Friday, March 14, 2014

zman Bouillabaise

This is the first in what will likely be a series of one post about a few random things in bite-sized format. I've been meaning to write these up as individual posts but haven't been able to because:

1. I fucked up my writing hand, that's my check.

I wrote about my wrist injury previously and TR suggested I post some post-surgery photos. Here's the final layer of bandages covering my bloody gash. TR's reaction: "Ew, hairy arms."

And here's the gash itself without stitches. The puckering is especially choice. So I have a puckered gash.

Finally, here's the screw that went into my gash.

The Ghostface reference to my fucked up writing hand brings me to:

2. Ghostface doesn't pay his legal bills.

It's been a while since I updated you on Ghostface's copyright issues. It doesn't seem like much happened substantively, probably because Ghostdini doesn't pay his legal bills. His lawyer (he of the AOL email address) moved to withdraw from representing Pretty Tone because The Kid hasn't paid for any of the work done to date. The judge complied so the Wallabee Champ doesn't have representation at the moment, at least not that I know of. 10-4 good buddy Tone got his RFP's up!

Speaking of rap-related legal disputes ...

3. Judge Englemayer plays his trill card, dismisses Z-Trip from Beastie Boys v. Monster Energy.

Judge Englemayer must've read a bunch of old GTB comments because he quoted me ... quoting the Beastie Boys. And he did so while granting Z-Trip's motion for summary judgment in the complaint brought against him by Monster Energy. His Honor concluded that "[i]n musical terms, Z-Trip can now, therefore, rest at least 'as cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce,' because Monster's Third-Part Complaint against him has 'got the rhyme and reason but no cause.' Beastie Boys, So Watcha Want (Capitol Records 1992)."

On the subject of trill and law enforcement ...

4. True Detective ended like that?

All that metaphysical psychedelic mumbo-jumbo ended like that? For real dough?!? That's not at all what I expected.

But you know what I did expect ...

5. Tribe hoops breaks your heart again.

You shouldn't let it. Yes, I have a somewhat irrational disdain for all things W&M, but there's something cool about never making the NCAA tournament. First and foremost W&M is an academic school whose athletes are students first and foremost. No one in the history of sports has attended W&M in order to boost their likelihood of becoming a pro athlete. W&M's inability to win a conference championship highlights its academic focus. And as soon as they make the tournament once they're in the same company as Houston Baptist and Prairie View. If Charlie Brown ever kicked the football he'd just be a baldheaded kid who never changes his shirt. Marls jokes aside, no one wants to be that guy?

And while we're talking Tribe,

6. I finally saw the Tribe Called Quest documentary.

It's fantastic, a must-see if you love Tribe, Native Tongues, 90's NY hiphop,or if you ever suffered through the experience of living with me. If none of the foregoing apply to you, the first half of the movie will establish why I've been continuously pumping their music for over 20 years.


  1. re: the tribe (w&m style) can't you aromantic sumbitches humor a motherfucker one time?

  2. * - aromantic may be a made up word

  3. otherwise, really enjoyed this post, z. 'bout time, man.

  4. If rob and Nic Pizzolatto wrote a movie about me and got Tony Scott to (posthumously) direct it, it would be called True Aromantic.

  5. also, re: the tribe, next year's caa tourney is an approved gtb mini-summit venue. good drinking, dining, hotel options within blocks of the arena. baltimore easier for nearly all to get to than richmond (sorry, clarence). begin planning now.

  6. Marlo Stanfield approves.

  7. My car broke down a little after 11:30. Still waiting on the tow truck. Pretty awesome Friday.

  8. i was just playing "midnight marauders" while playing ping-pong with my son. serendipity.

    sorry about your gash zman, that things gross!

  9. I'm also shocked Z just got around to seeing the Tribe doc. It's great. Bums me out to see how much Phife and W-Tip dislike each other though.

  10. W-Tip is Bush Jr.'s nom de mike.

  11. Automotive breakdowns suck. I'll pour some out for you.

  12. Dave, did you explain the Seaman's Furniture joke to your kids?

  13. Please do if you haven't already, Dave.

  14. That gash is big. Remind me to never pick up a racket again. Zman, hope it heals quickly.

    Mark, always tell AAA there is a kid in the car. They tend to respond quicker.

  15. I have not seen the Tribe doc, but I did see the Jam Master Jay one. Pretty cool look at the Hollis scene that spawned Run-DMC. And it's funny to hear folks tell stories like "Jam Master Jay helped Onyx break out and they were HUGE".

    Zman and I will reune with Juan Carlos tonight at the local pool club's St. Patrick's Day party, which consists of a bounce house, a keg and corned beef. Our pool club turns any family event into a kegger. Kinda sad and kinda fun.

  16. Nick Huth gonna be there? If so, tell him the May 31-June 1 collegiate rugby sevens championship in Philly is a go for the Lammie alums.

    And any interested GTBers, make a note.

  17. And Z, your scar is longer than mine. (That's the only thing.) Mine isn't all the way onto the thumb like that. Best of luck to you rehabbing it. As discussed, more important for you than me since yours is your racquet/pleasing/wipe/writing/roundhouse/thumbs up hand.

  18. Flying back to NY through Philly is not a smart move.


  19. From the time I called AAA to when I reached the mechanic with my car in tow was a total of 7 hours. Pray for the whiskey in my house tonight.

  20. Whitney hoping to head to Philly that weekend after coaching daughter's volleyball tourney. Will be there for Sat eve DU and Sun games and finals.

    Just poured one out for the whiskey in Mark's house.

  21. The kid who hit the game winner for St. Bonaventure today is Hank Gathers' nephew. Pretty cool.

  22. zson took a shot to the mouth in the bouncy house and collapsed in a heap of snot and tears. zwoman is too knocked up to climb in so I hand to one-handedly gimp in, subdue and collect zson, and get out without injuring or embarrassing myself. I did it but now my bad wrist is sore. The remedy is obviously a few dogfishheads

  23. I enjoyed how straightforward True Detective ended up being. I did not enjoy the goings on with the half sister.

  24. tribe baseball up 28-1 on iona. tidy.

  25. TR and I just discussed how much we liked the goings on with Woody Harrelson's side piece.

  26. forecast of 4-10 inches of snow in my 'hood on sunday night. i'm motherfucking tired of the motherfucking snow on this motherfucking ground.

  27. She was fun. I really enjoyed the True Detective finale. Until the last 15 or so minutes. A little anticlimactic.

  28. Justin Jackson the power forward from Cincinnati is from around here. He played a few games in the rec league I play in this past summer. Much dunking took place.

  29. how pissed do you guys get when the ringers come to play?

  30. Regular season I don't care too much. Especially if they're at or near Jackson's level. Doing that in the playoffs is some bullshit though.

  31. Morning Clarence. Mark, see you in a bit.

  32. I know there are lots of sports going on today and tomorrow, but for those so inclined, one of the HBO channels is running a Deadwood marathon through to 10PM tomorrow. Wonder if this is getting any play on Jerry's 7th tv...

  33. There goes the rest of my weekend.

  34. deadwood!

    did not explain the dirty Seaman's joke and warned my son that sometimes rappers use words that you can't use in school. the plan is not going so so well -- two "f" word infractions at school the past two fridays. boys.

  35. Bein' this the first day of my new enterprise, I wore this FROCK COAT. You don't think it looks stupid?

  36. Rob sat in 4-5 hours of traffic to get down here for a quiet night before running 26 miles tomorrow. He got here around 4pm and there were a dozen hyper kids and ten drunk adults at our house. Not the best move on our part but he laughed it off and is hitting the hay now. Godspeed, Robbie.

  37. Pour some out for David Brenner.

    Good luck tomorrow, Robbie. May your nipples stay unchafed.

  38. And pour some more out for Wesley Warren:

  39. Gnarly injury by the way.

    A belated good luck to Rob and premature congrats.....more than halfway home.

  40. Saw Rob at mile 14. Looking pretty solid, moving briskly.

  41. the last half of the race was far less brisk. festival of suffering. not my best race, but i did complete it. now, beer.

  42. Well run Rob. Now on to the real marathon - drinking with Clarence.

  43. Toughened your nipples, didn't it?

  44. nipple status: sublime. proglide ftw.

  45. i've got a unique mix of drunk, exhausted, and stuffed full of pizza working now

  46. Where did you stuff the pizza?

  47. clarence and i are firing up dumb n dumber. anyone want to come over?

  48. Just finished an awesome dinner courtesy of my wife and TJ's wife. Nice being served Jessica's chocolate lava cakes.

  49. That sounds dirtier than you probably meant, Mark.

  50. Greetings from sunny San Diego--where today's activities included yoga, biking and SUP boarding in Misson Bay. Boo for the snow on the east coast!

  51. Shlara, you know I love you but shut up.

  52. This is what I get for bragging: 2:30 am PT call that my flight home is cancelled. Been on hold for 1 hr & 30 mins & counting to get a new flight home.

    This weather really sucks

  53. Pointless stats nobody cares about:

    5 of the 6 Canadian teams in the Western Conference are on track to miss the playoffs. Only 1 of the 3 teams in the Eastern conference is on the outs.

  54. That sucks Shlara. Stay there, open up the west coast office, and I'll be out shortly. We'll be homesteaders.
