Monday, December 22, 2014

More Gheorghemas Filler

I believe Mark is chipping away at Day 9 of Gheorghemas, in between tattoo appointments and applying for the head coaching job in Gainesville, so I thought I would jump in and offer up this holiday music filler. I had no idea this song existed, but my god is it phenomenal**:

**In this instance, "phenomenal" does not necessarily mean the tradition definition.


  1. Rob - I Musical Memory Lane playlist has begun.

    I. AM. NOT. A ROBOT.

  2. not exactly sure what danimal is trying to say, but i think i approve.


  3. What I'm saying Rob, now that I've listened to the majority of your list, is that You Complete Me.
    Just kidding. I liked several of your songs, loved none of them, and disliked a few. But I appreciate your efforts.

  4. That's pretty good Rob! Don't get down on yourself. Appreciate ya.

  5. we're a melting pot, danimal

  6. RIP Joe Cocker

    (still not a robot)

  7. It's been a real shitty two weeks. I'm now looking forward to the holiday work break and many beers which happens to start at beer-o'clock today.

    Hope everyone is gearing up for their Festivus celebration tomorrow.

    /commencesrobotdance c[○┬●]כ

  8. Around 10 pm on Saturday night, about 3 hours into my neighborhood Christmas party, I switched from beer to Bulleit but did not change my rate of consumption. Around 1 am, apparently, I took control of the music. I pulled out my iPhone, which I thought was my iPod, and was furious with it. "Where's all my fucking music?!?!?" I cried. So I made do with whatever I could find on my iPhone. Turns out my neighbors don't want to dance to A Place to Bury Strangers. Then I got confused and thought my phone was my neighbor's iPod and saw a song that made me say "I can't believe anyone else has this song!" ("Bound" by Ponderosa Twins Plus One, which Kanye West sampled liberally on his "Bound"). Turns out my neighbors don't want to dance to Ponderosa Twins Plus One either. Colossal musical failure by this guy.

  9. The Z-lady is just messin' with you. They totally dug the tunes. You should get liquored up again tonight and he'd over there about 1 and run the show right back.

    I'm a go-bot.

  10. saw 'top five' this afternoon. two paws up. couple of moments that probably shouldn't be scrutinized too deeply, in the interest of advancing the story, but chris rock and rosario dawson are both really good, warts and all. guffaw-inducing cameos by tracy morgan, dmx, and jerry seinfeld.

    robot ebert out.

  11. The Cardinals should try to convince Brett Favre to come out of retirement for one more playoff run.

    I'm an Autobot.

  12. If you are not watching the Miami beach bowl, do your self a favor and watch the last 2 minutes plus overtimes. Two ballsy catches and one of the ballsiest kicks to extend the game.

  13. Rob...don't forget Cedric the Entertainer. This was my 2 movies in 2 days trip. First time evah, or at least since adulthood. The other was Birdman, also pretty solid.

  14. cedric's role was my least-favorite part of the movie, but not because of him. he was over the motherfucking top.

  15. Cheech & Chong marathon on IFC on Xmas eve!

  16. I woke up this morning with 101 degree temperature and proceeded to spend the next 8 hours in bed alternately sweating and shivering. How was your day?

  17. tribe on the wrong end of a 69-62 score at odu. as marls will point out, they missed 9 of 20 free throws. cool.

    but at least they get to try to get back to winning ways at north carolina on tuesday. that should be about as fun as shivering in bed with a 101 degree temperature all day.

    when does caa play start, again?


  18. joe cocker had that voice when he was 25 at woodstock (and presumably, before that). incredible sound.

  19. What would you do if I sang out of tune....

  20. Hi Gheorghies. I'm shitty from drinking rye Manhattans.

  21. If sentence of Dave is asleep already, he can shove it up his ass

  22. I really get fired up about that sentence of Dave.

  23. yeah, that seemed a bit of a disproportionate use of force.

  24. I'm really passionate about run on sentences and sleep.

  25. I like that Dave was singled out -- and Dave has never commented after midnight.

  26. I think the original lyrics were ... "After midnight, Marls, we're going to let it all hang out". Some minor tweaks but probably for the better.

  27. whoops, forgot #tearsinheavenrobot

  28. There was that one time when Dave was on the west coast and posted at 9:15 local time. Does that count?

  29. Citi closed every branch within a 25 mile radius from me except for Newark. I know this because I was stymied at my usual branch yesterday, their online locator turned up bupkis, and their telephone representative confirmed. I said "It's been a pleasure banking with you but this isn't going to work." She replied "No problem, thank you for your 20 years of business." So I of course said "No problem?! Citigold is awesome!!"
