Monday, December 15, 2014

G:TB, Proud 1.6 Percenters

Or, said differently, there's a reasonably high likelihood that one of the members of the Community of Gheorghe is among the 1,946,677 Americans hungover at work on any given day. On this fine Monday, that's me, courtesy of a two-day weekend holiday party bender. Salud.


  1. While you're nursing your hangover at work, here's something interesting to read:

    The New Trophy Wife

    "The woman who got ahead on her looks by marrying a "sugar daddy" is now being replaced by the woman who is equal to her man in earning power and career position. That's sexy."

  2. must...fight urge age trophy wife material.

  3. Danimal, thanks for the rec. Unfortunately Brewbakers is closed Mondays. Looking around that area.

  4. I prefer to think of myself as a trophy husband ... which is why I avoid looking at the mirror as I get out of the shower.

  5. those hangover stats seem pretty optimistic. 94% of people are almost NEVER hungover at work? i much prefer being hungover at work to being hungover at home. at work, i'm being paid to be hungover (and i usually get a lot done because i'm too logy to screw around and make jokes).

  6. I'm not much of a gambler and I'm sure Simmons will have a better analysis than this but ... Houston will start either Case Keenum (signed on Monday off of the Rams' practice squad, 0-8 career record as a starter) or Thad Lewis (picked up last month, couldn't stick with the Bills despite their miserable QB situation) against Baltimore. The Cardinals will start Ryan Lindley (181 career attempts with 93 completions, 4.4 Y/A, 0 TD and 7 INT) against Seattle.

    Plan accordingly.

  7. Ryan Lindley's game log reads like an offensive coordinator's nightmare.

  8. the thing about gambling, though, is that vegas will also plan accordingly.

  9. True. But it seems unlikely that a man who has never thrown an NFL touchdown in 181 attempts will throw one against the best pass defense in the NFL. And Seattle has the #5 rush defense so I don't see Stepfan Taylor or Kerwynn Williams running wild. Seattle is giving 7.5 on the road and I think they can readily cover.

    Baltimore is giving only 3.5 also on the road. Their pass D is bad (#30) but their run D is good (#3) and I assume the Texans will rely heavily on Arian Foster. I think the Ravens can cover this easily too.

    I am, of course, an idiot so take this with a grain of salt.

  10. My log is a plumber's nightmare.

  11. According to Simmons you could've gotten 100-1 odds on no TD passes being thrown in last week's Thursday night game. Surprised it was that high considering how good those defenses are and how awful the offenses are.

    I hate taking Seattle on the road, Z. They consistently under perform. This week might be the exception though.

  12. what's the deal with chatty dental hygienists? every one of them. chatty! it really grinds my gears. shut up already!

  13. it's so you don't hear all the scraping and drilling . . .

  14. scraping and drilling. rippin and tearin.

    Whitdog, at what fine Winc establishment did you find yourself in? Union Jack's? Cork Street Tavern? Sweet Caroline's? Piggy's?

  15. Union Jacks. Fish & chips, solid work. Didn't get after it, been on the road for the last seven workdays and I'm beat. Home tonight.

    This morning I toured a Winchester nonprofit like the one where I work called NW Works. Great place with great people. One of the execs seemed to know Buck, his wife went to JWHS in class. Scott Dawson -- good egg. Get to know NW Works if you maintain any ties to the old hood.

  16. green day in the rock and roll hall of fame. discuss.

  17. in *his* class

    1989. Danimal, weren't you 88 like Rob/Dave/me?

  18. News flash - Seattle is cool! Flew out this morning for work. I saw them do the fish-throwing thing, and ai may play the whole loser tourist game and go to the first ever Starbucks. Loco for sure.

    Enjoying a Pike IPA at lunch while overlooking the Sound. Have to behave in front of a work dinner, unfortunately. Will be a tough night b/c I was up at 4:30 AM ET.

  19. I know Scott but not very well. His wife graduated with Chris in '89. Yes, I'm an 88'r.

  20. Seattle win their last two road games by 10 (Philly) and 16 (SF). Just sayin.

  21. good day for tr, rat bastard. long day though - you won't be sleepless tonight, that's for sure.

  22. The early flight out west in front of work out here is a rare treat. I wasn't bragging much about my trip to Columbus/Clevetown a few months ago.

    I think I just saw a paraplegic and another guy go into a strip club. They were dropped off by an Ambulette. That would be an aggressive strategy for attention.

    And the club is across from Pike Market, the tourist place.

  23. Seattle is great. Spent a few days out there visiting a friend a few years back. Definitely want to go again.

  24. Lots of Average Joes with very attractive Japanese women on their arms in this town.

  25. This year's Wiz team is unbelievably fun to watch.

  26. lotta strong feelings about green day, then?

  27. I hate to use Troy Aikman words, but we got a heckuva NBA game in Memohis going on. Two teams are a combined 40-6.

  28. I am supportive, Rob. They were HUGE and very influential in the early/mid 90's. And they turned into amazing power pop song writers (should there be a hyphen in there somewhere?) who have been successful and commercially and critically relevant in the 15 years since then.

    Sad that Lou Reed didn't get in, but he had a lot more misses than hits in his solo career. With that said, Transformer is an epic, must-own album.

  29. I still have not picked an NBA team since I
    abandoned the Knicks (best move ever, btw), but have thought about the Mavs and Thunder. But the Warriors are making a big push. The Curry/Thompson backcourt has tremendous potential over the next 5-7 years.

    And I will be rooting for Washington casually this year. It's good for the NBA to have the Bullets be relevant.

  30. JJ Barea looks like Nevin Shapiro.

  31. In the past 6 days my water heater broke twice, zdaughter got a stomach big, my fridge sprung a leak, my kitchen tile disintegrated, and zson broke his arm tonight. Strong pre-Xmas stretch for zfamily.

  32. Nowittzki will soon be the 9th all-time scorer. VC will soon be #28. I would not have guessed the disparity would be so big.

  33. Klay Thompson is good at the basketball.

  34. The New York Knicks...not so much.

  35. GS cuts it to 2. We got a good one here.

    Or Memphis by 5. Tayshawn Prince's corpse just hit a trey.

  36. Big ups to zwoman for handling the broken arm solo. I'm away for the night. I owe her tremendously.

    Apparently the rubber mats at the YMCA aren't that soft.

  37. Been there, Zman! They changed a rule at the Y after my kid broke an arm there. Thereay be a pattern here...

  38. If you had to guess, what do you think Kevin Durant's dress shirt size is?

    My guess would be 15.5/40.

  39. Weird shit going on in the front row in Sacramento.

  40. Note to Ty Corbin - you are a head coach again. Start using collar stays.

  41. Lou Reed got in. Moose out front shoulda told you.
