Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gheorghe Will Change Your Life

I love apples. I eat at least one a day. You would think I would know how to eat them. You would be wrong. I've been eating apples incorrectly my entire life. And I bet you have, too.

Yesterday, I changed that. And now my days are 30% more appletastic.

Feel free to thank me in the comments below.


  1. Gross. I'm not eating the apple core.

  2. you don't even notice it. spit out a seed or two, that's it.

  3. tribe vs liberty this evening. big bounceback opportunity for the good guys.

  4. also, in a less important intra-commonwealth clash, vcu takes on uva tonight. my twitter feed is all jammed up with trash talk about that one. i may be following the wrong people.

  5. I also eat at least an apple a day. It's always a part of my breakfast. But I cut my apple into four parts. Because I'm a weirdo.

  6. I too quarter my apple and knife out the seeds and core once quartered. I wind up with much more apple than if I ate it the normal ("wrong" according to rob) way. How do ya like those apples?

    Past Dave would jam us all for talking about apples outside of the context of appling doors.

  7. Dave never appled those doors. John Fischel was caught red-handed. (Not red delicious.) Dave was exonerated after months of slanderous chatter about him throwing apples.

  8. added to my haul of free stuff won on twitter this morning - got a book entitled 'in meat we trust' headed my way. i'll send it to tr when i'm done with it.

  9. Green apple slices w/ peanut butter on it is the bomb.

  10. my kids like the apples. they have to have the skins peeled though. major pain in the ass, but i do it for 'em. it's just what i do.


  11. i would never waste an apple on something as trivial as throwing it at a fraternity brother's door.

    i too eat at least an apple a day, quartered. but i slather each slice in peanut butter. a lot of peanut butter.

    i don't understand how the core tastes different if you eat it from a different direction.

    my wife can peel an entire apple in one shot. i've never been able to do it.

  12. i hope we've exhausted the topic of apples.

  13. No mention of Apple Records, Apple Jacks, Apple Paltrow or Steve Jobs. For shame.

    Apple cores are still gross.

  14. Dave's kids seem like a pain in the ass. Probably not as bad as Apple Paltrow though.

  15. while it's a near certainty that Dave's kids are a pain in the ass, because all kids are, danimal is the one with today's high-maintenance issue.

  16. Tribe is gonna suck again this year. Moose out front shoulda' told ya.

  17. Danimal didn't mention Apple Blossom?
    Rob didn't mention Jimmy Apple?
    Mark didn't mention Apple TV?
    I didn't mention apple pie moonshine?

  18. Or the mets' home run apple.

  19. I have one child that demands I peel his apples. I do it, but I love him less for it.

  20. I have one child that demands I peel his apples. I do it, but I love him less for it.

  21. tribe wins by 12. thornton gets 23, omar gets 18 - 33 points in his first two collegiate games.

  22. Rob, who are you rooting for in VCU vs UVA?

  23. vcu. got a bunch of #caahoops friends from the olden days. plus the radio color guy for the rams is a fogtb.

  24. tribe plays at wichita state on thursday night. without a point guard, that's gonna be a tough ask.

  25. Florida is going to lose to Wisconsin tonight. I don't care though. The Gators are missing 4 players out of their top 9. 3 for the always obvious 'violation of team rules'. As a result, Florida has a walk-on and former manager playing major minutes tonight.

  26. Can the Magic draft Julius Randle now?

  27. I had a speaking engagement this evening - not a big deal, just a panel discussion taking questions from the audience. Afterwords someone came up to me to ask a question. I looked at her nametag and her last name was Kuntz. I started snickering and snorting and it took a good 6-9 seconds for me to pull it together. I didn't snarf any snots on her but it wasn't my politest moment.


  28. Joakim Noah with a night off and traveled up to Madison for the game. Sitting behind the Gator bench. That guy loves Florida Basketball.

  29. I'd imagine she's used to it, Z.

  30. Apple seeds have trace amounts of arsenic in them. Eating lots of apple seeds could make you extremely sick.Checkout Amanda

  31. I'm looking for Amanda Hugginkis...

    Hi Georghies.
