Thursday, January 23, 2014

Drug Week: Where Are They Now?

Lay off the pipe, Man

We interrupt this rob-fueled Drug Week to sprinkle in some fun and tomfillery. 20 years ago, PCU was released, and three characters in particular from that film enjoyed Drug Week every week. G:TB is here to help you catch up with some old friends...

Amazingly, Gutter, as he was so affectionately known to his friends, became the most successful of the THC Trio pictured above. After leaving campus, he briefly gave it a go as a clown, until he almost died in a building fire because some neurotic bald man pushed him out of the way escaping. Depressed, he tried his luck in Vegas after some prodding from a friend. He gave MMA a shot, and was rumored to be dancing in the dark with Courtney Cox. Reportedly traveled a bunch to the North Pole filming a documentary on a worked in the Kringle Factory. Eventually became a pudgy body guard for a multibillionaire genius super hero egomaniac. Who's the big winner now?

Not to be outdone by Gutter's antics, Mersh saw fit to try to destroy a space time continuum portal for "religious" reasons, hung out with a McNasty midget, and then, in his greatest adventure, almost died of heatstroke fighting alien bugs.
During the filming of Starship Troopers (1997), Mersh suffered heatstroke after working all day in 120* desert sun. This stopped production for a week. When he recovered, several large holes were cut into his uniform so he could cool off. Many other cast member's suits had this modification as well in order to prevent further cases. On average there were 25 people per day being treated for heatstroke During the filming of Starship troopers.
Yeesh. Kosmo is the black sheep of this group, settling for a museum guard job that's only highlight was seeing a talking dog and his ragtag group of friends attempt to solve some silly crime.

I can't even...this guy is turrible...

Wonder if Nats fans hate this guy as much as his brother Pete?


  1. The Grantland piece on the making of Swingers was fairly fascinating. Without a lot of things going right against major odds, we have no idea who Jon Favreau & Vince Vaughn are. Same with Peter Gibbons.

  2. Can you blow me where the Pampers is?

  3. Thanks, IMDB:

    Jeremy Piven contracted malaria during filming. He lost 8 pounds overnight. He passed out during filming of the scene at the bicentennial celebration. His weight loss is apparent between the beginning of the movie and the party scene in "the Pit".

  4. Where did they film the movie, Afghanistan?

  5. The man who prosecutors say fired the shot that killed Washington Redskins star Sean Taylor during a botched 2007 burglary was sentenced Thursday to more than 57 years in state prison.

  6. love starship troopers. can i show that to my kids yet?

  7. Everybody in Starship Troopers played it about 500% too serious. They got it more right in the sequels.

  8. The Swingers piece on Grantland is phenomenal. I love that movie--and love skinny Vince Vaughn as Double Down Trent.

    And...I am SO COLD. It's making me angry.
    When is winter over???

  9. If you read Mayhugh's 6:17pm comment in the Mayhugh voice, it's even funnier.

  10. Just read an article about a radio station in Minneapolis named The Current. It's an independent radio station that's deepl rooted in the music scene of the Twin Cities. Started 9 years ago today. Rob- you familiar with it?

  11. i am, mark. it's awesome - very eclectic and cool. i stream it online at work most days and always listen to it when i'm in minny. first place i ever heard brother ali and doomtree/dessa on the radio.

  12. Good to know. You should follow Atmosphere on Twitter. They'll put you on to all types of cool places in Minneapolis. Bars, restaurants, shows, etc. They're the flagship group for Rhymesayers Entertainment which is the label that houses Brother Ali, Doomtree, etc.

  13. if the words 'monkey torture' mean anything to you, you must read this oral history:

  14. I dated a girl in college who had the entire series of The State on DVD. She was a little nutty but a lot of fun.

  15. I have the entire series of The State on DVD. I'm a little nutty, too.

  16. Music of the Twin Cities -- Replacements? Husker Du? Soul Asylum? Prince? Dylan?

    Actually, now that I think about it, there's a lot of good music from Minnesota. Ya, sure, you betcha, donchaknow.

  17. It does have a pretty underrated music scene. Lots of good independent artists as well.

  18. Why are we learning about Minneapolis today?

    I am going to listen to The Current for the rest of the afternoon, but that's as far as it goes for me.

  19. Bob Mould and Craig Finn had the same guitar teacher in Minneapolis. Pretty crazy.

  20. soooo, the sochi olympics sure look like a good time, no?

  21. My secretary came into my office and issued a frighteningly angry rant about the imminent 3 cent increase in postage stamps. I suggested that she pay her bills online. That was NOT the right answer.

  22. How do people not pay bills online? The only I think I write a check for is the clean lady and we just fired her.

  23. Or buy the Forever stamps? Increases then don't matter.

    I think she was hitting on you.

  24. The only thing I write a check for is the dirty lady.

  25. TR, I don't mean to tell you how to handle your business, but the dirty lady sounds like she should be a straight cash money transaction, homie.

  26. I want to organize a flash mob in the main terminal of Grand Central with 100 people in Kiss costumes dancing to New York Groove. Is that weird?

  27. No weirder than paying the dirty lady with a check.

  28. Women don't want you to solve their problems Z. They just want you to listen and empathize. You'll do better next time.

  29. But I just want her out of my office. I don't want to listen. I don't want to empathize. I just want to finish my TPS report and go home.

  30. my daughter's in a local theater production. tonight is opening night. and they don't sell booze. this is an outrage.

  31. my wife and kids are watching "toys." totally surreal. LL Cool J.

    marls, you don't teach school in the afternoon! not sure why zman is talking about work at 6:05 on a friday. where is his union rep?

  32. And I didn't get any ATC2's today. They sold out. But zwoman got pizza and wings for dinner which is a bonus. Pregnancy cravings are dope when wings are involved.

  33. Mayhugh was paying attention during White Men Can't Jump.

    I'm moving tomorrow. The next 24 hours or so can't go by fast enough.

  34. local theater production vs. moving.

    tough call for which is a rougher friday night.

  35. the teej and i are taking a roadie to philly tomorrow, so one of you slackers needs to post something.

  36. Mark--do you have a guest house in the new place? I may be moving to FL. This cold weather is unbearable.

    And, is anyone watching the Knicks tonight? Melo is on pace to score 60+

  37. Carmelo has 56? That's not easy to do.

  38. Shlara- no guest house yet. We have a Florida room that's unoccupied. I really don't know how y'all handle the cold weather. It's been in the 50s all week here and I want to die. Also, I'm pretty soft.

  39. I handle the cold by growing back hair carrying around a few extra pounds and drinking too much. Ironically thats the way I handle hot weather too

  40. Chandler Parsons is going nuts tonight. Hit 10 3s in a row. He's so much better a pro than I thought he'd be. And I held a higher opinion of him than most.

  41. What the hell is wrong with you, Rob?

  42. I found some Salt & Vinegar Chicaronnes in 7-11 earlier tonight. Holy hell these are delicious.

  43. kids, mark. kids are wrong with me. stone sober hi gheorghies!

  44. very good pal of mine growing up hired as new AD at VaTech yesterday. inferiority complex grows.

  45. Yeah but does he have posting rights on a giant Romanian-inspired blog?
