Monday, September 01, 2014

I Don't Want to Change the World

A mix of the political with the sublime on this, the day we in the USA celebrate the working man. Something I haven't been, if I'm being honest, since I was 18. For that I both give thanks, and confess some measure of regret.

One of these is fitting, one is one of my favorite songs ever, and one is the first song that I ever heard on my very first iPod, equipped as it was with 25,000 songs, courtesy of Clarence.


  1. I don't want the world... I just want your half.

  2. Rob - if I could change the world, I would be the sunlight in your universe.

  3. Maybe take that one offline, fellas.

  4. not generally my cup of tea, but last night's nascar race was a doozy. kasey kahne went from almost assured of winning, to 5th place on a restart, to blasting back to the front to win and clinch a spot in the chase. and danica recorded her best-ever finish, ending up in 6th.

  5. wow, rob. unexpected nascar recap.

  6. i'm as surprised as you are, danimal

  7. You continue to prove your value to gtb, ensuring your existence for another few months at a minimum.

  8. our cat turned 18 today. she's useless, but well loved.

  9. We have a cat that is 25... pounds. Talk about useless. He's gray and white and with the patterining and his size, he looks more like a small cow.

  10. Unauthorized Saved By the Bell on TV now and all night. The, uh, Lifetime Network. Go for it.

  11. The US Open is high on my sporting event wish list.

  12. It's a good time. Take the subway though. Parking sucks.

  13. Over the past eight days the wife and I have watched 35 episodes of Breaking Bad.

  14. you must have some pretty good meth to keep you going through that

  15. I think Waiting for the Great Leap Forward is my fav Billy Bragg song. Although I like them all.

  16. According to, "Ben Tate to face stacked boxes." Hee-hee.

  17. I fancy myself a bit of an athlete back in the day kinda like Rob in his spartan pic but it's doubtful I could return 1 out of 100 of Raonic's serves.

  18. Good news - the humidity appears to be up bright and early today! Good to see out first miserably hot/humid day be the day after Labor Day.

  19. even though they're irrelevant, and their uniforms are awful, it still makes me happy when miami loses. even to that scumbag bobby petrino.

  20. I think Shlara is the only one who cares, but NATS down to 'magic' number of 19. I don't like this week's matchups, though, especially with Kershaw on the mound tonight, and Braves are playing creampuffs (though Philly is pretty scrappy of late). I'll be happy if it drops to anything south of 15 after this week.

  21. Survivor lead singer Jimi Jameson dead, victim of a heart attack at 63. RIP JJ.

  22. Not introducing this excerpt from an ESPN story to retread the discussion, but just found the numbers interesting (specifically the last one):

    "Of 51 Redskins players polled, 26 said the team should keep the name, one said it should be changed, and 24 didn't want to answer."

  23. One man's retread is another man's postcount fodder.

  24. Mayhugh--I'm nervous about these next few weeks with the Nats too--they need to keep the August momentum. Really glad they hit well last night.

    The Marlins scare me--they seem to space out playing them, and we need ALL of these games.

  25. can you imagine how their neighbors must feel?

  26. presented without comment: media at the fiba world cup are using the nickname 'tall blacks' to refer to team new zealand.

  27. If you are famous because you're good looking, you shouldn't store naked pictures of yourself on a shared resource server/network, especially if you don't want other people to find them and ogle your good-looking nakedness and then pass said images on throughout the internet. These truths would appear to be self-evident, but I'll make them explicit in case you're famous because you're good-looking but you're also stupid.

  28. i think that's reasonable advice, but the celebrities in question are victims here. there's still an expectation of privacy even when you store your images/files/documents etc. on a shared service. i sure as shit would be pissed if google or dropbox didn't secure the information i've stored in their clouds. celebrity shouldn't confer with it a reduced expectation of privacy in this context.

  29. I agree 100%. But no one is interested in seeing naked pictures of me, while many folks will go out of their way to find naked pictures of, say, Jennifer Lawrence. This is eminently foreseeable. If you're going to take naked pictures of yourself and you're famously hot, store only local copies of said pictures.

  30. i agree with your agreement. just want us as a society to spend more time on the invasion of privacy issue than on the common sense protection point.

    and i think you'd be surprised at how many people would want to see you naked. you're undoubtedly familiar with furries, no?

  31. I'm less furry since my trip to the urologist. My stubble is ... irritating. And up until recently I was too sore to properly scratch the affected area.

  32. Rob, there's no such bing as privacy with the internet an cloud--it's impossible

  33. Or "no such thing"
    My iPhone hates me
