Tuesday, July 09, 2013

OBFT: The Wordle

The 20th Annual Outer Banks Fishing Trip is approaching, and if you've been on one of the previous nineteen trips, then you know what to expect. If you haven't been, but want an idea of what it's like (and this is ersatz at best) then check out the Wordle below. The important thing to remember is this: there is no fishing on the fishing trip. Two decades of this joke, and my parents still think it's amusing.

To create this Wordle, I plugged in my Sentence of Dave OBFT synopses, some Gheorghe posts that tangentially mention the trip, and a few of the pertinent e-mails. It is by no means the definitive Wordle on the OBFT, and I encourage you to make your own, but it turned out to be fairly accurate. 

I especially like the serendipitous sentence "Whitney needed mustaches."

Drink like a fish, fish like a drunk, and tackle box.


  1. My new boss described a local restaurant as "Off the chizz-ain!!" I think it's going to be ok here at the cracker factory.

  2. "demonstrated bed head" goes for everyone who still has hair . . .

  3. is that who gave us "goat fuck" z?

  4. "Dave riding Corn-hole" does not sound good.

  5. No, my previous boss was the goatfuck originator.

  6. ironically, i am actually going fishing on friday. a good friend from high school has a boat, and we're going out on the potomac river at dusk. as you might guess, i plan to drink a bunch and not cast a line.

  7. 'make lacy game' could be construed many different ways.

  8. lacy has always been game . . .

  9. this is quite the gif**:


    **it's merely coincidental i am posting this after back-to-back lacy comments

  10. Yes! Giant Jerry. 2nd biggest name. I'm happier about that than I should be.

    Also "Whitney Like Getting Wood"

  11. You could do a longitudinal study to see "night", "evening", and "Cliff" getting smaller over the years...

  12. usmnt vs belize in the gold cup opener for both teams. 8:00 on fox soccer.

    8:00...pst? oh, fuck right off, then.

  13. Every year I think, "I should go on the OBFT. It sounds like a really good time." But I've never gone. And this year is no different. Different business trip this time.

  14. it's cute that greg thinks clarence would let him and his trail of destruction visit a century-old house made of wood.

    mark, what time are you arriving?

  15. Did rob get smaller over time too? Longitudinally speaking.

  16. z and mark are gonna have the most awkward yet heartfelt manhug ever when they finally meet in person.

  17. We met a few months ago. A few tears were shed.

  18. i'm really sad to have missed that

  19. We met in NYC with Greg and Marls also present. It was pretty great. I wont be at OBFT. Feels weird for me to go as I'm a bit of an outsider.

    I think I could get over that feeling after a few drinks though.

  20. rob is getting larger in stature. His OBFT swagger-level has increased substantially over the years.

  21. speaking of nyc, i'll be there the night of 7/23. who wants to enjoy me?

  22. Am in vicinity of nyc at moment. Jersey City baby. Get some. Headin out to Lawng Ilin tomorra.

  23. Danimal, I have been know to be talked into a beer or 12 if you have some downtime. Just let me know.

  24. As for the 23rd, I'll be your huckleberry, Robert.

  25. Marls - thanks fella...our first meeting will have to wait yet a little longer. plus you should be drinking lots of water this week.

  26. unfortunately, i will not be your huckleberry 7/23, rob. i will be down in sea isle city. i will be your huckleberry some other time.

  27. also, i think my name would have been bigger in the wordle if i hadn't written most of the summaries of the obft.

    dave needs to start referring to himself in the third person in future obft summaries so he can dominate the longitudinal obft wordles. dave. dave. dave.

  28. Roberto, where in NYC will you be?

  29. have a work event in times square that ends at 8

  30. Hola Gheorghies. As Danimal indicated, my rosé intake so far this week is suboptimal. Having 5 glasses of h2o before bed.
