Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Very G:TB Thanksgiving

In a bit of an upset, we've actually continued a tradition from one year to the next.

Happy Thanksghivingh, friends of Gheorghe. You're the best.


  1. Falling like bags of wet cement....

  2. kiss comes on during the macy's parade. my little one says, 'what the heck is wrong with these people?'

    later amended to, 'i like their music, i just don't like the way they look.'

  3. um, we're so old that Kiss is now in the Macy's Day parade?? that's just sad

  4. Is it redic that I'm looking forward to the new Annie with Jamie Foxx as Daddy Warbucks?

  5. You don't really want us to answer that, right?

  6. Finished smoking the turkey and I'm not trying to toot my own horn but that shit is goooood.

  7. some onions on jim caldwell

  8. My house is full of lunatics. Luckily I prepared a pound of bacon and dozens of pears wrapped in prosciutto (hat tip to Teedgess).

  9. clarence's bourbon cocktail is boozy and delicious.

  10. The ilovestephen Netflix ad is perfect.

  11. You guys are like school on Thanksgiving. No class, turkey.

  12. At my sisters. Three turkeys (baked, smoked, fried). 12 desserts.

  13. My nerves ar baked smoked and fried.

  14. Bittersweet T-giving in the TR household. The wife's 80 y/o Dad was at our house, likely for the last time. He's losing a fight to pancreatic cancer. Brutal to see b/c he was an active guy. He spent his 80th b-day w/ some friends in Morocco and was photographed on a camel, with a fez on his head.

    So take the familial annoyances with a grain of salt.

  15. Sorry to be a buzzkill.

    Bobby Womack > Lee Ann Womack

  16. Just ate my second turkey neck of the day. Blessed.

  17. As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.
    - Arthur Carlson

  18. You Old 97 fans may be interested in the latest Marc Maron podcast. He interviews Rhett Miller.

  19. Just when I thought this day couldn't get any better. Pitbull.

  20. pitbull is much better with the sound muted and a spotify radio jam based on st paul and the broken bones.

  21. I had to break up a near fistfight between zson and zmom. About Frozen. zmom says is isn't very good. zson took that as a gauntlet thrown down.

  22. My child has never seen Frozen. I'm holding out for as long as possible.

  23. zmother-in-law brought it over. It's awkward here today.

  24. I wasn't aware that people under the age of 6 not having seen Frozen existed. Z....just, let it go.

  25. Drinking White Russians now. Kids in bed.

  26. I've seen it. It's not bad. Olaf is cute.

  27. zson and I think it's a fine film. zmom thinks it's crap compared to other Disney classics. zson, of course, has seen no other Disney films and did not appreciate disparaging remarks regarding his favorite movie. He's a passionate man when it comes to art.

  28. So that everyone is punished we are now watching Mentalist reruns with the volume at deafening levels.

  29. Happy Thanksgiving G:TBers from Teaneck NJ where the wine is flowing and the dancing is about to commence. #robot

  30. No way! Where are you in the Neck?

  31. My kid hasn't seen any Disney movies. Plenty of Mickey and shit but no movies. I'm sure Frozen is fine as are most of the musical Disney cartoon features. She'll watch them eventually, I'm sure. I'm gonn ride this streak as long as possible though.

  32. Happy Thanksgiving y'all!! Mine has been glorious. We traveled to DC for mid son's 10th bday celebration (his choice) and met friends to your city sites today and tmw...parking was free and easy to find, food and drink was fabulous at Founding Farmers that I didn't have to cook or clean-up after and our friends unbelievably treated us all, and we were with immediate fam and good friends minimizing the drama (at least so far), tho I hear ya, TR!
    Anyhow, happy day and cheers to y'all.

  33. Not your....tour, tour city sites....geesh.

  34. Frozen merch is WAY hot for this holiday season. And the Frozen Disney on Ice show is booked in arenas around the country for two straight years--so you guys will be singing "Let it Go" for a looooong time.

    And Donna--I love Founding Farmers--I hope you tried one of their hand-crafted drinks.

  35. frozen is quality. wife and her divorced/widowed friends are in my kitchen talking about vibrators. only other male in the crib is my cat. this is not exactly the thanksgiving i envisioned. but fascinating.

  36. Bro of kq tj zman. Long time resident we're here all the time. Kids go to Teaneck High hearing all about the big match against Hackensack tonight. Big dust up in gsme.

  37. I'd really like for Gary Patterson to be Florida's next Head Coach.

    I also think Texas A&M is weird but I really want to go to a game at Kyle Field.

  38. Clarence's wife, sister in law, and mother in law are all hammered and having a progression of conversations each stupider than the one prior. I'm trying very hard not to listen so my IQ doesn't plummet. Chocolate martinis at 9pm on thanksgiving are unwise.

  39. And I can vouch for the 5-speed rabbit as a gift that keeps them coming back for more.

  40. I'm thankful for the alcohol that slowly brought my appetite back so I could double up on Thanksgiving.

  41. You know I went to Teaneck high, right?

  42. I do now! They got drubbed 48 nil last night.

  43. That's pretty standard for THS football. Not exactly a storied program. The hoops team is always good though.

  44. mimosas, wine, beer, vodka, bourbon, cigars in that order last night, and extra heavy on the latter 4, have had me in bed for much of this morning. a bowl of cereal and a turkey sandwich have helped with the corner turn.

  45. was definitely overserved, too. headed out to watch some high school football to clear my head.

  46. The only contributions I'm making to the economy on Black Friday are the tattoo appointment I'm currently at and the beers that will follow.

    Strong playlist at the tattoo studio today. Heavy on punk & Ghostface.

  47. If you've ever wondered if being tattooed near your Achilles' tendon is painful the answer is yes. Quite painful.

  48. Coming in late on the Frozen discussion, but it has made Christmas shopping easy. Both my wife and my cousin's daughter are both getting the Frozen singalong DVD.

    UVA favored in their matchup against Tech. How often has that happened in the last 20 years?

  49. This Marshall/Western Kentucky game is ridiculous. About 950 combined yards of offense and their are 4 minutes left in the third quarter.

    Wife sleeping off her Winesgiving, I'm on my second plate of leftover turkey, stuffing and broccoli casserole, and I've got a fire going in the tv room. Doesn't get much better.

  50. Being tattooed directly on your shin bone is no picnic either.
