Wednesday, November 26, 2014

If Not Me, Whom? If Not Now, When?

I've decided that it's time. Time to stop talking about doing something, and actually do something. I not pleased with the state of political affairs headed into the 2016 Presidential election. We're going to wind up having to choose between a Clinton and a Bush again, or worse, between a Clinton and Mitt Romney (laugh if you want, but that dude is laying the foundation for another run, and the GOP is flirting with him). That's an unacceptable set of choices for me.

And so I ask for your support.


  1. May I work your campaign? I can coordinate the scandals that will draw votes.

  2. Wither Chris Christie? Did you see him "guy" some guy at the Jerzy shaw recently? Instant classic.

  3. I proposed to my wife sux years ago today. I'm guessing I enjoy this anniversary more than Tiger Woods enjoys the anniversary he has on today.

  4. I would love a Wed night pre-Thanksgiving NFL game.

    In other news, I have had six or less hours of sleep three nights in a row. I had a client lunch today that ended with grappa, which was followed up with train beers and couch scotches. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

  5. Unfortunate indeed.

    The sleeved alternate jerseys the Magic are wearing tonight are a disaster. Still not as bad as Evan Fournier's haircut.

  6. I was just wishing for an NFL game. The Knicks are winning but I'm still bored.

  7. A fair amount of interesting CBB on right now. Not the Florida-Georgetown game at my house because that would make too much sense.
