one point if that makes you feel better.

  7. I laughed at the part when the players would high five him as they rode the kid bikes. How can you not see how skinny the guy is.

    For those wondering, probably no one, we ended up with 32.69 inches, insert penis joke here, of snow from the storm. Nothing like raking snow off your roof to prevent ice dams.

  8. My very large company was purchased by an even larger company. Everything is official Monday. This won't affect my day to day life but it does mean I'm currently on an introductory conference call. The corporate speak is overwhelming.

  9. Cool vibe here at the Thames Street Oyster House here in Fell's Point for lunch. Client didn't show so naturally ordered the lobster and a couple Dogfish to justify the tab. Where's Clarence when you need him?

  10. there are times when people *need* clarence?

  11. You'll be shocked to know that everybody speaking on that conference call was 'excited about the future'. Meh.

  12. they need clarence now, more than ever

  13. anyone ever stay at the Inn at the Union League in Philly?

  14. never stayed there, but that's a cool old building.

  15. Two charities that don't go together:
    ice bucket challenge and cock in a sock

    English accent for the ladies


  16. Z, you left out the part about Seattle players popping PEDs like PEZ as a reason for their success

  17. I have stayed there. The rooms suck.

    Mark, is everybody excited about the headroom you are going to get from the massive corporate synergies offered by the merger?

  18. Leverage the paradigm to execute the pull through.

  19. Definitely excited about the merging of our visions and shared culture.

  20. the packaging of the two groups creates a demonstrative value-add vis-à-vis the redundancies. sure, shittons of peeps are going to lose their jobs, but who gives a fuck? we killing it dawg!

  21. Mark, have you previously been working in silos? They need to be broken down to create corporate synergy and enhance productivity.

  22. thanks for the review marls. looks like they recently updated the place which probably needed it since it's been around for 150 years. i'll be in the philly on tues eve and resting my head in the historic old inn. come by for a snifter if you can find the time.

  23. someone post an office space clip so we can continuing our aggressive exploitation of corporate efficiencies.
