Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Mark Harmon, Hollywood Royalty

Quintessential 80s film, underrated classic. Still impressed that one kid who was in the bathroom all summer got the highest grade in the class. This is how you filler, folks.


  1. good one! never passed on the opportunity to watch that. kirstie alley looking a bit different these days.

  2. so, no one in the U.S. will be working tomorrow from noon - 2pm, right?

  3. Unfortunately, I have an all day meeting from 9-4 tomorrow. Viewing options don't look good. That said, if they get eliminated I really don't want to have watched it. Alternately, if the find a way to move on, there is another game. I'm sort of ambivalent, I think because I'm convinced Ghana trounces Portugal and we lose 2-0.

  4. Mayhugh, in the realm of cinema Francii, Summer School Francis >>>> Stripes Francis?

  5. In other news, I grew up down the street from this park/pond.

  6. If the Magic trade the 4th, 12th picks and Aaron Afflalo for the #1 pick there's a 60% chance I might break something.

  7. I liked affalo in the kids are all right.

  8. Mark, that trade seems less than ideal. Why would they do that?

  9. sitting on the beach in the shadow of brad ausmus' house. you can rent it for $10k/week. next year, gheorghies.

  10. I definitely prefer Chainsaw to Dewey Oxberger. Chainsaw had a lot more depth, and he also went on to be the lead in a bunch of B movies about skiing. I think that gives him the edge.

  11. We're on the same page, Mayhugh.

  12. Want to feel old? Chainsaw is turning 52 this year.

  13. I don't know why they'd do that trade, TJ. That's giving up way too much IMO. I'd rather hold on to Afflalo and trade him by himself for another pick this year or next. He's a really good 2 in a league bereft of quality 2s.

  14. i am taking my children to a place called "world of beer" tomorrow to watch the game. i called, and they allow children.

    also, someone born during the first obft can go out to the bars during the upcoming obft.

  15. Dave,

    If you come upon any dining/drinking establishments in the Badlands or Tetons where it's acceptable to take kids to watch World Cup action, please let me know. I'll be out that way in two weeks.

  16. my oldest daughter used the word 'shart' in perfect context today. pretty proud dad moment. unfortunately, she used it to describe something her younger sister did.

  17. Hi Gheorghies. This guy made some poor decisions tonight.

  18. TR, did you hit the PUSC last night?

  19. There's a world of beer around here (franchise started in Tampa). Solid place.

  20. Feeling less than stellar.
