Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day; Happy St. Paddy's Day, Not Happy St. Patty's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day All! 

Things to know today:
1) Patrick was born in the U.K. - not Ireland.
2) There weren't any snakes in Ireland.
3) Costello is not Italian. 

Carry on.



  1. apologies for pic quality & size... feel free to take editorial command.

  2. Suffering through this snow day on Florida. Rough stuff.

  3. Day of trade-offs for me. I'm in Boston for work and headed to a bruins game w/ a client. And it's St. Patty's Day in Boston. These are all good things. And I've heard of three players on the visiting Minnesota Wild, which is two more than I would've guessed.

    However, the client is not a big boozer, it's 20 degrees here and I have to get up at 630 tmrw. These are all bad things.

  4. I've got a pretty lame day ahead, although the recent Thursday/Friday in NYC kind of makes up for it. Wife & I were supposed to meet up for a few later, but a 10pm run with the 3-year old to the ER with a presumed bladder infection, ending 5 hours later, squashed those hopes. It will be a Guinness or 2 at home.

  5. Darby Hendrickson is one of the Wild's asst coaches...he's a very good friend of a good friend. You might remember making fun of his name a few years back when I spent an Easter meal w/him here in town. Good guy...wouldn't know me if he tripped over me, but an attempt at a humblebrag nonetheless. He's an Olympian!

  6. I assume you're making a run to the Slipper?

  7. this st. paddy's day will be spent with tour guide Mark, and begins Mustard's Last Stand hot dog joint in roughly an hour

    then we return to Saturday's funtime scene, the festival of drunks in downtown Melbourne

    Mark and his lady have been most gracious hosts, and in no way do I want tor return up north tomorrow.

  8. Am a bit surprised you all aren't already partaking. 15 min after my last post, and after 2 hours of staring at the irish bar that my office overlooks, I mosey'd on down for a corned beef, cabbage, and Guinness. Was difficult leaving.

  9. And I noticed the increase in pic size...I did that as well but quality suffered, so left as was.
    Okay, I just filled my weekly quota. Signing off.

  10. shlara's gonna be mad at you for not including an irishman for the ladies. maybe one of their six nations-winning ruggers?

  11. that bottom dude might be a scotsman. and you might've overachieved on this tasking.

  12. he's probably had some irish in'em

  13. just submitted my billion dollar bracket entry. i plan to by gheorghe: the island with part of the winnings. open invitation to all of you.

  14. If you mean the places on LaGrange St that are two blocks from my hotel, um, no, it never crossed my mind.

    I just need a bulletproof vest first for the Slipper. You can lose an eye there.

    Just kidding, wife. Te amo!

  15. The guy with the Celtic cross tattoo is some nice eye candy.
