Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Even More Gheorghemas Filler

While we anxiously await Mark's ninth day of Gheorghemas post here is some filler that proves Florida is the worst.

**Edit: Here is another song to consider adding to your 240 GB iPod as part of the "Worst Christmas Songs" ever playlist.


  1. Does anyone make MP3 players with lots of memory now that Apple killed the iPod Classic?

  2. What is your definition of lots of memory?

  3. Fiio X5 can be upgraded with SD cards to 256 GB

    Sony still makes a 128 Gb hD music player.

  4. 1.21 gigawatts
    - Optimus Prime

  5. I'm looking at the jury-rigged iPods on eBay with 240 GB. Anyone had any experience good or bad with them?

  6. are planning on circumnavigating the globe multiple times? that's a lot of music . . .

  7. at least with 240 gb you'll have room for the florida mash-up song. otherwise, that one might not make the cut.

  8. Florida christmas mash-up vs. Christmas Eve In Washingthon? Discuss....

  9. Cmon now
    No contest which is worse

  10. Do people still use ipods that aren't their phone? That's an extra gadget to drag around...

    still not a robot, also not a fembot

  11. Watching the old Rudolph claymation movie with zson makes me realize that Santa is a bit of a dick. Why would a red nose preclude a flying reindeer from pulling a sleigh?

  12. I'm not sure what was missed in my email to Teej & Tiny from yesterday where I mentioned my 101 degree fever and that somebody should take the reins for Day 9 but evidently I wasn't clear. So...if its still up to me you won't get a Day 9 until the day after Xmas. Disappointed? Now you know how my wife feels.

  13. Also I got the chills to a degree I've never even come close to last night. Temp in the house was 75. I was wearing a sweatshirt and underneath a blanket and still shivering like a dope fiend going through withdrawals.

    Better today though. With any luck Ill feel relatively like a human tomorrow.

  14. Have you been using old tattoo needles?

  15. hey gheorghies!

    holy fuck mark, ask for tamiflu for xmas.
